Oh no! He did NOT just say that!
Oh wait...
By now, most of you know that for many years I have not been a practicing Catholic. I do, however, consider myself quite Christian and more than spiritual.
I have gone to the annual Sts Edward and Isidore church rummage sale as time and circumstances would permit.
I kind of 'have' to, (I have always gotten really good deals). hehehe
My back is awful -and Casey is pretty sick, (She is OK, and I will fill you in later). Since this sale is a 6~hour event, and only once a year, we went anyway.
They (the church) had blocked off the handicap parking stalls. I was in no shape to walk any further than necessary, nor was Casey- And I had chosen to leave my cane at home (knowing there would be ample tables to lean on).
Knowing that it is illegal to block off handicap stalls, I parked 1/2 on the torn up lawn, and half in the stall- perpendicular to the way the stalls are set up. I must also metion that I was not the only vehicle that had done so.
(They had put 3 orange cones in the 3 stalls).
Lots of people outside, but nobody said a word as I hung the DIS tag up on my rear-view mirror and we walked in.
The church sale is in 2 parts.
The 1st four hours are for regular business- The final 2 hours are the $3.00/bagful. You check out between the sales.
While carrying things out to the car from part one, one man (my age) came up and told me that I couldn't park there. He had a real badass attitude about it, (when I have moo~koo pain, I am not the right person to "tell" anything to).
I said, calmly, "But you blocked off the handicap stalls."
He replied, louder this time, "You have to move your car or leave. You can't park here."
I opined that it was illegal to blocked off these stalls in the first place, and then mentioned that I would think state law would trump his little orange church cones.
Mad as heck at my calm replies, he went on to holler something else... (I do not know what he said as I was way past listening to the ranting person).
So I just told him "Well, call it in to the sheriffs dept. then" -as I walked back into the sale.
Casey, still behind me, suffered the worst of his wrath.
He demanded to know what "f***ing" law I was referring to. She simply replied for him to 'please take it up with my mom.'
He chose not to, and continued to holler at her- She came in near to tears and related the conversation to me.
Spying an old friend of my moms, I went to the Mrs. and told her what had happened. Another lady overheard and suggested we speak to Father Dave about it.
There he was, across the room. The 2 nice ladies walked over with us.
After filling him in, he looked us both straight in the face, and said, "Maybe if you are so handicapped, then you shouldn't be out shopping."
I kid you not. He was dead serious. (This is the same priest that, 23 years ago, had refused to baptize Casey because I was not married to her father).
I would have left then and there. (I think that might have been his angle anyway). But I would not be giving him that satisfaction.
My question is this.
- Does state law trump this?
- What would you have said?
To the guy? To the priest? To Casey?
As soon as I realized he was serious, I smiled, (smugly then). We simply turned and walked away.
They have the nerve to wonder why I don't grace them with my presence?!
well the nerve! I do believe that you are right, there is a law and I am thinking it is a federal one. there must be so many handicapped parking spots available to the public, not sure of the number. I would have ignored the man hollering at you out in the parking lot and would have talked with the priest like you did, however when he made that statement and said then maybe you shouldn't be out shopping......I would have said "EXCUSE ME?" What, like disabled or handicapped people don't need to shop like everyone else? Who is going to do the shopping for them, you as the priest of this community? What a bad man of the cloth. As for Casey, she already knows your disabilities and now she sees firsthand how people out there, even men or women of religion just don't give a damn. Sad story! So sorry you had to deal with that kind of behavior.
ReplyDeleteI am not a religious person really Anne but I would have loved to be there to back you and Casey up, John 2:13-17 perhaps the stall should have been at a more accessible place, perhaps on a Tennis Court. I am not one to let some one just walk over anyone at all, someone with balls should have been there for you both. Perhaps Father Dave should remember his place in the world Matthew 25:43 I will leave you with no uncertainty that I find the Catholic Church for one and religions of all creeds and doctrines of 99% of religions unpleasant to deal with. Sorry how you both were treated
ReplyDeletePark at the front door next time Anne :-)
ReplyDeleteYes. They are obligated to provide equal access. Otherwise they are discrimnating against the handicapped.
ReplyDeleteThe guy part one? You answered just fine to take it up with the sheriff.
The guy part two "excuse me, do you worship God with that mouth?"
The guy part three. "You have to discuss it with my mother who is the driver of the car, the one who owns the placard, and the one who is driving."
the priest "I am sorry, can you please show me in the bible where god said that compassion was not for the handicapped? In fact I am pretty sure that he was the one who was advocating that we take care of those less fortunate. I am also very certain that God would not condone your worker's foul mouth and your lack of compassion for that either..."
To Casey? Just remind her that people like that are not worth the effort to listen to much less to cry over.
Unfortuantely, none of those people will learn anything from the above..... that church has decided that it is above god and so can do as they please regardless of HIS will. Casey will continue to be a caring and thoughtful person who will continue to be hurt by jerks.
I would have moved the orange cones and just parked correctly in the spot.....
I would have moved the cones..parked correctly...and once inside called local law enforcement about the illegal blocking of handicap parking spaces(which I would have taken pictures of and sent into the local newspaper with a nice little note about the whole incident)..and the guy with the verbal abuse would have been left to deal with the cops. The Priest ..needs to read up on the ADA rules..and needs to go back to semminary to re-learn why he is there in the first place.
ReplyDeletePeople who let there position and religion go to their heads need a swift kick in the backside.
Sorry ya'll had to go thru this with these numbskulls. Hope you found some good deals and that after that the rest of your day went better.
Aw. You don't have to apologize for the likes of either of these human beings.
ReplyDeleteIt is just that I was completely dumbfounded Sweetie- (Though I did remind hi that we were spending money at his church).
He did admit that *if* the guy had used *that sort of language* then he was out of line. This just before we'd walked away. Remembering my place- and the fact that my parents are buried not 50 yards from where I stood, I know that my mouth opened, and then closed more than once.
Between us all, I don't really consider rummaging as shopping. Though yes, it is.
And you are right too, no matter what for, I do need to shop from time to time. Perhaps the next time I need something, I shall just call for the priest.
Too often for one lifetime, Casey and I have seen how rude people can be. Mostly due to her illness, and with that came the loss of a 'close' friend of hers also.
I just did not expect to be treated like that in a church. ANY church.
ReplyDeleteMr Lester-
You made me laugh with the tennis court!!!!
Know that I do usually have the backbone to stand up to the likes of idiots. I do believe I was caught off guard with this is.
They had chosen to block off these spots because of their proximity to the back door. The back door is where the people entered and exited. Some even backed their cars up to pick stuff up. Even for them, there was more than enough room for all.
You are correct. It was unpleasant to say the least.
For those that are not familiar with the above referenced biblical quotes-
ReplyDeleteJohn 2:13-17 (New International Version)
When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover, Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
In the temple courts he found men selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at tables exchanging money.
So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple area, both sheep and cattle; he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables.
To those who sold doves he said, "Get these out of here! How dare you turn my Father's house into a market!"
His disciples remembered that it is written: "Zeal for your house will consume me."
Matthew 25:43 (New International Version)
I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.'
Thank you kindly for those reminders Mr. Lester.
ReplyDeleteYou're sassy.
(I like that).
Sweet Pea;
ReplyDeleteI am thinking that next year I will be parking at the front door with yourself and Mr. Lester on tow.
Casey did tell him to take it up with me.
Who goes after a kid after the parent walks away? What a malignant person he was!
You have reminded me that I have not heard of Sts Edw and Isidore contributing to our local community- although I can name off a few times that they have asked for a donation or 2. Mostly they brag about sending parishioners to Mexico, South America, or Farica.
Casey was understandably upset, and I should have grabbed her by the shirt as I turned to walk back inside.
Hindsight was also quite well defined as we got back here and she said that we should have replied to the priest that if the handicapped/disabled shouldn't go anywhere then we should not be in his church either.
You are so right about the church deciding they are above god. Why is that?
My parents taught me more humility that the church ever did.
Oh why did the thought of simply moving the cones never come to me?
She IS a good person, and that 'jerk' hurt her deeply. The priest did nothing to comfort that for her.
ReplyDeleteCasey had a DIS tag- hers expired last December-
Sweet Denise;
ReplyDeleteAgain, I canNOT believe the thought of moving the cones did not occur to me.
Then again I could not have parked correctly even if I did because of the other cars that were already parked there.
I also cannot believe that I did not have my camera with me?!? That is so out of character for me.
I wish I did because maybe the guy could have been taped. The priest too.
I could have sent those little tapes to the paper as you suggested, and to the bishop too. hehehe
This church, and too many in the community, are very 'clique-ish' .
If you are not a paying parishioner then you are somehow devalued as a human person.
That should never be!
We did find some deals! Some real good ones too! And even with the saga unfolding, I am happy we went.
Sometimes ppl disgust me. And particularly that priest !! I totally agree with everything Deanne said.
ReplyDeleteAnd not to wonder why I left my Catholicism @ home w/ my parents @ age 18.
From my email...
ReplyDelete"... All I know is that Judy was at that same church a week or so ago and came back saying that he was the worst priest and worst service she’d attended. Their commercials say that they want us all to ‘come home’.. well if that’s what we are supposed to come home to, forget it. What a total stupid remark he made to you. Kinda wish I had been there…"
Thank you!
I probably would have responded "so youre a priest? hmmmmmm between priest like you and the rest child molesters, no wonder I left the faith!" but I'm a bitch.....lmao so dunno.......they were totally out of line, I'm glad you stayed..
ReplyDeleteI agree totally ...
ReplyDeleteHi Mommy,
ReplyDeleteWhat an awful experience that was... Truly appalling... Not only were they in violation of federal and state laws, but they had the audacity to yell at YOU for it!! WAH! The nerve...
I did happen to say something to the guy who came up swearing about not knowing what law you were talking about. I looked at him and said, "The Federal Handicapped Law, we are BOTH handicapped"... He scoffed and continued to yell at me more... I didn't know what to do... It's like my fight/flight response kicked in (he was mad enough that I'm sure if he was not on church grounds he would've wanted to start a fight). All I could think about was getting away from him FAST and getting back to you...
I also couldn't believe that when we told "Father" Dave about it, that he said smugly, "I already know"... And then when you asked him how he knew, he implied that he was like God and knew everything!!! That's GOT to be a major error to make that comparison.
Then to say that this "maybe wasn't the best place for us"... The church??? REALLY??? He surely was quite prejudiced against the handicapped... I wonder if he'd tell the Pope to step down because of his ailments...
All the while he had his hand on my back right where my kidneys are and pushing, HARD, to get me to walk away from him... UGH! This part REALLY got me pissed... (My mind had more than a few thoughts about this action: "Get your judgmental, filthy hands OFF ME!"... Like you said, I'm glad those thoughts didn't escape my mouth...) He knows at this point that I've had surgeries and now he's trying to physically shove me out of his way??? There are NO words for people like these... Absolutely none...
At least the first two ladies that we told the story to were upset by it. Otherwise, I would've wondered if we were the only ones that thought this was absolutely wrong! It seems we aren't, as even the ones we told after the fact were upset by it, and I can tell from the comments above that no one would've approved of this...
Very despicable... Even more-so because it was done on CHURCH GROUNDS!!!
I wasn't even thinking, I have a camera on my phone!! I could've taken pictures of the guy yelling at me, the cones blocking the handicapped parking, and the couple other vehicles that were there as well... I didn't see him trying to hunt down those owners and swear at them... Then again, he was probably looking for their children so he didn't have to pick on someone his own size...
I was MIGHTY glad that you were there!! Had this happened with me alone, I would've obeyed the flight response and left immediately... I am getting a better backbone, though... The frail "me" wouldn't have even addressed him regarding that law, but still backed down when I told him to take it up with you... So I'm making some progress at least :D
On a happier note:
Love you MUCH MUCH!
A few funny, and rather applicable, cartoons for you all:
Sweet Bug
ReplyDeletePrecisely right - I tried to do the 'right thing' by my girls, until Father Dave decided he would not baptize Casey.
Shortly thereafter, we bought the house on Jaworski Road in Pulaski. (BVM in Pulaski wanted small fortunes for each of the girls to attend CCD, so I just didn;t send them). The bad taste left in my mouth from the bap"dismal" experience was still there...
Before that, the girls attended CCD at Nativity Church about a block away from the apartment that we had.
We also walked to church when we could.
Yes, I am still disgusted too.
ReplyDeleteSweet Pamela;
I think I was in shock.
And there are not too many times that I am left without something to say (whether appropriate or germane to the conversation at hand does not matter sometimes). hehehe
PS Please talk to my ex. He will tell you what a bitch I am too. ;-)
As do I Sweet Carolyn. As do I.
ReplyDeleteMostly I am still mad at the "i-dot" that reamed Casey out...
That basty nastard.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'd left my weapon of choice at home! Still upset about that- (And god knows I could have used it in more ways than one yesterday). hehehe Now I am thinking about the damage the 3 pointy ends of Pa's cane might have done to the sunless part of his derriere.
Mama D.
FYI, this "WAH!" cracked me up!
ReplyDeleteHe is not god.
But he is s'posed to be a messenger or something like that.
He only 'knew' because that other dork knew he'd done wrong and had to get his story to fr dave first.
Nothing divine about that.
I didn't care if I was first, last, or any place in between. I erroneously thought Davie~Baby would have done something positive to make us feel better, not worse
As I am thinking the pope should step down for other reasons...
ReplyDeleteDirty rotten Basty Nastard comes to mind...
ReplyDeleteNot sure of the 2nd ones name, but Mrs Maki will be getting a thank you call from me tomorrow.
(That is a happier note)!
ReplyDeleteKnow that you do not need me, or my mouth, to be fighting or flighting. You are more than intelligent all by yourself! Much moreso than I will ever hope to be.
I don't think that is a word I would ever have used to describe you! Not even at your medically worst.
ReplyDeleteThank you too, for reminding us to smile.
ReplyDeleteWhy is it that unless you are OBVIOUSLY handicapped, people feel they have the right to judge ones physical limitations?
yup. Should have had the cane.
This now, from Aunt Marlene in my email...
Give me a sense of humor, Lord, Give me the grace to see a joke, To get some humor out of life, And pass it on to other folk!
A father was approached by his small son who told him proudly, "I know what the Bible means!" His father smiled and replied, "What do you mean, you 'know' what the Bible means?"The son replied, "I do know!""Okay," said his father.. "What does the Bible mean?" "That's easy, Daddy...." the young boy replied excitedly," It stands for 'Basic Information Before Leaving Earth.'"=======There was a very gracious lady who was mailing an old family Bible to her brother in another part of the country."Is there anything breakable in here?" asked the postal clerk."Only the Ten Commandments." answered the lady.========Somebody has said there are only two kinds of people in the world. There are those who wake up in the morning and say, "Good morning, Lord," and there are those who wake up in the morning and say, "Good Lord, it's morning."<br style="color: rgb(0, 51, 0)
HAHAHAHAHA!!!! That would've been quite the spectacle!! Handicapped or not, they picked the WRONG family to mess with...
ReplyDelete"Big mistake... BIG, big mistake"...
HAHA! It was the only interjection that I felt was appropriate there! :D
ReplyDeleteThat's right... This is what people do when they KNOW they are going to be in trouble... Run home and tell Daddy your version of the story before he finds out the truth... And of course, Daddy Dearest didn't have the balls to stick up for someone whom he feels is a "disgrace"... At least that's how I felt he thought about us by his words and actions...
ReplyDeleteGeesh, what is wrong with us? How dare we expect a PRIEST to do something remotely Christian for a person in need....
ReplyDeleteWell said...
ReplyDeleteI wanted to punch both him and the guy outside...
... And lead us NOT into temptation...
I decided it best if I didn't commit assault on the church grounds... :)
Silly mommy, YOU are MUCH wiser than I am... I have much to learn from you!
ReplyDeleteI don't need you for that, want is a much better word!! There is power in numbers.
ReplyDeleteWhen I know that I've got someone as strong and intelligent as you fighting in my corner, I tend to be a bit braver as I know I'm protected... When you're there, fighting is the way to go (with words and intellect of course)...
However, when it's just me, I tend to flee... Once in a while I think of great defenses and can hold my own, but most of the time those perfect comebacks come to mind well after I'm away from the conflict...
I'm a BIG conflict avoider... If I find any way to stop a fight, or not start it to begin with, I take that route... Mainly because of my empathic abilities and when there's a fight, I'm picking up on EVERYONE'S anger/hostility/disappointment/etc... Not a great feeling... It gets overwhelming...
Speaking of being empathic, the guy who was yelling and swearing out front at me was shooting of some MAJOR red flags in that department. Usually if I don't know someone, I have to be close in proximity to them to pick up any mean~natured vibes. However, standing over 20 feet away from me, I was still OVERCOME with some very bad vibes... This overpowering sense of something evil just brought me to tears... Not a good man at all...
Anywho, I best be getting to bed now... Feeling quite tired and ragged... I'll see you tomorrow!
Love you MUCH MUCH!