Good Morning All;
Karma is generally uniquely defined as 'what comes around, goes around.' (True definition below).
I am so happy to report that sometimes to our disapproval, karma takes its good old~fashioned time getting around.
Sometimes it doesn't happen until we are gone. Sometimes it never does.
Randall Staevens was sentenced to life plus 36.5 years in prison Wednesday for killing his wife and trying to burn down her house with three of their children inside. (Click on 'murder' in my tags if you are unfamiliar with this case- too close for comfort). The best quote came from the judge. "Mr. Staeven, the offenses that you have been found guilty of in this matter are some of the most grave, malicious, hatefully and shockingly heinous that has ever been in this court"
Personally I am thrilled beyond words. A part of my spirit is not only relieved, but comforted- knowing that "LIFE + 36 Years" means something good for those of us who knew this piece~of~shit person; and especially for his children- (Any children who may have been around him, or somehow affected by him).
Not too much other news-
Hope all is well in your corners of the world!
My love to all.
Staevens picture from here
1. (Non-Christian Religions / Hinduism) Hinduism Buddhism the principle of retributive justice determining a person's state of life and the state of his reincarnations as the effect of his past deeds
2. (Christian Religious Writings / Theology) Theosophy the doctrine of inevitable consequence
3. destiny or fate