Subtitled: "Dirty deeds done under the cover of darkness."
OR... "Things that go bump in the night"
Good Morning All;
I don't sleep- well, or often- but when I do, it is almost like my own little piece of paradise.
Under the blankets and the homemade quilt- the weight of warmth.
Personally, I do not care for the lightweight fluffy comforters of today. And am happy to save those bits and pieces of such for the cat or the dog. After sewing up the edges I can place them around to be found (usually by Sputty)- and soon there is a snuggled cat somewhere within the confines of my little farmhouse.
Last night I did not sleep early- I had napped a bit after Casey left, (after spending her entire day here)! When I woke, I was quite wide-eyed and bushy tailed.
Such is life.
It is dark- quiet then- even with the window opened a crack- even with the fan running over the stove.
If I have the heat on, it is also warm.
Lately I have been using an old piece of Green Bay Packer material for a lap cover. it keeps my legs and feet toasty warm when Punk and Sputty are dreaming, lying elsewhere. It is good enough for me during this (knock on wood) 'warm' winter as I read on and on -from links -and thoughts- that are searched for, then researched on(ward).
Looking forward, with that glass being half full, I was reading about the Spring equinox, and waiting for another page to open about the Fat Witch Brownie Book. (Note: she cooks- she does not eat little girls in small brown uniforms). hehehe
Of a sudden, out of the corner of my eye, and a split second before my head turned- I see a great black fleeting image- The cat, very much outstretched like a flying squirrel, taking sail off the chair through the dining room, and into the dark confines of the kitchen.
I heard nothing, even as he landed on the old rug between the kitchen and the living rooms.
I waited to hear anything...
Comes a memory of the night before- as I'd been woken with a very loud 'bang' and a 'crack'... Later inspection would prove this to be the linen scented candle I had just bought- still in the bag from the store. A 'new' fragrance I had been eager to try in here- A light enough scent that I had thought might mix well with the patchoulli and the sage, (and of course, the dog). hehehe
Damned cat. As he'd pushed the bag off the table, it had left little hope that I would ever find out if it would have mixed as nicely as I'd imagined...
As that thought passed, I was quickly reminded that there was something in the kitchen that I, quite probably did not wish to deal with at that point in time-
I waited. And I waited more- for anything to come of my aerobatic cat.
A moment later I heard a low gutteral growl... The sound that only comes from a feline as it protects its food.
Then nothing once more- save for that interminable 'wait'...
Confirmation came quick as he silently strode back into the room with a mouthful of mouse. A medium-size interloper that, I imagine, had been on its way to seek out the new bag of cat food that I had lain on the chair in the kitchen. Rarely am I able to put everything away form a shopping trip- I put the necessary things into the fridge/freezer, and the rest will be put away when I am able to do so.
There ARE worse things. (Hmmm... -I think).
Almost as soon as Mr. Sputnik had shown me his pride, it leapt from his mouth- and again my cat began twisting- soaring, to retrieve it.
I had no capabilities at that moment to participate in the chase. My back being just about as painful as it can get...
And yes, it is a story that has been told by me many times previous. Still, I have not seen a mouse in 3 months. This, thanks to Sputty, (or maybe thanks to the fact that none have been 'in' either.
Then again, I have not seen last night's mouse either...
I am unaware if the damned cat ate it, or lost it. My day is planned in advance to see if he has, or not.
As for Sput, he is asleep on the couch.
Punk will gladly help me- Her nose being one of my greatest assets. My airborne cat will not help further.
Off I go now- Going to be a LONG creepy day- one of which my nerves are not quite ready for.
I shall try to put away things in their proper places- Perhaps even I will find a dead medium-sized mouse that has crawled under 'something' in a last ditch effort to hide from its predator...
Ugh. Maybe I will even vacuum up the leftovers, if indeed there are any.
At this rate, I will never be able to get my house into shape to $ell it.
For now though, it is warm enough- And as I wait for my little pills to kick in, I will try to go take a few peeks around as I remove my rugs and toss them outside to be shaken off.
My love to all. May you have a 'wunnaful' day!