Please get him plenty of things to chew on for about the next year. Their little teeth are growing almost as fast as they are, and the mouth of a dog changes exponentially with both his body and souls' growth.
Puppies, like small children, learn and retain everything- (If you do not want your dog to snarl, then it is not cute when he does it the 1st, 2nd, or 10th times). It is appropriate though, to love him even when he makes a boo-boo- (or a doo-doo)- He is not trying to piss you off, he is only doing what he must do.
Please have your new little guy vet checked ASAP. You can usually make an appointment for this even the same day, or the next. If you are asked to wait even a few days, your vet is clearly too busy to care. Change vets- Find one that not only can remember you, but that can possibly even remember your pet. A big vet clinic is as bad as a big hospital to us; (and your new little puppy has already informed me that he, like you, does not care to be reduced to a simple patient number).
Your new little arrival has already been dewormed 6 times. I have done this every Sunday since they were 2 weeks old. Even so, you should bring a fresh stool sample to your vet to his 1st visit. Although a bit spendy, the vet may offer you a pill to give your dog each month to combat these worms. These pills also combat heartworms, and so cost should not be an issue if you want your pup to live a long and healthy life.
Sadness, tears and cries are to be expected for the 1st week or so. -They are only missing me- (or maybe their Mama and their siblings)?
Note: There is nothing wrong with taking your dog to bed with you, and having him feel loved and protected. His mother has done this for his whole life, and to do anything less is to create fear in your little one. In doing this, however, you may find a little wet spot in your bed. If you are allergic to puppy pee or poo, you should probably should have gotten a 2 year old, fully trained, and housebroken dog.
*** Even "housebroken" dogs will have accidents from time to time- Please take into consideration their diets and their health before ever disciplining your dog for these episodes; (most especially a puppy).
Chewing is what they HAVE to do... Please get them plenty of chew toys. Never buy them cute chew toys shaped like your shoes, boots, or any other household things you wish to keep in one piece. Dogs are color-blind; (and especially a new puppy simply cannot tell the difference between the right stuff to chew on, your favorite slippers or a family heirloom).
Your little one has been on red cedar shavings since the very 1st day of his life. Buying a big bag at Walmart or Petco will remind him of his home here. This will also help in making him feel cared for and safe.
Love your dog. Cuddle your dog. Be happy, and he will be too. I can almost promise you that there will be plenty of times in the coming months that you will question your sanity in the decision to take this little one home and to allow him to be part of your family. Be patient, and he will be a wonderful addition to your family. Be impatient and you will only end up with an impatient angry animal on your hands.
Housebreaking works best in a small cage- although all of these pups are already trying not to pee/poo in their kennel until I let them out. This said, you should not have too many trials to this end; but I cannot offer any promises either. Take your pup out almost every hour- and wait patiently for him to "go" both pee and poo. You will quickly 'learn' his schedule this way- He does not have to poo each time, but needs to be given enough time to go back to the place that he usually does his duty. Like the mailman, this needs to be done in rain, snow, sleet or dark of night. Your dog will be housebroken shortly. These walks not only develop his leash training skills, but also allow him to get to know you, your love, your dedication to him, and your patience... (See above paragraph)...
In the highly unlikely event that you cannot properly care for your new little one, First Right of Refusal reverts back to me. I will find your dog another quality home. No refunds, (with the exception that your vet has found something critically wrong with this pup at his aforementioned first visit). If your pup has cloudy eyes, it is only a short term side effect of his 1st immunization- (copied below for your records). This does not create any damage- it is only a side-effect. This immunization will need to be repeated , and by the time your little one is 16 weeks old, he should be fully protected by these booster shots. (To save a few dollars, please get these shots at Fleet Farm- in the refirgerated section for the animals- Be sure it is labeled "for canine use only", and follow the directions carefully). If you would like, you can always purchase these immunizations, and bring your dog here. I will administer the shot if you do not care to. Only your vet can give rabies and boosters of rabies. (These must be recorded at the State level- should your dog ever bite anyone- If you do not do this, and he bites someone, your dog will be put to death, decapitated; and his head will be sent to Madison). Please keep careful records of any vet visits, and/or training experiences. In the event of your own death, his next owners will want to know this all.
By the way, did I mention that Puppies CHEW EVERYTHING???
Questions or visits?-- Please call me anytime...
Originally posted to my Y! 360, Thursday May 18, 2006 - 12:43am (CDT)