- ADOPTED- & Doubly Blessed- Ain't I Lucky?
October 9, 2006 -
Good Morning Friends- (Romans? Countrymen)??? Lend me your ears!
(OK, yeah, that was bit too far back to civics- -even for me)...
Today is my 2nd birthday of the year! How about that? Today we always celebrated the day that I 'came home' to the farm... Having finally been placed in a home for possible adoption- (And no more floating around Milwaukee and the Fox Cities for me)!
Gee, the thought occurs to me that nobody wanted little old me... ???
...Aw crap, with that comes an awful reality: They DO say "the more things change, the more they stay the same" ---
!!!! ...and I'm SO not going there- ...(At least I am going to try not to think about THAT one)!
Ultimately I WAS adopted- But having children of my own, I cannot imagine the 1st year that I was placed here; and the fear that ran rampant in mom and dads' hearts- You never know if an adoption will 'go through' until after that 1st year... And so they waited, and loved me anyway! I do not know if I would be that strong, facing the possibility of having to return a child to another. (I am thinking that having just lost my stepdaughter, even death would be comparable to a birthmother ultimately NOT signing away her parental rights after all that time). Had Donna changed her mind, I would have only been a memory to my parents...
I have touched on this subject before- and for clarification here goes nothing... I have done my adoption search, and am so very pleased to have done so. My birthparents are each wonderful people in their own right; and credit where credit is due, I owe them my life for giving me mine! But then there is Mom and Dad- and my sister Mary too. (And those of you who know me know what a odd bunch of people we were to be thrown together)! Yet, this is my family. These are the people who raised me, kissed my boo-boos, spanked my butt, and tried to teach us right from wrong- Being children, (of the 60's and 70's), we didn't always listen as we should have- But I think that has gone on long before our time, and will continue forever too... Yet again, they loved us anyway.
Now as far as my birthparents go... I am happy enough to know that they loved me enough to trust me to another. I cannot share their own fears for having to even decide to give a child up for adoption; especially since I have raised my four daughters virtually alone. (Yet too, I had those children when it was more acceptable to be a parent raising children alone). My birthparents loved me then, and they love me now... How much more fulfilling can it get?! And as my blog title says: "Ain't I lucky?!?!"
...A special note to the smart-a**es in my little crowd here (and you KNOW full well who you are!)... ...this 2nd Birthday thing does NOT make me 96)!
Such a quiet weekend- and yet, busy enough too- Have been nursing this head of mine along since late Friday afternoon- another of those on again/off again miserable migraines- and wish that they would go away forever... I took the darned Maxalt- (it makes me feel as though I drank a zillion cups of coffee- yuck)- But it did make it lessen for a while. I am now quite gun-shy about taking anything; even if it is prescribed, but did not care to be barfing all weekend either. And took more than a few rests too- Didn't always fall asleep, but at least I can go to my darkend room and rest a while...
Yes, my little Casey has been 'segmentectomized', but is quickly returning to being "herself" (OK, everybody say a Big "YAY")!!!! With each phone call yesterday, EVERY person that she spoke to commented exactly the same!!!!
She is still more than a bit weak, but sure is up and about now too! Years ago, these partial lung removals would put a body down for a long time--- but no more! All of us should be very thankful that it has finally dawned on the medical profession that "up and about" (not to mention OUT of the freakin' hospital) is the only way to go!
Roberta took Casey to finally go pick up her car- It had been sitting in St Marys parking lot since a week ago Friday when she had been hospitalized- The next day she was 'ambulanced' over to St. Vincents, but her car had stayed behind...
Happy that it is out of there too- There is a somewhat seedy apartment complex next to the hospital there- and I am glad the "characters" that live there have left it alone! (Thank you, "Characters").
Kelli and Tim did come yesterday- and made a bunch more progress on my entrance roof before they ran out of nails. (Insert "haha")- Whoever heard of a carpenter running out of nails!?!? But I never even heard the pounding- being fast asleep in my bed at that point... (I only do that when my head is threatening to kill me, or make me postal)....
Enough of this for now- I am sitting back here with my sunglasses on, (my head being so nasty), and want to read a few more of your own blogs and then maybe get a little nap in- (Not fair, how come I just cannot sleep straight thru?- this 3 +/- hours every now and then just isn't right)...
...And no, I will not take sleeping pills... My doctor had given me that Ambien to try- but I won't take it after reading all about it (and the many MORE absolute horror stories there)... Plus, it didn't work for me, so why take something that wasn't doing me any good in the 1st place? (Wouldn't that fall into the 'duh' category)?
I hope everyone, (again, NORTH of that Mason-Dixon Line) had a chance to get out and enjoy this beautiful fall weekend- there aren't too many of them left in Mother Nature like this one...
Now you will have to tell me all about your weekend(s)! Go ahead, you can do it, hit that comment button, and start talkin'!!!!
AnnePS- The picture above- Our Harvest Moon-rise... (as seen through my dying flower bed)!
ADOPTED- & Doubly Blessed- Ain't I Lucky?
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