[My] Life in Wisconsin

Casey Very Ill-

Hi all;
I must apologize for my virtual absence. 
I do have a very good excuse, but will get to that tomorrow. Maybe.
In the meantime, and as always, know that each visit, letter, note, and message were/are greatly appreciated. 

I am OK as I await some test results for autoimmune disease(s). .

Casey had to drive Greg down to Appleton last night. His dad is a dentist and that is where his practice is. Greg has had a few problems with his teeth, and needed a 2nd extraction. Kind of a rough one for him- He hadn't wanted to take his pain killers, and having had that previous extraction some 3 weeks ago, thought he wouldn't need them... However, this one was worse, all the way around- With Casey driving he could take some as soon as he was capable of doing so afterwards- 
By the time they got back to Green Bay he was loopy, but Casey was in extreme pain. This time not only with her right flank pain, but with her back seizing up on her as well- She waited for it to pass. 
After 2 hours to realize it was not going to get better anytime soon, she drove herself to the hospital. 
By 3 she was admitted.
Greg brought her 'hospital stuff' but had to go back home.
I am on my way shortly to begin the worry all over again.

I am just sickened- She has been sick- and pained for some time now.
She has a nasty infection somewhere- Her white blood cells are "sky high" And to remember she has no spleen. 
Among other things, the CAT Scan they did showed "many lesions" on her liver.
I do not know the definition of "many". 

They are thinking to do a biopsy... And perhaps many other things.
Jocko (ER doc) did not have a worried look on his face. He had a very 'scared' look.

Please keep her in your hearts?  My love to all. And always.
Will know more--- later?

Would those of you that know people that would want to know about this please let them know for me? 
