From my email...
Get over yourselves, these are great-
On a personal level I could care less; save for where his wife and daughters are concerned-
When they are brought into this equation, this becomes very sick, very fast.
From here: "Clearly Favre is not going to leave the game gracefully and with fans feeling good about him. Maybe he has nothing else going for him in life except the lucky ability to play pro football? You can see how that could be scary."
Re: Jan Sterger
"The former Jet sideline hostess shot to fame in August when she accused Favre of propositioning her.
Sterger said Favre sent her lewd photos and inappropriate text messages when he quarterbacked the Jets in 2008.
Read more here.
Though I still haven't seen the broken ankle spoofs and cartoons, I did read this here:
“I'm not going to rule him out. If he's out, somebody has to step up. But unless they cut his leg off, it's going to be hard to keep him off the field."
- Vikings defensive tackle Kevin Williams on QB Brett Favre potentially not playing Sunday.
For those of you who do not follow football or the latest gossip, I found this article.
NFL Rakes in Money While Sitting on Favre Issue...
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
New York -
Roger Goodell, who was busy counting his money, said that he was happy he sat on the Favre issue until after the Vikings played the Packers because of how much money the NFL made off the game... Click to read more- please read to the bottom.
Whether or not he actually cheated on Ms Deanna remains to be told. From the NFL comes this article: "Amid accusations, Deanna Favre relies on faith, outward focus"
I might easily add that Green Bay has the BEST fans in the entire NFL!
Whoo-Hoo! Go Pack!
From comes this quote: "One thing that is notable is this: it turns out that Brett watched last year's Super Bowl at home in Mississippi. He didn't watch it alone, however.
According to one source, he watched the Saints miraculously defeat the Colts in the company of one special guest: Tiger Woods.
I wonder what those guys talked about?"
I wonder too...
top picture from here