[My] Life in Wisconsin

One Lion. Two Simpletons.

Casey at the hospital yesterday...

Good Morning Everyone;
March came in like a lion for me.

As many of you (on Multiply) already know, Casey spent yesterday at the hospital.

She had called about midnight on Saturday night- Definitely not feeling too well. I had some of her meds out here, but she said she wanted to try to rest a bit.
(Didn't happen for either of us).
She drove out here- restless, in pain, a bit bruised and swollen.
(Her tummy, at the bottom of her incision under her navel).

After calling the clinic here, and then touching base with her own transplant team in Minnesota, we were told to go to the local hospital. They were quite concerned with the bruising.

Long story short, we are still not too sure what is going on... She is OK. Some of her lab tests revealed higher readings, but still within the normal range (for normal people anyway).
The ER doc wants her to be seen back in Minnesota ASAP.
(He said "this week"- and absolutely not to wait till her followup on April 1st). 
Casey has a call in to MN. They will be calling to schedule that visit.

I do get a kick out of these doctors~ They ALL want to hear about her surgery. Even the nurses came in while we related it all.
Not to mention what the CAT Scan radiologist must have thought when he saw (or better, DIDN'T see) as he 'read' her results back to the doctor.  

The fact is that no one around these parts really knows too much about her transplant, so
I suppose it should be no huge surprise to be referred back there.

Everyone at the hospital has been so nice too.

Well almost everyone...

As many of you know I do not have much patience with idiotic (read "stupid") people.  
Never had it, never will.

Suffice to say that I might have been asked by the triage nurse who shall remain anonymous if I wanted to her to call security.
And I might have told her to do just that.
Bring it, Baby!

Long(er) story short, nurse "Kris" did get removed from triage almost immediately and relegated to doing computer work in a cubicle in the ER. hehehe

  • Mess with me? Fine.
  • Mess with my kids and I promise that you do not stand a chance.

After we got back here, Greg drove out for a bit, bringing along the rest of her meds so she could stay here overnight. Her car is here, and she cannot drive after being treated twice again with the dilaudid.
I napped soon as he left- He had to come out a second time to bring additional meds, but I slept right through that visit.
(Thank God for Greg)!

Casey came downstairs once last night; about 10:30-
I was making a pot of Leek Soup.

Leek Soup
And it WILL cure whatever ails you.

I'd set the whole pot out to the garage to cool off last night, and then promptly went back to sleep.
As I slept, the temps dropped to about 6 below zero.
Almost needless to say, the soup is in the oven, thawing. hehehe

I received a very cool email (2 of them in fact) from William yesterday.
Rumor has it that they got snow in Prattville, Alabama!

Prattville is near Montgomery...

This snow is a once in a decade delivery for them.
I am tickled pink for Little Lawrence!
He sent pictures.
Those emails are the best ever!!!

Thank you William!!!!
I'd better close-
Have dishes to do from that middle of the night cooking I did.
But before I do, I need to ask...

What is the best response to a stranger, in all seriousness, calling you 'stupid'- with the nerve to say "my IQ is obviously higher than yours"? (No Beep, I am not talking about JT). hehehe

Mama always told me that there were idiots in the big bad world. I do believe I have encountered two of them. One in triage, one in blogland.

Have a stupid Monday.

Love to all.


Posted to my Y! 360, Monday March 2, 2009 - 09:29am (CST)