[My] Life in Wisconsin

The Muggies. The Scrubbles.

Miss Milly, with her ever present "squeak ball"...
Good Morning Everyone!
I have been up for quite a while already.
Our forecast calling for one more day, (today), of the "hot~n~muggies. And a chance of severe storms this afternoon and evening.
The sun came up, but not a trace of a red/pink sky with it.
So maybe we won't be getting those storms after all.

Say "yippee"!

But we do need a bit of rain-
(Just thinking that my weeds could stand a decent drink of water).
Everything is so dry once more.

Besides, the weatherman obviously lied yesterday when he said a 'high' of 88°
So he might well be wrong about that chance of severe weather.


Sure doesn't look like
88° to me!
And yes, this thermometer is on the north side of the house.

Happy, (no, scratch that word), ELATED and very grateful that Miss Kelli came over and helped me get the AC unit in my window.

I do have to get out to the garden too-
Walking around it last night, I see that my weeds outnumber anything edible by about 1,000,000~1.
(Inedible, unless you have four legs and moo).

There are worse things...

Like Casey being put back on the morphine- (Her pain being that bad all over again). Prayers please?
Her referral to Mayo will wait until after our doctor gets back from vacation- He wants to be here when he sends it in. I don't blame him either; he is the only one that knows her medical history so very well.

The thoughts I had about my water? All null and void now... No worries!
I'd left the hose on in the back; and water always seeks its easiest flow. I'd only gotten a bit of rust from there. All is "well " with my water.
Besides, I think the state might laugh at me for as many samples as I send in. They always come back fine.

Outside last night as the sun was dusking itself off for the day, I thought Miss Milly needed a bit of exercise too. So off the cable she went.
They (Punk and Milly) played together for 5 minutes, while I pulled a few weeds.
Turning around, Milly had simply vanished~ (into thick air).
After calling for her, and more than a few whistles, Punk and I took a ride in the Roadmaster-
(Milly IS kinda dirty, and I didn't want her in my Rendezvous)...

Drove up to Chuck and Julie's...
No Milly.

And then took a drive over to Cathy Ryan's.
No Milly there either.
But gosh, we sure had a wonderful visit!
(Cathy and I grew up together, and it's always nice to play 'ketchup')...

Aren't they darling?
She is such a good mom!
I never knew any of her brothers and sisters not to be smiling either!
They ALL have that Smiley~Gene in their Irish blood!
Looks like her baby inherited it as well.

Cathys oldest is getting married this weekend!
Wow, we sure have come a long way!
Get this...
She had been reading my blog night before last; taking notice of the photo of my "bug"...
What is so weird is that when they went out to their pool yesterday, she had the same bug there!
Of course neither one of us know what the heck it is...

Back to Mama Milly-
By the time we got back, Milly was laying in wait for me, in the front pine trees. Sassy little runaway!
I am wondering if she was there the whole time???
... So I asked her.
She only muttered something when I fastened her up again. (Bet she was cussing up a storm too)!
Does my corner look a bit better now?

Cnv0478 ..... Cnv0495

Before, ................~~~..........and after!

Gotta love 'em!
Again, the color is not right. Grrr....

Last week, I'd found some very UNwelcome company in my little message box by the back door.

I sprayed it with something very handy, as it was...
Greg's shampoo!
(Hey, it worked)!
But it didn't kill the little buggars either.
These very clean wasps have just relocated to the south service door of the attached garage.

(That's not going to work either)...
But see how clean she is?!

I'd better close- More scrubbles to do around here!
Have a grand weekend!
Stay cool, and safe!


Originally posted to my Y! 360, Friday June 27, 2008 - 08:16am (CDT)

What in the the HELL is wrong with people?

These two articles make me ill...
The link at the top is the more recent story.
Both are from the Tampa Florida area...

Top link:
Tampa Woman Calls 911 To Catch Dog, Faces Cruelty Charge

Her arrest site:


Then THIS story, (JUST AS SICKENING), from May 2008
Her arrest site link:


Like I asked, what is WRONG with people?
Now go hug your own furkids...
