[My] Life in Wisconsin

Casey. Punk. And me too.

Good Morning All;
I have been sitting and standing and trying to catch up on some laundry- 
The way my back feels, (and in a new spot), is that I am waiting for this next vertebra to crack. (I know this 'feeling' too). 
I am so careful. 
I wish the feeling would just go away- or crack already. 
It's much like having a very bad kink within.

I had gone to my pain appointment much earlier this month; having changed the time myself to accommodate another appt in the same building, & not wanting to make 2 separate trips. Mistakenly I had thought the doctor she had given me was one that I had already met, and liked. 
My bad.
As it was, a 'new' [to me] doctor walked in, stated that he was going to change my meds, took my cane and told me to walk. (Keep in mind that I was having a particularly bad back day to begin with). 
I would not walk without taking his hands, and taking some very tentative steps (in case this bonzo decided to pull away his hands as my support).
Then he tells me to sit. 
Oh shit, (I could go on and on... But to save you the letter I wrote to my regular doctor, I won't).
Suffice to say this guy was an ass. 
He had not even LOOKED at my chart when he chose to  change my medication regimen!! WTfH???
I am still furious at being treated like dirt by someone who doesn't even KNOW me!

And yes, I held on to that letter for 2 weeks, rereading it to make sure I still felt the same way. 
I did, and do.  And yes, my doctor now has it.

Unfortunately since I can barely move, I have to call in and make another appt- an earlier one than the one I now have, because this regimen is NOT working for me.
I could blame it all on the fiasco about the death of yet another superstar who doesn't know how to read a Rx bottle, but this was weeks before her death- 
And it's shit like that that really upsets me. So I won't go even write about that crap.

Not much other news...

Punk is still sick- Not really 'sick' sick- but barfs every now and then. Vet said it is a birth defect in her throat- But I am wondering WHY this would only present itself now??? He had no answer for that, save that she needs to lose some weight. (But she has weighed the same now, approximately, for a few years)...

Let's see...
Oh, in case you missed it, I posted about Casey's next surgery in my calendar here... Poor kid. 
What I didn't write is that her Paps came back bad, and now she will also be having a colposcopy.
She has more courage and love than most people have in their little fingers.

I hope all is well with everyone. 
Forgive me please for not writing, and not commenting on your own blogs. I see many pages of new stuff that I cannot even get to. 
*sigh*  - I will never catch up.
