Good Evening All;
As you all know, I have been unable to even wage war on my house, due to my darn back.
Read on. You won't believe what a week I had!!!! hehehe
Love to all,
Dear Polly;
I slept until about an hour and a half ago. I imagine you tried to email me. Suffice to say that Yahoo did the same thing to me today that they did yesterday. Fortunately I was able to still get hold of someone in charge of this mix~up.
(And oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, the gal today didn't even hang up on me)...
Unfortunately, if you tried to email me in the meantime, I didn't get it. I hope you are settled safely in for the evening...
I miss you already.
Though you might not agree, I LOVED having you here.
I am almost sure there were a few times that you wanted to pack up your truck and leave. (I could not have blamed you either).
Never in my life had I expected (from one person), all the work you did for me! The fact that you drove so many miles to help me out astounds me still.
*** Still not sure how you "found" my floors, as I slept through your sweating that one out.
(My apologies for that). Zzzzzzzzzzz......
AND, you cooked for me too! Not to dismiss your note here, but I can't wait for me to be done typing so I can go eat up the rest of last nights dinner. IT WAS SOOOO GOOD!!! (Idiot that I am, I neglected to even ask for your recipe).
I may even throw a pinch of salt on it. Oooooh, just dare me! hehehe And yes, I do know how very hard it is to cook for someone who eats a salt-free diet, even if it is by choice- and not by doctors orders.
Back when Randy had his stroke it is something that I needed to adjust to immediately, and it wasn't easy. After having him recuperate here, taught me that I could live without any (added) salt; and that was good enough for me. I suppose there comes a time in everyone's life- (if we live long enough) that our doctors will tell us to cut back on our salt intake. I've just got them beat is all.
As you know, next week will be the week from hell for me- with all those darned doctor/hospital appointments- (It's a good thing that you didn't come then). Hopefully I will get at least ONE answer that I need, to be even a bit better.
Methinks I need a hammock in my car so it doesn't hurt so much to go somewhere...
Those doctors (some of them that don't know me anyway), look at me quite queer when I say that I will never have another test if I have to lie on my back. It simply is NOT going to happen- Not without my brace, (and not with me present either). hehehe
I was happy too that Casey got to come out today- and to see you off. I hope that you haven't hit any nasty weather. Sure has been a bad year for those storms popping up out of the nowhere. (Like this morning).
The weatherman said we may have some more of those in the overnight hours. There is a tornado watch, (I think until midnight)...
I hate storms at night- I am a big baby ya know.
(Of course you do).
I owe you a debt I can never repay, save for with my heart. I can not only see my floors, I can see my countertops shining in the kitchen- And then, after my nap, as I rounded the corner, even the bathroom is all shiny and brand new.
I promise to try to keep it all as it is. I have also spoken to both Punk and Sput and told them each "No more shedding, inside."
I promise too, to get used to my new wheelchair, and to get outside with it also.
Sweet Polly, again I thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you did.
And again, and again, and again...
I just don't know how else to say it, save for thank you... and with all my love.
Punk has now gone upstairs, twice since I woke- Looking for you I'd imagine, because she doesn't ever do that just for fun...
OK- Time now for your leftover Elk! YAY and YUM!