We got an inch or three of snow on Thursday- Casey came out and helped me shovel yesterday. Then we were off to buy a few necessities for the weekend.
Soon, our clouds will open and cover our little corner of the world. We have already gotten about an inch this morning.
From my weather email:
WINTER STORM WARNING IS NOW IN EFFECT UNTIL 6 PM CST SUNDAY. (Crap, that's a long time for any storm).
Now they are saying that we might be upgraded to blizzard status by tomorrow morning. Our winds are to be N at 25 to 35 mph... Gusts much higher-
Apparently too we are at the warmest we will be for the next week or so too. Temps tomorrow will be nasty cold, and go down from there- (Wind chills will be dangerous at best).
If I am not on or around, it is only because I will be watching the storm. OK, that is not going to happen; (that's akin to watching the grass grow as far as I am concerned).
Or may be it will be that mouse has turned to 'Igloo' status. I then will be frozen solid wherever I stood last. hehehe
Hmmm Do sewing machines freeze?
Yes, I am still sewing patches for most of every day.
Casey had an infusion on Thursday morning. As soon as it was up and running, her blood pressure was OK, and she was in the least amount of pain, I was up and running too. I had a few stops I needed to make before it snowed.
Casey asked that I return by noon, as Nick goes to lunch and she would be left with Lori- (who is a raunchy nurse and does everything in her power to cross Casey).
This infusion was set to run for 4 hours. Casey has had such terrible reactions to these infusions, and the pharmacist and her doctor thought the reactions would be lessened if it ran much slower- Her skin breaks out from just the pokes- As always, her veins shut down and refuse to cooperate. And once placed, the IV runs like razor blades up her arm. Her blood pressures generally go way down.
All was as well as it could be, so I left.
I returned 5 minutes late. Oops. Casey met me at the door -as she'd waited.
As soon as I'd left, her arm pained something fierce, the IV infiltrated, and, and, and.
Long story short, she'd been waiting since 10:30. I generally take her cell phone with me- (We both forgot that, that day. It won't happen again). At least she knows everyone there- from the pharmacy to admit, to front desk, (not to mention she is on a first name basis with the nurses and doctors as well).
Not like she was abandoned, or that any of them would allow her to be, for long!
I do have a few pictures, and will add them to the comments below, when I can. I still have to send them from the camera to the machine... Slow that way lately.
My back is doing as poorly as it has been for the last few weeks, so it bugs me to sit here overlong-
At least when I am sewing I am up and down between the machine, the table, the ironing board, and the cutting board.
Not sure if that is good or bad for it. It is the way it is though.
I have to shovel out the doorway every now and then so Miss Punk can get out and get her business done. Neither herself nor the cat have much energy today- I do think this coming storm affects them so. (Is that odd? Or have I just been slow to notice)?
Time for me to get in the shower and then shovel a wee bit.
My love to all! Have a 'wunnaful' weekend.
My Saved Locations
Green Bay, WI 22...34 °F
Sault Ste. Marie, MI 15...23 °F
Fort Myers, FL 53...76 °F
Temple, TX 34...69 °F
Lomita, CA 52...76 °F
Minneapolis, MN -7...22 °F
Yes, the Minneapolis *low* is BELOW zero.
Philadelphia, PA 37...45 °F
Prattville, AL 38...60 °F
Maybe the better question for those of us in Wisconsin, is "where would you like to be?"
For myself, I pick Alabama or Texas to see a few of my grandbabies- warm as they are...
Hopefully you are somewhere safe and warm.
(And if not, please get there and batten the hatches).
Methinks too, that Detroit is darn lucky that the Packers will play *there* tomorrow. They are to get snow, but not like what we are forecast to receive.
From here: *Aiden could be one of the biggest December snowstorms on record in Northeast Wisconsin. Blizzard Allison, of December 2009, was the biggest dropping 14.7 inches of snow."