Good Morning!
Try as I might, I cannot bring myself to blog elsewhere, although I have given it much thought. I have even gone to another site, which I will not be "doing" yet, so please do not hold your breath if you are waiting for updates there.
Guess I will be here til the bitter end. Yes, I did read Yahoo! Team Blog latest entry... >CLICK HERE< for that one if you have not yet done so.
...And I still cannot see where they are completly obliterating 360.
Am I blind? Or just a bit dense? Wait, don't answer that, I bruise easily...
- Changing it? Yes.
- Closing 360? Yes. (As we now know it to be anyway).
- Doing away with us, or our hard work or our people? NOT.
Please take a moment to read Carls entire entry... (click on his name).
Like he says, "please do me a favor: kick off your shoes, pull up a chair and stay a while. You've got nothing to lose."
Neither will I be transferring my blogs to another site because when/if I have to do that, I do not want them out of order. I have them stored anyway...
Lots of you are missing, and so I shall miss the reparte that I always looked forward to each day. Of course, lots of you have been missing for a while, (and I really do miss your thoughts upon my pages too).
It's a chilly one this morning. All of 35 degrees already. hehehe ~A bit nippy!
But we should be in the 50's later on. It is sunny with a light wind. Maybe I can burn some of my yard waste finally. It has been SO windy lately, and this "gimp" has not had much energy anyway...
And so... onward...
Have you ever eaten ground cherries? They grow almost wild around here, and I transplant them every spring when they come up. They come wrapped in their own little papers too!
One out of the husk, so you can see what they look like.
Mmmm... They are sweet and good (and one can get an entire days supply of Vitamin C out of a handful of them).
I do fight the dogs for these little fruits. This, after trying to get out there before the chipmunks and gophers get to them! Darned thieves that they are...
I have never seen any recipes for them, but eating them just like that is more than yummy!
CaseyFace had a real bad night, (tuesday night)... and was up almost all night long. She then had a 2nd interview at one company; later a doctor appointment. Suffice it to say it was a really tough day for herself yesterday. She came home, and slept straight through til this morning. They called later in the day to tell her that she didn't get the job. She woke up quite bummed from that bit of news. (I am still so mad at UWGB for what they did to her aid. >CLICK HERE< if you don't already know that story.
It is high time to get busy with my own day. I am SO far behind.
I hope you are all having a wunnaful Thursday, and that you are all looking forward to a wunnaful weekend too!
Oh, since October is grinding to a halt, it is time for me to be 'thinking' about Christmas cards and such... If you would trust me with your address, please leave me a private message. I know how bizarre these things can get, and so I will not be sending out requests... seems as too many people hit "reply all" hehehe
What a fiasco that was!