Good Morning Everyone!
We have all seen those little green plus signs...
I have gotten a new one today. And an explanation to go with it. Not a nice one either. That's ok though. I do (try to), understand.
What I do not understand is dropping someone simply by an act of prejudicial politicking. And with a charge of being UN~American.
While the assumptions there made me laugh a little, I assure you they are also quite UNtrue.
ya know what they say about "ASSUMING"...
As many of you know, I was given up at birth and placed for adoption. Having done my adoption search some 20+ years ago, I have learned what I always knew in my heart to be true. A validation for what has always been an integral part of me, somehow.
I am Native American. (I could not be prouder of the blood that runs through my veins). Yet, I know more than a few people who do not appreciate this fact about me. (Goes back to "Oh Well" for me). hehehe
Raised white and northern. But by the time I was 13, to KNOW in my heart that I was not white.
Is there a bit of a clash there for me? Honestly, sometimes there is. And I stumble to find my own words to explain it when that happens... So forgive this entry today.
Native. White. American. Clash? You bet!
This past weekend, I got a bit involved in SuzyGirls blog for her blog. She had asked about racially motivated crimes, how far we have moved away from that, or if (that) was still alive and thriving somewhere, somehow...
Her words were: " So I'm wondering, help me out here...Is this merely an affliction of those in itsy bitsy towns where the great big wide world doesn't play a role?
After taking into consideration all the garbage that we DO perpetuate, (whether innocently; or worse, with intentional cruelty), my reply was this:
Hi Sweet Suzy;
I have a sister, born in the U.P. of Michigan, and raised in Alabama since she was 2 or 3.
There is a whole different world down south.
Not only of the white or the black mans making.
Of both.
It is a dark perpetuation of evil is all.
And yet, it almost seems 'natural' to them (both)--- for lack of a better; or more appropriate word.
But, as Americans, WE all perpetuate this ongoing animosity.
Do away with the black colleges, the NAACP, the rest of it all.
Live together as we were meant to... somehow.
As a "Damn Yankee" to almost everyone in the deep south, I am here to tell you that the Mason~Dixon Line is alive and well.
But "down there" only.
I know of very little of that KKK or the like up here. (And no, I really don't live under THAT big of a rock).
Anne Saturday August 25, 2007 - 07:53pm (CDT)
My sister in Alabama is a beautiful soul. And having her down south has given me the opportunity to have a reason to travel there. To visit herself, and later to visit my lovely grandson, Lawrence.
During those trips, most of the "Damn Yankee" things that come my way, were/are uttered in jest, although there have been a few times that they absolutely were not. These, by complete strangers (who have apparently failed or ignored all sorts of History classes). "The WAR" has been over for almost 150 years, folks. And even the 1960's should have ended 40~some years ago...
Sadly, neither of these things have gone away. Not in their entirety.
But then I have to ask myself, does this make me a bigot somehow by blasting the NAACP, (or anyone else that would come to the defense of the pathetic Michael Vick)?
What he did was not, and IS not, a race issue!
Nor is it an issue of gambling (in my opinion).
My own opinion there is that I was, (and AM), outraged by his treatment of these animals; not only how they lived, but even more~so by the way they died. By his hand, by his orders, etc etc etc... the dogs lived a life of violence and degradation. They died exactly the same way. Only the ones that remain will know a more peaceful death at the hands of the vet; to be put to sleep because they were raised too violent to be adopted.
With the obvious exception of Vick himself, (and those like him), I did not mean to offend any people, or peoples, by my thoughts. To do so would certainly only perpetuate the ignorance that is part/parcel of (some) peoples lives. Being Native myself, and thus a minority, why would I do that in the first place? Makes no sense to me. (I try not to be too hypocritical)...
As I said before I did not mean to offend. If you have taken offense, please don't do that anymore. There are good/bad peoples of all religions, races, genders, ages, etc etc etc. We all know this to be a fact.
Have I "judged" those actions? Yes, I have. And those judgements are MY opinions. They do not have to be yours. I am not here to change peoples minds. I am neither that narrow minded, nor am I that enterprising.
I hope you ALL have a grand Monday!
PS I was also asked if I had a sense of humor... I think I do