[My] Life in Wisconsin

Blowin' In The Wind...

Blowin' In The Wind...
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Good Morning!

That last entry about suicide, (friend of a friend), has certainly left me feeling quite empty inside for everyone that this has touched. I thank you all for your extended kindnesses and sharing. It means a lot to a great deal of people.

Do you notice that suicide, like sex, is somehow a verboten topic? Like if we hide it under a rock somewhere it won't happen?
Not true. I believe it is one of the topics that need the MOST discussion.

And I also believe that if one says they have never thought of their own death, (whether by their own call or Gods), they are quite simply a liar. We have all thought about our own death; with the majority saying "please let me pass as I sleep"...

When once asked by a counselor if she had entertained thoughts of her own death, one of my daughters had responded that she had. She was then put on a suicide hold for 72 hours.
Maybe it wasn't the right thing to do in her case; as she knew that to answer any differently would have been to lie. And maybe it was.
I believe it all goes back to 'when it is our time to die, we WILL die.'
It is as simple as that.

But back to Flintville.
Casey has had quite a few days of feeling much brighter than she has in a long time. Is it possible that this all is waning for her?
I surely hope so.
So we can put these last few years of pain etc behind us.
And SHE can get on with being a normal 20 year old. hehehe (It has just occured to me that I have used the word "normal" in speaking about Casey)!
Yup, still laughing!

We walked back to the woods the other day; as the snow squalls actually went all around us...
(And thankfully so).





But it was very windy too.
Those nasty winds have died down now for the most partnow. Before they calmed, they had left a bushel basket flying around the fields.

Punk did not like this at all... Growling at the defenseless thing...



While her beloved Casey laughed at her!



Casey had also stolen Miss Millys squeak toy...



And Miss Milly had to fetch it from Casey.
Punk knows it isn't hers, (most of the time anyway)...



So Miss Punkin has to find her own entertainment in the woods...
She still has a penchant for pulling big weeds out for me;
but was a bit er, um, "stumped" by this "weed"...
She did get it trimmed an extra foot though!
But was quite upset that she couldn't pull it all the way out too.



Walking further along was another surprise for the dogs;
AND for us too!
And it sure wasn't a wayward basket either...
(Bear in mind that we are walking on top of the ridge;
the ridge being at least 200 feet UP from the river)...



(Did someone say "bear")?
The Punkster sniffs with caution...
The fish, whatever kind it was...
Quite dead, but not stinking yet either...
We have absolutely NO idea how it got there, or why it was abandoned.
Casey said 'BEAR'. (And she's probably right too).
We decided to keep our walk a bit shorter then...


And once more, Milly had to dance for her "squeak"...



Dancing being such an exhausting sport for her,
she was more than happy to get back to her cozy kennel.
A drink of water, a few bites of kibbles, and she slept the rest of the day.
Punk cannot dance; though she looks like she wants to.
if you don't already know what happened to her as a wee pup;
and WHY she can't dance now. Or ever...


My own darn foot held out. And while it is still a bit painful, it is getting better all the time.

..."Time" ~that glorious healer...

I'd better close.
(The danged maid quit and my house is a disaster area). hehehe

Love to all!



Originally posted on my 360 Thursday November 8, 2007 - 09:16am (CST)