[My] Life in Wisconsin

Signs of Spring!

So it's fake. Sue me.
(I didn't want to be the only one not posting pics of blooms).

Good Evening Everyone!
As I write, it occurs to me that I don't remember how to write a blog anymore. It seems like so long ago. But it really wasn't. Just so much has happened, and many miles removed from the scene of the crime, as it were.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend...
Yesterday for us was the trip here. Uneventful for once. But we did wake to snow this morning.
Maybe not so 'uneventful' for these folks though...
The smoke was lots thicker and darker a few miles back.
For most of us, 300 miles is no big deal. (And it really isn't for me either)- But things got tough as I began to see the aura that precedes my migraines about 75 miles out from arrival.

Getting sick in a car is no fun. But I was better by the time we got here.

For Casey's last big meal, we ordered Applebee's.
Our steaks, by the way, were ordered rare.
Ummm... "Yeah, right"
(But they were eaten none the less).
Just no "Mmmmm's" to be heard in this room.
Casey- Relaxing
Methinks Casey was digesting.


For breakfast, part of a waffle for her, and then this GIANT muffin
Both from Perkins


Casey and the Giant Muffin
With chocolate chips too.

It wasn't finished, (but it did get completely scalped)!!!
I didn't eat, my tummy and head still "off" enough for me not to...
I did get a few pictures in and posted to Flickr.
And Deb, I cannot find the ones of Punk with her new birthday toys from you!? I must have already downloaded them to the other computer. Know that Greg saved all those pictures.

As you all know, it was Punks birthday on the 27th.

PUNK Posing
My Little Miss Punkin
3 whole years old.
My favorite picture, ever, of her.
As she waited by the refrigerator door.

We had to run to town on her birthday to pick up a prescription.

She wasn't particularly happy with me for not giving her a present.
HB2 Punk
Unbeknown to herself, I did pick her up a few things at the Rx store.
And then we headed home.

She had to wait outside while I went in...
Still mad at me too.

Three Years old!
That wild whisker has since been trimmed!
After a few moments she gained entry to the house...

Funny she knew just where to go???

And she even SMILED!!!!


Punk What is it?
She peeks!


But needs a closer look...

Punk sees something!
I do believe she liked what she saw!

Awww...You shouldn't have!
A squeaky squirrel, among other things...

(Like a new frisbee that fell apart after 3 throws).


Spring is slowly but surely beginning to be sprung around Flintville.

The first sign this year is being able to actually see the picnic table back by the woods.

picnic table

Then there is some kind of life that has remodeled my barngrade.
Not sure I want to know what kind either...

Hole in barngrade

There is spunky & sassy life too!



And Mr. Miller even gets to come over!

He steals Punk's Sponge Bob toy.
But gets that one taken away fast.
It has now become a 'game' for them both.


Punk and Miller

There is "life" of the six legged variety out and about...
Lady bug on Roses
And of the two legged, double winged variety too!


Sure are noisy!
And most welcomed!

Unlike this "thing"
Whatever it is... ?

maybe I don't want to know.
Thankfully it was outside...

Spring is when all your friends come out of their own little holes and come visit.

Punk and Casey
And they love you just enough to tease you...

Casey and Punk

Spring brings neighbors over too!

This is Julie with her new friend,
Lady is a mere 9 months old.
Basically unwanted by the people that were selling her
because she didn't have a patch over her other eye too.
Julie with Lady

Patch or not, methinks Lady is just a doll!

I'd better close. I have Punk waiting patiently to go outside once more before she sleeps.
I shall post this now and get out there to walk a bit.

We will leave early tomorrow; needing to be at the hospital for 5:30.
Casey is on clear liquids 'til midnight and then nothing for who knows how long. (Hopefully she enjoyed that steak)!

Please keep her in your thoughts...

My love to all


Casey posted a new blog last night.
Please CLICK HERE to visit and to answer her questions

posted to Y! 360, Sunday April 5, 2009 - 07:40pm (CDT)