She looks happy enough!
Good Afternoon...
(I am hoping it is for you anyway).
My day began with that shower I spoke of earlier... At least it should have.
Wanting to get outside, and mosey around a bit, I had to shower first. I was still in my jammies when I'd posted my 1st blog. hehehe
I go to get in the shower, I disrobe. I brush my hair. I find I cannot stand my "gray" anymore-
So then I get out one of those colored boxes that I seem to have a zillion of (whenever I don't want to color anyway).
My choices are Medium Blond. No.
Platinum blond. Uh-Uh.
Champagne blond. NO WAY.
Not even close. Those are for highlighting-
Desperate now, I concede that I either want color, (or a laundry maker).
FYI- When Berta was at Martins College of Cosmetology, she shared that we are never to use the word "dye" when doing our hair. We are to use the word "color" as a verb. This is the acceptable way of saying it being that 'dye' can be so dreary and sad..
So back to the cupboard I go...
I finally find a Clairol Dark Blond. (Kind of 'cool' for this time of year, but it'll do quite nicely in a pinch). It must have been on sale when I picked it up- I have never used the Clairol stuff before-
No big deal. How hard can a different brand be?
I rip it open, and dump it out.
Right off the bat, I spy a tube #1, a bottle #2, and a tube #3.
It even has a PRE-conditioner. "Grey pre-texturizing pretreatment" Ooh~La~La
(This is clearly marked Tube # 1). Whoo Hoo! This little tube is to make my grays more receptive to the dye. (er, I mean color).
Those of us with gray know exactly how stubborn those hairs can be.
Before I put this gunk on my head, I smell it.
It smells good- and NO gross flowery smell either.
It just is a nice unobtrusive smell that I can live with.
I put it in my hair, working it "all the way through to the ends".
Rereading to double check the instructions... No I am not supposed to rinse it out.
Obligingly, I leave it in.
I go to put gloves on...
Not simple, I have just washed my hands of the leftover pretreatment.
I dry them well.
I get those gloves on. (The ones that are generally about 3 sizes too small for anyones hands).
I proceed to mix the #2 bottle with the #3 tube I am shaking it (as best as my pain~filled back allows).
Then I put it in my hair, carefully doing the parts, and making sure I begin with those nasty grays.
I must wait 25 minutes, minimum; or the alloted time indicated by your allergy and hair test (that you did 24 hours in advance).
I wait.
In these 25 minutes, I realize how nice this Clairol smells, compared to the L'Oreal. My eyes are not watering, and my sinuses are not drying up from the chemicals.
I also realize I am more than a little chilled. (I should have warmed that little bottle up before I put it all over my head).
I sneak into the living room- The thermostat gets jacked up.
65 degrees is not warm enough. Not with a wet head, and a damp towel on my shoulders, (not to mention my obvious state of undress).
I hear the furnace fire up... I was comfy in minutes.
I wait the desired 25 minutes as indicated in the instructions.
(I don't peek. I never do. I like to be surprised by the end results).
I rinse.
After a wee bit of towel drying, THEN I peek in the mirror.
I see me there, but surely not what I expected to see.
(Sheesh, talk about color resistant)!
I happened to turn around, on the countertop, (cleverly hidden behind the empty box), is a tube that says 2b.
What the hell is a 2b anyway? That's not even a bra size for Barbie for cryin' out loud.
I read the instructions... (again)...
Yeah. Oh I see....
2b tube goes into the developing mix (aka Bottle # 2).
It did NOT say this before!
I know how to count already. 1, 2, and 3.
So that is what I did. 1, 2, plus the tube # 3.
(Little bastards at Clairol, they snuck that little 'b' in there on me)!!!!
I double~check the mirror. My hair, (and its gray), is still there.
I do a pull test. It hurts. (That means my hair is still well attached anyway).
I check tube # 3. Tube #3 is conditioner.
No problem then. (Conditioner mixed with developing creme is a double conditioner). Actually it is in triplicate, given the fact that Tube # 1 is probably only a conditioning agent of some sort.
Ah! Now I have done a really great conditioning job on my gray hair.
It is so very nice and soft!
And oh!, completely touchable!
(And gray).
I must think...
Since I have tube # 2 which is the "color" (the tube with the stinking little "b" on it); and I really like the color, how about I mix it with one of the other developers and apply that way?
Makes sense to me!
Quite quickly I am back in business.
I mix it with the other.
I shake. (It doesn't mix so well).
I'll give it a few minutes and shake it again. Wait! I still have to dry my hair...
Good grief, it is hot in here with the blow dryer going...
Who the heck turned the dang heat up anyway?
(I sneak back out to the living room and turn the thermostat down).
I shake that bottle again.
I am losing strength, as shaking is not a 'thing' that is nice to my back.
(Matter of fact, this hurts like hell). Annie, for Gods sake you gave birth 4 times. Grin and bear it already.
Not grinning, I bite the bullet and shake a little more more, then to apply.
Oops. - I forgot to put on gloves.
I put container on sink, dry hands, and don those itty bitty gloves.
I shake once more for good measure.
I turn bottle upside down, and a carrot comes out.
A teeny tiny wormie little carrot? (Well it looked like a teeny tiny wormie little carrot to me)...
And it even "plopped" out with a big old and unbecoming fart noise!
I look closely at the bottle and the developer from box #2.
It is all gooky, and terribly un-homogenized. (Check the above picture).
I know this will not work one little bit.
I just about kill myself looking in that cupboard again.
Way in the back is a box... It IS dye. (er, I mean color)! YAY!
Thank goodness for L'Oreal!
A box of a brunette color waiting just for me in that cupboard.
I am not in high school anymore, and brunette is too dark for me.
It makes me look sickly and pale. Being Native, "pale" is not good.
But it is what I have, so I will work with it.
I repeat most of the above steps, minus a few cuss words.
Sadly, it was NOT brunette.
(Thank God my hair fell out). J/K hehehe