Good Christmas Eve Morning One and All;
Right off the bat here, I should like to establish what has happened to my little 'mouf' in the past 24 hours ... Suffice it to say that it hurts like heck. And NO, I have NOT taken any of the oxycontin (sp) crap the new guy prescribed me. Since Reianna's death, I have been too afraid to take most stuff, (even IF it gets prescribed, knowing her own prescription is what killed her)... But I have stayed with the 'tried and true' that hasn't done me in... yet... hehehe
And so, my Holy~Holly~"Daze" continues...
I received this in an email from a dear friend... and thought it way wonderful not to post for everyone to see...
Just another "take" on these precious days. Think, and ENJOY!
I took Miss Milly and Miss Punk back to the woods yesterday afternoon. (I feel as though I am 'grounded' or worse because somebody told me to take a load off and go sit and heal... Like I said, 'that is NOT going to work' with me anyway).
It was a bit mucky, but so nice to walk, (yes the heartbeat and my steps were having a field day in my mouth)... But ignore that, it was oh so much fun to get back there once again! (I never did do well when someone told me I wasn't to do something/anything/nothing)...
But it was a really beautiful walk too. I did not throw any sticks over the cliff for Punkie to catch. (No pinecones either)! Click HERE!
But at least with her Mama's help she has found a much easier and safer way to the bottom, and to the river.
They each tried their hardest to fall in!!! Not too deep where they were, but with our recent snowfall and melting, it was a bit overflowing around the bend. Milly just HAD to find some nasty mud and give herself a mudbath-
(Woman, thy name is vanity)...
Then to rinse herself off in the shallow part.
She missed a spot! hehehe
And then to quick RUN up the hill...
And they both reek/stink to high heaven... PEEEEEE~YOU!!!! Glad that I had given Miss Milly a brand new bag of red cedar shavings in her little house just yesterday; and yes, Miss Punk will get a shower this morning (and then it will be HER turn to be grounded; at least til all my company leaves tomorrow)... And she'd better behave!!!???!!!
A warmish day... (I'll take it)! And Miss Punkin was trying to pull all of the 'weeds' in the field... She had a pretty wild time, as I believe that some of those roots had found a bit of frost too. (Happy though that she has NOT forgotten how to help me out)!
First you find a really good stalk...
Then you pull it out...
And then you shake all of the dirt off!
And lay it nicely down and on to the next one!
(I am thinking this should keep her occupied til our Spring thaw)!
And she found out the hard way, that no matter how hard she pulled, grunted and dug herself in that her 'technique' was NO GOOD against a very solid pine tree stump!
I shall have to give her credit for even trying her level best though...
We found a brand new, baby, newborn, Christmas tree for any of you who do not and will not have one this year... You may have this one to look at... and to decorate in any way you might choose!
Fragile, delicate; and yet in 100 years it will still be virtually indestructible...
The beauty of Mother Nature prevails almost anything; (except the fury of Mother Nature and the ignorance of Man)...
I shall close for today, and get my stinky dog a bit more acceptable smelling! (Yes, myself too while I am at it)!
Have a peaceful, prayerful and very safe Christmas Eve...
From ALL of us... To all of you!!!
Anna-Anna, Miss Punkin and Miss Milly!!!!