gone to bloom already...
I took the picture, & there really WAS a bumble bee there.
I swear!
Good Morning Everyone;
Another weekend passed already...
And oh, so busy we have been!
Every day, it seems as though I throw a few more seeds around.
Another of my 'favorites'.
Always reminds me of an iceberg...
And later, maybe a few storms.
We need the rain of course... I just don't like the noise!
But I did find yet another clump of chives near the old one. Mama's chives.
Maybe I will separate them and bring one plant inside...
I dig them out, save the 'chive' part, (so I have a 'handle' on them).
Replant them.
Trim the chives, (the 'handle'), down to about ½".
Discard the tops, and within a week I will have more fresh chives!
These plants grow almost anywhere- They LOVE the sun; and a cup of water every now and then.
Yesterday brought me to yanking out more quack grass than should be allowed to grow anywhere, let alone on MY land! Guess you could say I was on a mission!
After only a little while I got so dizzy. Maybe a bug or something. Maybe a REAL bug too because my ankles are still all swolled up.
Not sure if it was the heat or not; (and given the state of my thyroid I think it might have been).
I came in the house, and full of goosebumps. (No, I wasn't cold)!
The scrape is from fighting with a pine tree a while back.
(Obviously the pine tree won)...
I ventured back out a few times, after taking 3 benedryl for the swollen ankles.
(They didn't work).
I would work a while, and come back inside.
(Just really pooped out).
I always take my vitamins and such- will have to do some research on everything else my doctor has me on too.
I did not make it to Baby Mariahs birthday celebration.
Will have to run those presents (and her card) over to Mike and Micki's sometime this week.
But there was NO way I was going to be driving anywhere as dizzy as I was.
Checking my 'calendar' here, I see that Jenny Mella will be leaving for camp in 2 days.
Seems as though she just graduated and came home!
Not too much other news...
Time for me to go throw a few more seeds in the ground!
Hope you all had a 'wunnaful' weekend!