Did you already know all about ingrown toenails, (or was I one of a very few who did not)?
I knew they didn't come from shoes.
I already knew they grew into the sides of the toe.
I only thought they were at the end/top of the toe.
Anne, you are dumb as a field of clay.
I don't have toes.
I like rocks.
Wanna ride bikes?
I knew they didn't come from shoes.
I already knew they grew into the sides of the toe.
I only thought they were at the end/top of the toe.
Anne, you are dumb as a field of clay.
I don't have toes.
I like rocks.
Wanna ride bikes?
My prescription reads: "Apply once daily with a bandaid."
hehehe Bandaids are too flimsy to apply anything with!
Good Afternoon All;
Just thought I would carryover a bit of the toe stuff to today.
Same as in the last blog I wrote, I am only aware of my toe when it is in a shoe, and then, only when I walk. So that's a real good thing.
I have to run into town and get a few things- (Gauze wrap being one of those things).
But before I do all that, I thought I would share what my foot looks like today.
Must fly for now!!!
Have a wunnaful day!