[My] Life in Wisconsin

Couple of Short Updates

514 Bug
Casey took this picture!

Good Evening;
First of all, an update on the fatal fire.
The Oconto County coroner does not have a cause of death for the gal that died in the house fire on Jaworski Road.
WBAY~TV said they are awaiting for the "test results", which should be available in about 10 days.
I cannot watch the videos, (dial~up here), but I think this would be the latest about her.

***ALSO, tomorrow is the village sale...
Pulaski's village-wide rummage sale is a draw for bargain hunters, but Kari Splan sees the annual event as an opportunity to help four young children who lost everything, including their mother, in a house fire. CLICK HERE. Cool!

This is all so sickening, and overwhelming. But I am ever so proud of everyone that has turned out to help.

As for my back...
Yes, I did go for my doctor appointment; and no, I did not refuse the xrays.
(I think I should have). hehehe  I firmly believe that radiologist tried to kill me. But at least he had a sense of humor. First thing he says is "please lay on your back." Funny guy.   (Too bad he wasn't kidding).

After 5 different angles, he said I could get up from the table. (See? I told you he was funny).

Yes I still have the arthritis in my back. I also have the trauma fracture from last Spring that did not heal correctly, AND I seem to have wrecked 4 disks. Instead of being rounded and soft, they are thin and not working right.

The doctor told me to stay off my feet for 3 days, and then to "see how it goes" after that.  I will need to return if it doesn't let up.
That is all I know for now. Oh that- and it hurts.

I also know my haddock is done baking! Mmm  My tummy knows it too. hehehe
Time for me to get off my backside too- Perhaps even to nap after I eat.

Have a "wunnaful" weekend.
Please send a couple of lawn guys, (and a gardener too).


Posted to Y! 360, Friday May 15, 2009 - 07:00pm (CDT)