CaseyFace! -05/19/10
Good Morning All;
Another infusion day for Casey. Hopefully the poke will 'take' on the first try this time.
Again, we are to arrive for 8:30...
I have been running down to Kelli's and snapping pictures of the construction...
Punk gets left in the car after last week deciding to run in wet clay. hehehe
She is not always happy, but having given her numerous baths in the past week, she is not getting near dirt anytime soon.
I will also be leaving Miss Punk at home today. Temps are forecast to be in the upper 80's.
(Which I have learned to actually mean temps will be in the lower/mid 90's).
Casey and Greg came out on Sunday, knowing that the temps were going to go high, and also knowing that my A/C was in the basement.
Greg carried it up.
We cleaned it up/out, installed it, and got it going...
Yesterday it ran for 2 hours, rattled some, and then quit on me.
(Suffice to say I did not move overmuch, nor eat a bite, yesterday). Too hot to do so.
And when I chanced to peek at the thermometer on the 'due north' side of the house, it read 95°.
Life goes on.
Below... It matters not what the commercials say, this is NOT a happy cat!
This is where your captions are needed. hehehe
Still laughing!
A bit of background...
While Casey was here, being bored while Greg played with my computersaurus, she decides it is high time for Sputty to also get a bath.
Punk canNOT always have all the fun after all.
Unlike Punk's baths, this is way too dangerous to attempt to do in the bathtub.
Mr. Sputnik found himself confined to the kitchen sink...
Having been watching my bluebird family, I chanced to get the perfect shot of Daddy Bluebird.
When, of a sudden, he realized he was camera shy, and flew off...
While it ruined my shot, I still think he is lovely, even in a twist of flight.
I'd better close for now and get on with my day.
I have windows to close, entrapping the night air for a little while. And then to pick Casey up and bring her in.
Please say a little prayer that today is easier for her?
My love to all. Have a 'wunnaful' day!
Now. About those captions??? hehehe