[My] Life in Wisconsin

Not By Sight?


Good Evening.

Just a short note here...
And a blog that I think none of you will be able to comment on, or to answer.

Speaking to Laurie earlier, we shared much laughter, love and conversation.
In the midst of that same conversation came a remark from her.
One that I have no answer to.
Am highly doubting that anyone can respond...

As she watches her innocent 4~year~old granddaughter die, she comments, "I have no use for a God that allows such a small child to endure this kind of suffering."

Know I am not trying to strong~arm God (or whatever you perceive Him to be)... And know that I have always been ever so proud of my own Faith...

So here it is for you...

In all honesty, what would YOU have said?
Please let me know...

Originally posted to my Y! 360, Monday, August 25, 2008 - 08:45pm (CDT)

Somewhere Over the Rainbow
