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Good Evening.
Just a short note here...
And a blog that I think none of you will be able to comment on, or to answer.
Speaking to Laurie earlier, we shared much laughter, love and conversation.
In the midst of that same conversation came a remark from her.
One that I have no answer to.
Am highly doubting that anyone can respond...
As she watches her innocent 4~year~old granddaughter die, she comments, "I have no use for a God that allows such a small child to endure this kind of suffering."
~ - Know I am not trying to strong~arm God (or whatever you perceive Him to be)... And know that I have always been ever so proud of my own Faith...
So here it is for you...
In all honesty, what would YOU have said?
Please let me know...
Not By Sight?
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I felt exactly like Laurie when Jill was so ill as a baby. I don't know what I would have said to her. I really don't. Sometimes, even when nothing makes sense, it's still good to have faith. I just don't know what to tell you sweetie~!
ReplyDeleteMuch love
Thers xoxoxoxo
ReplyDeleteI know Sweet Thers... And I do.
But it is a question that needed an answer to.
And not an answer of/from biblical proportions.
Just an honest and human(e) answer.
Love to you too.
Perhaps there is a point to the suffereing...perhaps she suffers now so that can she can be healed rather than die...perhaps her suffering is a lesson to someone...in other words...my answer is that as mere humans we can not even begin to understand God's reasoning and purpose but there is one....maybe he needs his angel back....
ReplyDeletehaving said that Id have also said this....the Bible says its ok to be mad at God so long as we do not blaspheme the holy ghost...God understands anger...Jesus felt anger..... so.... By all means yell at him...ask him...demand answers if that is what it takes to accept or to heal from what is happening....God is stronger than us he can take it.....
I say this cause as you know Anne I have been mad at God too
Sweet Becca-
ReplyDeleteHer little diaper has not been wet in days.
Her healing will be as renewal as/when she dies.
But why such suffering?
And why 'use' a child as a 'lesson' ?
She wasn't really mad.
It was said so matter~of~factly and I had no response.
...one of those things that will haunt me for a long time.
well again my only answer is that we can not understand God's ways
ReplyDeleteYou know I love you
I agree with both Thers and Becca...
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing you can say that will help Laurie accept this. This is not easy to accept and will not be accepted until the grieving process is gone through.
There is a point to the suffering and it is not our place to understand or to know this purpose but to accept that it is all for a reason.
There was no forms of suffering when God made the world and it is only because of that original sin that these negative feelings were entered into the world.
Even Jesus suffered. His entire life he pained multiple times and only through this was He able to save us so that we may spend eternity by the Lord's side. Multiple times Jesus even questioned the Lord, asking Him, "Why?" "Why me?" "Why won't they listen?" "Why won't YOU listen?" "Why won't YOU help?"
And though He questioned and He was the Lord's son still, some of those questions were not answered. Even He was not to know.
We can only trust in the Lord and keep our faith, hope and love strong to get us all through the tough times.
I have found the Romans 5:1-11 explains the question of what good can suffering do:
Romans 5
The Expectation of Justification
5:1 Therefore, since we have been declared righteous by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,
5:2 through whom we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in the hope of God’s glory.
5:3 Not only this, but we also rejoice in sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance,
5:4 and endurance, character, and character, hope.
5:5 And hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.
5:6 For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly.
5:7 (For rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person perhaps someone might possibly dare to die.)
5:8 But God demonstrates his own love for us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
5:9 Much more then, because we have now been declared righteous by his blood, we will be saved through him from God’s wrath.
5:10 For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son, how much more, since we have been reconciled, will we be saved by his life?
5:11 Not only this, but we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received this reconciliation.
Found here: http://net.bible.org/bible.php?book=Rom&chapter=5&mode=print
ReplyDeleteI do not believe anything you could have said would have been received at that moment. Laurie is hurting so deeply by what she is watching Mariah and her whole family endure. There were no words for you to speak for a reason, she needed an ear and not an answer.
That said:
I do believe that sickness/death is part of the curse in Genesis....the whole apple ordeal and giving in to temptation. Yes God has the ability to intervene but he also has our best interest at heart. Mariah is in the absolute best care possible. We have no idea what is technically beyond this life, or what really lies beyond those pearly gates, but rest assured her rewards will be great. Perhaps she is being spared earthly suffering yet to come. Who knows. But to have faith means to trust and believe that God's way is the absolute best way. Believing that whatever happens happens for a reason. No HUMAN can go through this and not question God at some point. It is only natural to go through a period of wavering faith. Laurie is justified to feel this way...and to be angry. I think in time they will all find their faith again and know that Mariah is eternally blessed.
Meanwhile, we can be prayer warriors on their behalf. Remain vigilant to showing them love and help to hold them up through these horribly tough times.
You are a great friend Anne. Don't worry about your silence....just be there to listen.
Love and big hugs,
Dear Anne..that heartbreaking comment did not need an answer..Laurie was just voicing a true feeling..We've all been in certain situations that we've question our Lord, but within our faith, we trust Him and know He is doing what's right.
ReplyDeleteAfter my son Adam passed away, my grieving process lasted so long..I felt as if I died with him..no, he didn't suffer, but his loss was just so sudden and unexpected and each day I wondered what I could've done differently..would've, could've should've..enough to drive a person insane.
In the meantime..I had another son, Rick who was sick from the day he was born..he was just 2 yrs old when his brother died..The morning of Adam's death when the paramedics were called..everyone in our community that heard the call over the scanner thought something happened to Rick..When I was told this much later..I opened my eyes..I watched Rick suffer unbearable pain from the minute he was born..he had an IV in his lil head at 2 days old..We went thru years and years of his suffering and pain..wondering if this would be his last trip to the hospital, etc..from there on I grew to realize, with the help of my pastor and family, that there is MUCH worse things in life than death..much much more (as you know all too well also).
I will forever cherish the short time on earth I had with my lil angel, Adam..he made me a better person, taught me how to love unconditionally and to appreciate each day what I have in my life.
You're a terrific friend Anne..and Laurie..along with all of us are so lucky and grateful to have you too xoxo
There Is A Little Angel
There is a little Angel,
She's watching over you.
Because you're really special,
And God loves you too.
He trained her with his love,
And then commanded her,
To leave heaven above,
To stay with you forever.
She's there when you're happy,
And when you're feeling blue.
So you never have to worry,
She'll take care of you.
When you've lost your way.
She'll guide you with her light
Little Angels never stray,
They're with you day and night.
P.S..The pic you've posted is absolutely beautiful!!! xoxo
No amount of words would ease the pain in her heart right now.
ReplyDeleteOur way is not Gods way. Our suffering will only be understood when we have returned to that from which we came.
I believe those sweet little innocent souls that come here and leave so soon were only here to help others through some need in their life. A persons need could have been to learn how to appreciate life, or how to love unconditionally or just to learn about the grieving process. Those are things we can only wonder about for now.
We each have to handle these things in our own way. Many accept death as part of life but only after living to be beyond aged 75 or so. A childs' death is the hardest to accept because their life was so unfairly taken from them before they were even able to experience it.
This mother needs a lot of prayers to help her through this.
I also read wyckedangels comment. My husband lost his little brother at the age of 2 as well. He had been running fever and they were giving him those baby aspirin that taste like candy. They found the empty bottle in the trash and thought they had only ran out. My hubby was sent to the store to buy more of them. They found out the next morning that he had eaten that entire first bottle and they had given him more from that second bottle because of his fever. This was before the child proof caps came out. Not that it would have made much difference but it may have slowed him down so they could have caught him before he ate so many.
Sweet CaseyFace;
ReplyDeleteKnow that I do agree with what everyone has said also... Perhaps I was/am being terribly selfish by even posting these thoughts. Like I said, it's just one of those things that stick with a person... We have all felt words like this; just that this time, that person is me.
I love the quotes too... But try as I may right now, I am still having a terribly hard time trying to apply them to an innocent child.
Love to you
Mama D.
ReplyDeleteI know...
Still trying...
Sweet Beth
ReplyDeleteIn all of the "what ifs" that have crossed my mind lately, your comment here makes a lot of sense...
I know it is 'normal' to question the very Divinity of it all, no matter WHO dies. It's just so hard applying it right, and keeping it where it belings.
Laurie has been my friend, and one of the best, for a very long time. No fear of not being there in whatever way is necessary...
Love to you
Sweet Wyck;
ReplyDeleteI do know this all hits so very close to your own heart- and with exceptional timing too. I am so sorry for that.
You are a godsend to be able to even write about it all.
Your comment above about not knowing if this is/was the last hospital visit... I have had a few fleeting moments of that with my own child, and know how scary that is. And for me, the only way to deal with it was to put it out of my mind and to contemplate my own sanity for even thinking it in the 1st place.
Yes, there are definitely worse things in life than death. Sadly the worst thing IS life, or just some peoples perceptions of it.
But that is neither here nor there at a time like this.
And I see your own Faith with the comments, stories, and all else that you have shared with us all. On here AND on Baby Mariah's pages too.
You are such a gift to everyones lives you have touched.
PS the poem is beautiful...
I can hope that when the time is right that maybe you will share it with Micki and family?
just a thought...
Sweet Peach;
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry for what your inlaws must have gone through, and thought, for all of their days. My mind races even now to wonder where/how they may have found comfort...
Your comment also makes such good sense. My own children have taught me so much simply by living... Miss Mariah will be honored to know that she has taught us much about love and perseverance too.
But it's still so wrong to have such a child, ANY child, suffer so.
ReplyDeleteI may have been wrong...
Wow you got a lot of great comments and I agree with a lot of them. As human's we just don't know or think the way God does. LIke many have said even if it was the right thing it wouldn't of been taken no matter what you said. Seeing your own child going through so much pain, I don't think I would be able to not ask God why. My prayers are going out to you and to them. Big hugs to you
ReplyDeleteThank you Sweet Sheri...
ReplyDeleteI think it's just this damned waiting game that kills our spirits, and leaves us at a loss.
Everybody here is SO much stronger than I could ever even hope to be.
Why should anyone be made to suffer, especially a little child?
ReplyDeleteI believe we live our lives for only two reasons. To learn and to teach.
Any joy or love that we receive in life is a by-product, or bonus, to our spiritual education. Some people (like Mariah) can teach us a lot about love. Unfortunately there are times when these lessons in love come with great pain and suffering.
Suffering is just as much a part of life, as joy is. However, as much as we enjoy the good times in our lives, we rarely learn anything from those times. It is through suffering that we learn the most.
Mariah is teaching valuable spiritual lessons that only an innocent and loving 4 year old can teach. The spiritual education that everyone around her is receiving from her is immeasurable. What a wise "old soul" she must be, to be able to teach and to touch as many lives as she has in only 4 short years.
This is the best I can offer, even though I know this won't be much comfort to parents who are watching their young one slip away more and more each day.
The best thing you can do is be there for her. Don't give answers to questions that can't really be answered in the first place. People question God in times like this, especially when a child, a young child that is the one that is very ill, dying, or has passed away. I lost my son after only 27 hours of his birth. I'm a strong believer in God and I questioned God. I was very angry! I just didn't understand why he could take such a sweet innocent little child. I withdrew from everyone and everything for a few years. I was depressed and angry. I became very sick. I had a dream one night, and my son came to me in my dream and explained to me why God took him. I understood. That is when I started to LIVE again. I wrote a poem about my dream. I will post it on my page tomorrow if anyone wants to see it. I've got a very long prayer list, and Mariah and Casey is on it. I'll be keeping them and their families in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteHope you have a good day Annie
ReplyDeletehere is a link to a website I made long time ago.
It has that poem on it I wrote about my son.
As I said, the website is old, and needs to be upgraded.
I actually forgot I had it. I made it in my amateur days of
website building. Anyway, here is the link.
click on Dedications Vault
The poem is called "Whispers Of The Wind" .
This poem is copyrighted, so if anyone wants to borrow it,
please don't take it unless you ask, and please don't claim
as your own. Thank you.
Anne I came back to read more of your comments here. I think ReconstitutedTeen said it the best......."It is through suffering that we learn the most."
ReplyDeleteSometimes ears say more than the lips.
ReplyDeleteWhen I visited the web page, what I noticed was Mariah's joy. I believe she's experienced Jesus and angels in a way most of us haven't. About 30 years ago I read a book called "Where is God When it Hurts" by Phillip Yancey. It eased some of my misgivings in my new found faith walk (crawl).
As stated earlier, God understands anger. The book of Psalms is really the Christian blues. God tells us not to sin in our anger, not to not get angry.
My heart goes out to Laurie, but what is the alternative to her view? I bet if Mariah could express what she knows about God she'd change Grandma's feelings.
I didn't want to read all the comments posted yet as it would effect my answer and my real feelings going back to when my seven year old daughter died from cancer in 1990. I had always believed in a very strict and unforgiving God as a child and didn't have much need for religion since my father's suicide was from his involvement in a cult religion.. Always feeling doomed to hell because I couldn't live perfection. Anyway, I think we all seek God even more so when something like a threat of child dying happens..seeking that 1 miracle.. I remember all kinds of thoughts and feelings that wrecked havoc on me and my family physically and emotionally after Sherry died.
ReplyDeleteI remember thinking her death was because my sins were put on her, I already had a resentment with God over my father and the childhood abuse that followed. I really hate when I hear preachers or people talk about miracle cures if you have enough faith? Did I have enough faith- No.
But who has more faith than a seven year old innocent child praying to God to let her get well? I was one big world of fearful anger and for many years after her death I lived on the edge anyway I could.. not seeing the hardship I caused my children whom still needed a mom.
The truth came down to that I wasn't unique and so many tragic and horrible things happen to children everyday.. There was nothing anyone could say that would make the pain go away any faster or help me understand why bad things happen to innocence. I didn't hate God as much as I hated myself... It was a long journey to not just coming to terms with God and the loss of my daughter, but learning there was a God that loved me unconditionally and that there was no answer that would make it all better.. I had to grieve. She would be 25 today and there is still days that just claim the past and my heart. Days I have to remind myself I wasn't the one who died and it's okay to feel happiness and joy. As a mother who lost a child.. during those worse than death days I don't think there is anything anyone can say no matter how much wisdom someone has. I had to find my own way back to God and the truth is.. the best friends with the most wisdom was the ones that let me be right where I was at the time and they either cried with me or just listened. That's why I love the song..(I like it best When you say nothing at all) :o) One day we will all be reunited and today even though the selfish me would have kept her.. I had to know she was going to a better place to have the strength to tell her it was okay to go when her suffering here was too much..
I have had two dreams of her visiting me from Heaven.. one of them she brought my dad.. I see that as a gift from God.. but they didn't come till years later when I actually surrendered it to Jesus..
Hugs, Sheila
My repsonse to that comment is always the same.
ReplyDelete"Perhaps we are not meant to understand all of god's ways".
Wow, there are so many awesome comments here Annie that I can't add a single thing other than this: God put you there to be a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen, a hug of love and a prayer for grace. I'm praying for them and you. Love ya, Sally