[My] Life in Wisconsin

PRIVATE ~Political~ "Dogs With Bones" (These People Vote). Rant and More

There is a reason for me to save this; although I do not know what it is yet.
Just a gut feeling if you will. Perhaps the blatant lies at the end about me writing to people. Although admittedly, I did receive a note regarding it- In praise by the way, of what had been said by myself and CaseyAnne.

Please do not feel as though you even need to read the whole thing. Like I said, there is a reason for me to save it all...
But if you do, please do not share this with anyone else...

Love to all


As you know, I am "for" HR3200, (which is our Health Care Reform Bill).

I have already blogged the facts of the bill here (CLICK), along with links to substantiate any questions that might have come up as a result.

I have prided myself, (thus far anyway), with not posting gossip etc.
This entry breaks my own record there too.

As I previously have written in one of my blogs, "I do NOT tolerate drunks, druggies, liars, thieves, or cheats. (Or bloggers that, having NO life of their own, can only gossip and lie)..."

This entry may be construed as my own gossip session. 
But is it gossip if it is true?

In accordance with Multiply TOS, I must give credit to where this came from
Actual Blog from here: CLICK 

I have changed and/or eliminated names to protect the __________

(You may fill in the blank)..................

I did not change Casey's name, nor my own.

This is the full blog to which I commented on... (linked above).

"SOUNDING OFF" Aug 13, '09 6:08 PM

(steps up on soapbox, keys megaphone, clears throat and begins.....)

Well beings I missed out on my "my opinion monday", I've had alot rolling around in this brain of mine and have decided that I need to get rid of a little bit. So, hang on to your hat....I'm sure it's going to be a bumpy ride.

We've all heard about this (so called) health care reform crap...(and it is crap....)

We hear about it almost hourly either on the radio or the tv or every morning in the paper.

Several blogs have posted link after link so that "we may read it" but come on...who in God's green earth has the time to read over 1000 pages of rethoric.

I've heard more than once that I should stop watching tv because they don't give all the facts....BUT does these links really have all the facts.

Most likely the 1000's of pages of crapola are on websites that are all for this so called reform bill.

I applaud all those at the town hall meetings that have been going on across the country for letting their elected officials know that they don't want what they are offering. I was watching one of these meetings on C-span just last night and several people stated that they'd rather give up their jobs and sit at home and watch tv than accept what Congress is offering up as reform...THESE PEOPLE WERE DOCTORS!!!! Now what does that tell ya?

I don't like what they are offering and I sure as hell hope it doesn't pass...as do alot of people across the country. This bill is nothing but a big joke and a load of crapola. That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it!

(climbs down from soapbox and leaves the stage.......)


Here are comments from some friends of hers....


I have to admit that living over the other side of the pond that i dont know a heck of alot that is going on!!!!
but you usually know what your talking about [Person], so fingers crossed the powers that be find a better proposal.

hugs to you


Agree totally.. It is the biggest bunch of crap I have ever seen.. With as many fights as they have had about it and all the people in an uproar they best decide not to do that.. I think if they do, people are going to be fighting like hell to get Obama impeached along with a bunch of congress and senate.. They best remember they are coming up for re-election.. People are pissed over it and they should damn well listen..

Great post.. Big hugs and love!


You won't get any arguments from me.


Jury's still out over here.....I wind up having to look at all sides of it both as a patient and as a person who works for doctors.....My brain hurts just thinking about it....


Now then...

The shit hit the fan when I opened my mouth, not truly realizing the mentality or inability to understand what I was dealing with.


flintville (That's me by the way) in reply to "BUT does these links really have all the facts. Most likely the 1000's of pages of crapola are on websites that are all for this so called reform bill."

Guilty as charged Sweetie;

But the link "I" supplied was the government link. All 1038 pages of it.
And if the gov't was "for" it, it would have passed already, right?

Although I would never tell anyone not to watch TV etc, I figure if I have time to sit around and read blogs, then I have more than enough time to read 1038 (easily double spaced mind you) pages of something that will not only affect me, but my children and grandbabies as well.

My friends blogs will keep while I take a little time to read, google and read some more.

On my page alone, I have at least 4 people who NEED this bill passed for themselves.

When we all sit quietly and truly think of others, then there is a real need.

By the way, you have never said WHY you are against this?
Why you do not think America needs this? Hmmm?



Person, in reply to my "By the way, you have never said WHY you are against this? Why you do not think America needs this? Hmmm"

Because the only one that wil benefit from it is the friggin' government that's why!!! And also all the deadbeats that can get off their asses and get a friggin' job to get their own health insurance instead of expecting hard working people like myself to pay for their needs. All this so called reform is going to do is put more tax burden on our kids, their kids and their kid's kids. Yes, my daughter has a medical card because it saves me almost $300 a month on my insurance at work....BUT I pay a monthly premium for her to have it too. Everyone wants something but they don't want to work to get it. Senior citizens and especially veterans have paid for what they get...which isn't nearly enough. If more people would get off their asses and WORK for what they want instead of standing at the mail box with open hands every month, maybe this country would be better off.

Obama is a joke! He's put this country deeper and deeper in debt than it already was and who's going to pay for it? Guess we all know the answer to that one....JOHN Q. TAXPAYER...that's who!


flintville wrote on Aug 15


First of all, I would bet that your daughters medical card has your state neatly embossed on it. So then you are speaking out of both sides of your mouth.

Secondly, not everyone who is unemployed is a deadbeat.

You DO realize that having a job right now only makes you one paycheck away from being unemployed, don't you?!?

(The same would hold true for everyone else standing in line waiting to cash their paychecks)...

You have also very neatly grouped every unemployed American together.

I believe that is very very cold of you to do so.

Would your opinion then relate to the legitimately disabled amongst us? Your neighbors, your friends, those who are in a a wheelchair, housebound etc?

Are they really ALL "deadbeats"? I think not.

If this reform does not go through, then the 'average' healthcare premium will be over $22,000 per person!

I know of hardly any people that could possibly afford such an amount! Do you?

Does your job permit you to pay that much? I think it does not, given the fact that you do not even own your own home.

Will your daughters education permit her to be able to pay such a premium? Oh wait, 1st she has to repay her student loans, if she goes on to college in the first place. (And remember that the student loans are covered by the same government you are trashing right now).

Your answers are all in my blog entitled "Health Care, No Fear, Only FACTS"

This, from those FACTS,

Lie #5: Obama's health care plan will bankrupt America!

THE TRUTH: We need health care reform now in order to prevent bankruptcy—to control spiraling costs that affect individuals, families, small businesses, and the American economy.

Right now, we spend more than $2 trillion dollars a year on health care.

The average family premium is projected to rise to over $22,000 in the next decade—and each year, nearly a million people face bankruptcy because of medical expenses.

Reform, with an affordable, high-quality public option that can spur competition, is necessary to bring down skyrocketing costs. Also, President Obama's reform plans would be fully paid for over 10 years and not add a penny to the deficit.

And yes, I have linked all of these facts so that no one can say otherwise and even remotely be correct.

As far as to whom will pay for it.
Yes, John Q will.

That is, ... unless you want something for nothing. hehehe


Even high estimates for an early draft of the health care plan are "less than the $1.8 trillion cost of the Bush tax cuts."

Bush tax cuts greater than health care? Probably.

"I'm not that worried about the issue of costs," Krugman wrote. "Yes, the Congressional Budget Office's preliminary cost estimates for Senate plans were higher than expected, and caused considerable consternation last week. But the fundamental fact is that we can afford universal health insurance — even those high estimates were less than the $1.8 trillion cost of the Bush tax cuts."

There's one other implicit assumption in Krugman's statement.

He writes, "But the fundamental fact is that we can afford universal health insurance — even those high estimates were less than the $1.8 trillion cost of the Bush tax cuts." We know the CBO report scored the first draft at $1 trillion, but we also know that CBO determined the draft was not a "universal" plan -- only about a third of the uninsured would be covered.

So... would a truly "universal" bill still come in under $1.8 trillion?

"Absolutely," said Kenneth Thorpe, a health care expert at Emory University. He said draft version of the bill could be modified to expand coverage to everyone and trim costs, and he thinks the total cost of that would likely be just over $1 trillion. He said the Senate Finance Committee is working on a new plan now, though it has not yet been released to the public.

"I think that you can provide universal health care coverage for all 46 million of the uninsured for just over $1 trillion," he said.


Are you understanding any of this a bit more now?



Who gets to decide under the Obama plan? Families.


Not the government - and not hospitals and insurance companies, who do so today.

But the government can require that hospitals and doctors provide honest, necessary information to help them make a decision.

(That's what Obama is talking about).

You would prefer that insurance companies and hospitals suck grieving families dry by promoting expensive procedures that provide little more than false hope?

The anti-reform, government will turn old people into soylent green, hyperbole typical of the American Prospect will not help resolve the very real problems with the American health care system.


Just who are all these folks that seem to be unable to fend for themselves in their doctor's office?

I can answer that one. It is the people who choose to remain UNINFORMED, and would rather sit back and argue ignorantly about what they "think" they know.

You are, SELF ADMITTEDLY, one of those people!

Your comment to me was precisely this on the aforementioned blog of mine.

You said, verbatim now...

"I can make my own intelligent opinion and decision without reading pages of legal mumbo-jumbo."
(No. You cannot).

My own reply "Perhaps I should have just said uninformed then.

One simply cannot make rational decisions based merely on hearsay.
That is called speculation for a reason."

You then stated, "Sorry but I am NOT uninformed."
(Yes, you are).

My reply, " Mama always said:
"If you can't be right, be wrong at the top of your lungs."

The following definition (of what you say you are not) is almost 400 years old.


un·in·formed (ŭn'ĭn-fôrmd')

adj. Not having, showing, or making use of information...

Word Origin & History

Originally in ref. to some specific matter or subject; general sense of "uneducated, ignorant" is recorded from 1647.

Whereas, specualtion and conjecture would be thus:

CONJECTURE: (even older)...

/kənˈdʒɛktʃər/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [kuhn-jek-cher] Show IPA noun, verb, -tured, -tur⋅ing.


1. the formation or expression of an opinion or theory without sufficient evidence for proof.

2. an opinion or theory so formed or expressed; guess; speculation.

3. Obsolete. the interpretation of signs or omens.

verb (used with object)

4. to conclude or suppose from grounds or evidence insufficient to ensure reliability.

verb (used without object)

5. to form conjectures.


1350–1400; (n.) ME < L conjectūra (< MF) inferring, reasoning, equiv. to conject(us) ptp. of conjicere to throw together, form a conclusion (con- con- + -jicere, comb. form of jacere to throw) + -ūra -ure; (v.) late ME conjecturen (< MF) < LL conjecturāre, deriv. of the n.

Related forms:
con⋅jec⋅tur⋅a⋅ble, adjective
con⋅jec⋅tur⋅a⋅bly, adverb
con⋅jec⋅tur⋅er, noun


2. surmise, inference, supposition, theory, hypothesis. 4. surmise, suppose, presume.
See "guess".

Dictionary.com Unabridged

I will not simply "guess" my way through all of this.

You either read the bill so you know what you speak of, or remain, um, sadly uninformed.


I must agree with you on the fact that this is written as only attorneys could understand.

But, there are many MANY online references available for you to simplify any "mumbo jumbo" that may not be so easily understood."


So there ya have it.

I linked TO the bill so everyone CAN read and comprehend, (understand) it for themselves.



flintville wrote on Aug 15 In reply to "Obama is a joke! He's put this country deeper and deeper in debt than it already was and who's going to pay for it? Guess we all know the answer to that one....JOHN Q. TAXPAYER...that's who!"


The following was to be in response to this part of your comment:


Even high estimates for an early draft of the health care plan are "less than the $1.8 trillion cost of the Bush tax cuts."

Bush tax cuts greater than health care? Probably.

"I'm not that worried about the issue of costs," Krugman wrote. "Yes, the Congressional Budget Office's preliminary cost estimates for Senate plans were higher than expected, and caused considerable consternation last week. But the fundamental fact is that we can afford universal health insurance — even those high estimates were less than the $1.8 trillion cost of the Bush tax cuts."

There's one other implicit assumption in Krugman's statement.

He writes, "But the fundamental fact is that we can afford universal health insurance — even those high estimates were less than the $1.8 trillion cost of the Bush tax cuts." We know the CBO report scored the first draft at $1 trillion, but we also know that CBO determined the draft was not a "universal" plan -- only about a third of the uninsured would be covered.

So... would a truly "universal" bill still come in under $1.8 trillion?

"Absolutely," said Kenneth Thorpe, a health care expert at Emory University. He said draft version of the bill could be modified to expand coverage to everyone and trim costs, and he thinks the total cost of that would likely be just over $1 trillion. He said the Senate Finance Committee is working on a new plan now, though it has not yet been released to the public.

"I think that you can provide universal health care coverage for all 46 million of the uninsured for just over $1 trillion," he said.


Additionally, Bush' 1.8 TRillion in tax cuts were for the highest income earners in the country.

Not you.

Not me.

And NOT John Q. Public.



flintville wrote on Aug 15

Will your daughters education permit her to be able to pay such a premium?
Oh wait, 1st she has to repay her student loans, if she goes on to college in the first place. (And remember that the student loans are covered by the same government you are trashing right now).

I have found NO colleges, universities or tech schools that have not increased their fees less than 5% this year.

So what she will be repaying is going to be more and more and more until she finishes her education.

Keeping in mind that you are always one paycheck away from being a deadbeat, how will she be able to pay for this should you become unemployed or disabled or chronically ill in the meantime?

This bill would assure that you be able to include her on your insurance until she is 24 or 26 (can't remember offhand)-

That is, IF you are still working....

Think about what might happen Person, you cannot think everything will remain the same for the next decade of your life.


As an added thought, why not open your opinions to the public?
After all, if you are right about this, you will have many here to agree with you


In response to my "As an added thought, why not open your opinions to the public?

First off, this blog IS open to the public. NOW I will set the record straight as to MY opinion."

You take everything that is said and turn it around to suit your point of view. THAT IS WRONG especially on someone else's blog. That's why I quit commenting on your blog because no matter what I said, it wasn't what you or anyone else wanted to hear. It's almost like if I don't agree with everyone I am wrong.

I NEVER said that everyone on unemployment is a deadbeat. I never said that everyone on disability is a deadbeat. There ARE deadbeats on all forms of assistance and when they are reported no one does a friggin' thing about it but look the other way. Deadbeats are those that FAKE their illnesses or use stupid crap as a disability to get everything handed to them. Just like the twitles wonder at work. She's using the fact that her husband has diabetes to abuse FMLA. THAT IS A DEADBEAT!!! Why does she need FMLA when in fact her husband works 60 plus hours a week. If he's able to go to work on a daily basis, then there's no reason for her to have FMLA. She only wants it so she can take time off when ever she wants to and not get an occurrence. As far as I'm concerned a disability is someone that has a physical problem. Mental problems such as depression and anxiety and all that crap are NOT disabilities. They are treatable diseases that DO NOT keep people from working unless that's the route they choose to take.


in reply to my "given the fact that you do not even own your own home."

Just what the hell does my NOT owning my own home have to do with any of this? My business is my business, not yours or anyone elses.

And if you want to use links, that's fine but DO NOT use them on my page. I don't believe a word on any of them.


[Person] in reply to my "First of all, I would bet that your daughters medical card has your state neatly embossed on it. So then you are speaking out of both sides of your mouth."

How is it I'm speaking out of both sides of my mouth? I PAY a monthly premium for her to have her care which is exactly what I do with my insurance at work. No difference. I pay a co-pay when she goes to the doctor (which thankfully isn't often) and I pay a co-pay for any meds she would happen to need. All her card does is save me some money which in today's world means everything to everyone. At least I'm not being a "deadbeat" to society and the taxpayers.


[Person]  in reply to my "Just who are all these folks that seem to be unable to fend for themselves in their doctor's office?I can answer that one. It is the people who choose to remain UNINFORMED, and would rather sit back and argue ignorantly about what they "think" they know.You are SELF ADMITTEDLY, one of those people!Your comment to me was precisely this on the aforementioned blog of mine.You said, verbatim now..."I can make my own intelligent opinion and decision without reading pages of legal mumbo-jumbo."(No. You cannot)."

I AM NOT UNINFORMED NOR AM I IGNORANT!!! I can, am and will make in intelligent opinion without reading all the DEMOCRATIC shit! And that's what it is!
You are being very rude.


flintville wrote on Aug 15 [Person]  said, First off, this blog IS open to the public.

I replied:
Nope. Copied from above. Aug 13, '09 6:08 PM for ? friends & their friends
It does not say "everyone"



her reply"




flintville wrote on Aug 15 in reply to" I NEVER said that everyone on unemployment is a deadbeat. I never said that everyone on disability is a deadbeat.

I misunderstood your following words:"all the deadbeats that can get off their asses and get a friggin' job to get their own health insurance instead of expecting hard working people like myself to pay for their needs."

My apologies.


flintville wrote on Aug 15 in reply to, "She's using the fact that her husband has diabetes to abuse FMLA. THAT IS A DEADBEAT!!"

I wholeheartedly agree with this statement.

Having run more than a few businesses, I can assure you that FMLA has its ceiling.

Once she is past that she is SOL.

Too bad so sad.

so let her use it all up. There will come a time when she "needs" it and it simply won't be there.


flintville wrote on Aug 15 in reply to: "if I don't agree with everyone I am wrong."

You are wrong if, and only if, you do NOT know the facts.

That is simple.


flintville wrote on Aug 15 in reply to: "As far as I'm concerned a disability is someone that has a physical problem. Mental problems such as depression and anxiety and all that crap are NOT disabilities. They are treatable diseases that DO NOT keep people from working unless that's the route they choose to take."

I am happy that you have clarified the fact that "as far as you are concerned"

Fortunately for many many disabled people, doctors and those in/of medical profession actually KNOW that these "diseases" profoundly affect the physical body, manifesting in heart problems, circulatory problems, digestive problems etc etc etc.

This has been a known medical fact since the early 1970's.


flintville wrote on Aug 15

in reply to: "Just what the hell does my NOT owning my own home have to do with any of this?"

The entire point was this:

If this reform does not go through, then the 'average' healthcare premium will be over $22,000 per person!

I know of hardly any people that could possibly afford such an amount! Do you?

Does your job permit you to pay that much? I think it does not, given the fact that you do not even own your own home.

I was only stating that if you cannot afford to own your own home, then you cannot afford to pay the exorbitant premiums that will come our way if this does not go through.

Please do not try to change the intent which I have written something



flintville wrote on Aug 15

in reply to: "How is it I'm speaking out of both sides of my mouth?"

If her medical card is issued by your state, then you are receiving health care already.

Yet your whole "blogpinion" seems to degrade anything to do with this?


flintville wrote on Aug 15

in reply to: "I AM NOT UNINFORMED NOR AM I IGNORANT!!! I can, am and will make in intelligent opinion without reading all the DEMOCRATIC shit! And that's what it is! You are being very rude."

i do not know how you can "know" what is in the bill until you read it is all.
The bill was actually written in 2004.

Do you feel your soapbox getting more than a little unsteady yet?

I do not mean to be rude. I am only trying to state the facts.

And since I cannot put the link to my above statement to prove when it was written, then you will just have to take my word for it.
You would do well to remember that a Republican was in office in 2004.



What really is going on? I did not twist your words.
I simply noted that YOU had stated "First off, this blog IS open to the public." (Which was not the truth).

That was in rebuttal to my words "As an added thought, why not open your opinions to the public?
After all, if you are right about this, you will have many here to agree with you"

I certainly was not telling you how to set anything up. I was only curious why you were hiding it in the first place. Nothing more. Nothing less.

I believe after all these years you know me much better than that.

Please do not spin my words, my thoughts, or my feelings like that.




DM wrote on Aug 15 replying to flintville said This, from those FACTS, Lie #5: Obama's health care plan will bankrupt America! THE TRUTH: We need health care reform now in order to prevent bankruptcy—to control spiraling costs that affect individuals, families, small businesses, and the American economy. Right now, we spend more than $2 trillion dollars a year on health care.
The average family premium is projected to rise to over $22,000 in the next decade—and each year, nearly a million people face bankruptcy because of medical expenses.
Reform, with an affordable, high-quality public option that can spur competition, is necessary to bring down skyrocketing costs. Also, President Obama's reform plans would be fully paid for over 10 years and not add a penny to the deficit.
And yes, I have linked all of these facts so that no one can say otherwise and even remotely be correct.
As far as to whom will pay for it.
Yes, John Q will. That is, unless you want something for nothing. hehehe

You are totally wrong.. Heard it out of Obama's mouth himself that 65% of the uninsured they are trying to cover are the illegals.. Why in the hell should hard working taxpayers have to support illegals coming in to this country and taking away the jobs from our own citizens.. Bunch of bull.. They already get everything for free and send their money from our jobs back to Mexico.. The democrats are supporting this 100%.. Most people who work and don't have insurance is by their own choice.. Don't want to pay for it so they go without and then bitch because they don't have any.... I have read this health care bill and it is nothing but, trouble for this country and our senior citizens and disabled..

Then our kids and grandkids that have to figure how to pay for all that damn spending the government is doing that should not be done..

Obama himself has said over and over that he support euthinization. I don't care how freaking sick you are that is flipping wrong. If you are meant to go you will.. If it isn't your time then the government helping you to die is bull shit..

Our new government is sucking us down to nothing.. Taxing everything under the sun to cover their pork barrel spending... People having a hard time living as it is and then everything goes up because of all the new taxes.. So it is either eat or pay bills. Duh, you eat.

It is people like you that think this plan is so great that is going to support him and make this a socialist country... And they call us unAmerican.. Right~~

Sorry [person].. I do not mean to argue with people on your page. That is not me but, this is a situation that I can not keep my mouth shut about. Obama is killing this country as a free, wealthy country..

Makes me sick...


Person wrote on Aug 15, flintville said
Please do not spin my words, my thoughts or my feelings like that.

OH but it's ok for you to do it with my words, thoughts, feelings and opinions? Talk about calling the kettle black! I was NOT hiding it from anyone!!!!

It is my opinion that doctors have created hypocondiracs!!!! I do not go to the doctor for every little sniffle, sneeze or hiccup nor does Cee. We go ONLY when it is necessary. Unfortunately most people today will take a doctor at his word that they NEED this test or that test or they NEED this med or that med when in fact they really don't. Doctors are making drug addicts as far as I'm concerned.


Person to DM wrote on Aug 15



Person wrote on Aug 15 in reply to:
"Do you feel your soapbox getting more than a little unsteady yet?"

Nope, mine is solid as a rock...
I made it out of concrete and the backbone to stand up for what I believe.


Person wrote on Aug 15, edited on Aug 15 flintville said. "the 'average' healthcare premium will be over $22,000 per person"

What a crock of crap! Who stated this? Obama? I just figured out what I pay a year for my health insurance and it includes medical, dental and vision care and it doesn't come anywhere close to what you are stating. It's called shopping around and getting the best deal which is what the company I work for does. They look for the "best bang for our bucks".


flintville wrote on Aug 15 DM said Heard it out of Obama's mouth himself that 65% of the uninsured they are trying to cover are the illegals.

Not sure what YOU read? Or heard?
Hmmm ..."Saturday Night Live" does not count.

Illegal Immigrants Will Be Covered. FALSE

"In fact, the House bill (the only bill to be formally introduced in its entirety) specifically says that no federal money would be spent on giving illegal immigrants health coverage:


Nothing in this subtitle shall allow Federal payments for affordability credits on behalf of individuals who are not lawfully present in the United States.

(Of course YOU read it, so you already know this)...

Note too please that under current law, those in the country illegally don’t qualify for federal health programs.

Of interest: About half of illegal immigrants have health insurance now, according to the nonpartisan Pew Hispanic Center, which says those who lack insurance do so principally because their employers don’t offer it."


~~~~ Please see definition of UNinformed.


Truth be known, the democrats are NOT supporting this 100%
(Where do you people get your facts from)? Sorry, just had to ask...
Also have to ask you what a blue dog is then?

You will be paying the $22,000 then in another decade?

But I would be willing to be that you will NOT turn down Medicare if you live long enough to receive it?!? (I thought not).

But you will deny your children and grandchildren your freedoms then... Sad that.

And please feel free to argue with me all you want- If not here then please come to my own page
(I will post no further links. That blog is linked above in comments).

Truth is always right, and so it will not bother me in the least should you decide to come and rail against the truth in my blog.



flintville wrote on Aug 15 in reply to Person: "Who stated this?"

Sorry [Person], but I have been asked not to post a verifiable link.
Once again, you cannot have it both ways.

If you truly want to know, you will come read all of the links enclosed and numbered in my own blog. (Which would of course include reading HR3200)...



flintville wrote on Aug 15 Person said
OH but it's ok for you to do it with my words, thoughts, feelings and opinions? Talk about calling the kettle black! I was NOT hiding it from anyone!!!!
It is my opinion that doctors have created hypocondiracs!!!! I do not go to the doctor for every little sniffle, sneeze or hiccup nor does Cee. We go ONLY when it is necessary. Unfortunately most people today will take a doctor at his word that they NEED this test or that test or they NEED this med or that med when in fact they really don't. Doctors are making drug addicts as far as I'm concerned.

Sweet Person;

I did not do this to your words. I actually "" "QUOTED" "" them so they would NOT be misunderstood.
...Not surprisingly, that didn't help either.

As for the hypochondriac analogy, do not use that in the same breath as you speak to me. You KNOW I have turned down many xrays, and have argued with my own doctors (and Caseys) innunerable times.


Again I must reiterate... (Hopefully for the last time too).

(Copied from above).

Just who are all these folks that seem to be unable to fend for themselves in their doctor's office?????

I can answer that one.
It is the people who choose to remain UNINFORMED, and would rather sit back and argue ignorantly about what they "think" they know.

Person, you are SELF ADMITTEDLY, one of those people!
Your comment to me was precisely this on the aforementioned blog of mine.

You said, verbatim now...
"I can make my own intelligent opinion and decision without reading pages of legal mumbo-jumbo."
(No. You cannot).

(Verbatim means 'word~for~word' by the way).

Those were your own words!!!!


I stand by each word I have said, written and linked.



Person wrote on Aug 15 flintville said "As for the hypochondriac analogy, do not use that in the same breath as you speak to me. You KNOW I have turned down many xrays, and have argued with my own doctors (and Casey's) innumerable times."

There ya go again...twisting things around to suit your way of thinking. I did NOT say anything about you or anyone in particular being hypocondriacs now did I? I merely stated that it is MY opinion that doctors "make" hypocondriacs. Why so defensive on that statement?


Person wrote on Aug 15 reply to flintville said Your comment to me was precisely this on the aforementioned blog of mine. You said, verbatim now..."I can make my own intelligent opinion and decision without reading pages of legal mumbo-jumbo." (No. You cannot).



Person wrote on Aug 15 in reply to flintville said Not sure what YOU read? Or heard? Hmmm Saturday Night Live does not count.

There's no need to be rude!


DM wrote on Aug 15 in reply to flintville said I can answer that one. It is the people who choose to remain UNINFORMED, and would rather sit back and argue ignorantly about what they "think" they know. Person, you are SELF ADMITTEDLY, one of those people!

Why do you keep calling her ignorant? She has a right to her own opinion just as you do.. But, you aren't stating your opinion.. you are stating what you think is fact.. What makes you so sure you are right and what we heard out of Obama's Mouth and read on the is all false? So as I believe you are the one that is uninformed.. I am not going to argue with you at all..

Don't know where you think you are getting your so called facts but, I have been getting mine directly from the senate and house bills.. So when I hear someone saying they are getting their facts from other sources, they are usually TOTALLY FALSE~

About illegals not getting federal monies is totally bull shit. They all get welfare, free medical and out of Obama's mouth free college tuition. Really burns my ass to go to the hospital for something and walk through the emergency room.. There are never less than 50 of them there, with sniffles and crap.. If you have an emergency you are going to wait 5-6 hours to see the doc.. That is frickin bull..

Won't go to a doctor where they are forced to pay..

I am on Medicare if it is any of anyone's buisness. Have been for 6 years and that is why this bill sucks.. Most people can not take rationalized health care.. Some people do go when they have a little sniffle but, most don't go unless they have to.. I pay my damn premium every month along with a premium for secondary insurance. So go ahead and call me ignorant.. I don't care.. As for my kids and grandkids, I don't have to worry about them. We got them insurance policies when they were young and right now they could retire and live comfortably the rest of their lives. As if that is anyones buisness either.. As for the 22,000 in premiums that is the biggest bull I have ever seen.. I pay around 1500 a year and it sure as hell isn't going to go to 22,000 in 10 years.. Totally ludicrous.. You need to think before you open your mouth.. Most everything you have said, anybody with a brain could figure out it is ALL false.. Just a damn scare tactic... Which is exactly what the news is saying today.. Obama knows he is losing his battle so now he is going back to campaign tactics.. People already know he is a liar from hell so that isn't going to help him one bit..

And if that crap you stated as truth were true then why is it at all these town hall meetings won't they answer the questions when they are asked.. Because they don't want people to know they are frigging lieing through their teeth..

I wouldn't come to your page and argue with you. Rail against the truth my butt.... You wouldn't know the truth till it slaps you in the face and Obama takes everything away from you and owns your life..


flintville wrote on Aug 15 reply to Person said There's no need to be rude!

You are right once again.
I apologize for offending one of your friends.
When I get frustrated by ignorance I have a real tendency to become overly sarcastic.

My apologies once more.



Person wrote on Aug 15 flintville said "When I get frustrated by ignorance"

Again with the ignorance....why is it just because we don't agree with you we are ignorant?

This is a perfect example of which I spoke at some point in time that two people can read the SAME document, link, etc and have differing opinions on it but yet WE are ignorant? Doesn't seem fair to me especially on my own page. I would never go to yours or anyone else's page and call them ignorant.


flintville wrote on Aug 15 Person said Again with the ignorance....why is it just because we don't agree with you we are ignorant? This is a perfect example of which I spoke at some point in time that two people can read the SAME document, link, etc and have differing opinions on it but yet WE are ignorant? Doesn't seem fair to me especially on my own page. I would never go to yours or anyone else's page and call them ignorant.

There is a HUGE difference between ignorant and stupid.
One would be a definite insult.



Flintville wrote on Aug 15 DM said Rail against the truth my butt..

Hang on... Getting to you in a minute.


Person wrote on Aug 15 in reply to flintville said There is a HUGE difference between ignorant and stupid. One would be a definite insult.

Whoa, back up there!!! Calling anyone ignorant or stupid is both an insult, offensive and downright rude!


flintville wrote on Aug 15 in reply to DM said Don't know where you think you are getting your so called facts but, I have been getting mine directly from the senate and house bills.. So when I hear someone saying they are getting their facts from other sources, they are usually TOTALLY FALSE~


First of all, HR3200 IS the bill in question, is it not?

That is exactly where I am getting MY information. Not from radio, or the telly, or at the water cooler either.

I do not coffee~klatch so not getting it there either.

You keep asking where I get it all from, and yet I have been told NOT to post any links. Makes no sense to me.

Like yourself, I am on Medicare. (So there WILL be no more arguing there)!

As for insurance policies, that is a good thing for your kids and grandkids. Unfortunately though, those policies pay only after death. So...

HOWEVER, we are speaking of "health" insurance, not life insurance.

They are not even closely related, so I have NO idea why you would bring that up?!?

I was thinking before I wrote anything...

Life insurance policies? (Who is messed up now)?
You asked about the $22,000.

Here it is although you will need a bit of Mathematical Methodology and Integrity to understand it.

The actuaries at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services forecast that per capita medical costs are expected to increase 71 percent over the next decade. With average family premiums currently a bit over $13,000, the expected cost of a family policy would be over $22,000 in 2019. These projections apply expected growth to average premiums in each state, and demonstrate how these projected premiums vary across the country, assuming that current differences across states remain in place. See comment section for table of states...

So again, please explain why you think that HR3200 has ANYthing to do with a life insurance policy?



reply DM wrote on Aug 15 flintville said When I get frustrated by ignorance I have a real tendency to become overly sarcastic.

Why is it that we are the ignorant ones?? Maybe is you that is the uninformed and ignorant one but, I would never call you that, on Persons page, yours or anyones.. This just slays me that some people are so blind to what is going on in this country that they only see and hear what they want to..

If that stuff was true then why would they not answer peoples questions when asked about it.. Just ignore it and go to the next one..

Just because we do NOT agree with you at all is no reason to call people ignorant or say ignorancy makes you overly sarcastic.. That is the same damn thing as saying people are ignorant because they disagree with you.. That makes you a very rude person, and that is my opinion. All Person has ever done is state HER OPINION.. That is her beliefs and how she feels and not anyone else's.. She has the right to do that.. This is her page and this is America for now.. Right now we are a country of having the right to state our opinions but, if your Obama gets his way it won't be...Now he is the ignorant one if he thinks we will set back and let that happen.. Just like his so called health care without a major fight.


flintville wrote on Aug 15 Person said Calling anyone ignorant or stupid is both an insult


Ignorance is unlearned and uninformed.
Stupid is unable to learn.

Like I said, HUGE difference.

Me aka "English Major"


flintville wrote on Aug 15 in reply to DM said Why is it that we are the ignorant ones?? Maybe is you that is the uninformed and ignorant one but, I would never call you that, on Persons page, yours or anyones..

Please see above differences in definition of ignorant and stupid.


flintville wrote on Aug 15

"Ignorance" CAN be taught to, and then corrected.
Stupid cannot.

That is HUGE.


Person wrote on Aug 15 flintville said "English Major"

Who cares if you have an English major? It is STILL insulting and rude to call anyone either one or both of those!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I may not have a college education but I now an insult when I see or hear one.
It don't take a rocket scientist to know something like that!


DM wrote on Aug 15 flintville said As for insurance policies, that is a good thing for your kids and grandkids. Unfortunately though, those policies pay only after death. So...
HOWEVER, we are speaking of "health" insurance, not life insurance.
They are not even closely related, so I have NO idea why you would bring that up?!?

First off it is not an life insurance policy.. They can get it whenever they want.. It is a retirement insurance.. So you are reading things into what was said..

Second that is friggin false.. I don't know of any state that has insurance premiums that high. Everyone we checked out for family the highest was 360 a month.. Don't come any where close to that amount.. The only way the insurance premiums could go up that high is if they tripled the minimum wage. What they are saying now for insurance premiums is more than a lot of people bring home in a year so, not you, not anyone in this country will ever convince me that they are 13,000 a year.. That would be over a 1000 a month. TOTAL BULL...

With you being on Medicare you know for a fact that premiums are not 13,000 a year.. Private companies aren't any where close to that high.. So you are stating falsehoods as truth..

I never once said life insurance has anything to do with HR3200.. Never said anything about life insurance at all.. So who is it that is uninformed about what they read????

About that site I went to it.. That is the one I read in the news this morning that the democrats set up to tell people what they want to say in these town hall meetings that people won't listen to them in.. Well of course not, cause they won't answer the questions that people want to know.. They just want to tell them what they want them to hear.. So that page is not fact.. That is what they want you to see and hear.. He also has gone back to campaign tactics to get across what he wants to. Thinks that will make people listen.. Not going to happen.. He has already proved he is a total LIAR...


DM wrote on Aug 15 person said Who cares if you have an English major? It is STILL insulting and rude to call anyone either one or both of those!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am NOT FRIGGIN' IGNORANT NOR STUPID!!!! I may not have a college education but I now an insult when I see or hear one. It don't take a rocket scientist to know something like that!



DM wrote on Aug 15 flintville said "Ignorance" CAN be taught to, and then corrected. Stupid cannot. That is HUGE.

That does not matter a bit.. Either you are saying we are ignorant or stupid and I am not either.

They are both rude and obnoxious when you say them to people and that is what you have done over and over today.. Because we do not agree with you, you say ignorance makes you overly sarcastic so out of your own mouth you say we are ignorant and that is VERY RUDE~


flintville wrote on Aug 15 DM said

First off it is not an life insurance policy.. They can get it whenever they want.. It is a retirement insurance.. So you are reading things into what was said.. Second that is friggin false.. I don't know of any state that has insurance premiums that high. Everyone we checked out for family the highest was 360 a month.. Don't come any where close to that amount.. The only way the insurance premiums could go up that high is if they tripled the minimum wage. What they are saying now for insurance premiums is more than a lot of people bring home in a year so, not you, not anyone in this country will ever convince me that they are 13,000 a year.. That would be over a 1000 a month. TOTAL BULL... With you being on Medicare you know for a fact that premiums are not 13,000 a year.. Private companies aren't any where close to that high.. So you are stating falsehoods as truth.. I never once said life insurance has anything to do with HR3200.. Never said anything about life insurance at all.. So who is it that is uninformed about what they read???? About that site I went to it.. That is the one I read in the news this morning that the democrats set up to tell people what they want to say in these town hall meetings that people won't listen to them in.. Well of course not, cause they won't answer the questions that people want to know.. They just want to tell them what they want them to hear.. So that page is not fact.. That is what they want you to see and hear.. He also has gone back to campaign tactics to get across what he wants to. Thinks that will make people listen.. Not going to happen.. He has already proved he is a total LIAR...

Reality check here.

The insurance companies set the premiums, and their fees have not a dang thing to do with the minimum wage.

Sorry about assuming you meant life insurance. My bad.

Hmm... But then again your retirement "insurance" would also nothing to do with this bill. (Sorry, you brought it up, not I).

*** Furthermore, I am glad that your family will be well provided for, and that you worked your entire life to assure that they will be able to afford their premiums for health insurance in a decade.

(Personally, in the mid 1990's I paid OUT OF POCKET close to $500.00 month for my own health insurance. So I have NO idea where you would find decent "health" insurance for $360 affordable dollars a month 15+ years later).

To be sure, I did not state any falsehoods.

I clearly stated "Here it is although you will need a bit of Mathematical Methodology and Integrity to understand it." (Those are my words. I stand by them too).

"The actuaries at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services forecast that per capita medical costs are expected to increase 71 percent over the next decade. With average family premiums currently a bit over $13,000, the expected cost of a family policy would be over $22,000 in 2019."

***Please note that this came from "The actuaries at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid"

Wow. Is that why you don't want any links here? So you can question who wrote it, but that you really don't want to wait for an answer?

That is way past sad. That is tragic.

About the sites I DO post on MY blogs, most of them are completely bipartisan.

You see, I have been accused of being partisan before; (& FYI, no one was ever right about that either). ;-)

Many people are willing to even learn the truth, and will take the time, giving up softball, football, (and even NASCAR), to better educate themselves.



flintville wrote on Aug 15 DM said out of your own mouth you say we are ignorant and that is VERY RUDE~

Ignorance CAN be taught (and improved on).
Stupid simply cannot.

'Rude' and 'obnoxious' are also not interchangeable.
But enough for today kids.



Person wrote on Aug 15 flintville said Personally, in the mid 1990's I paid OUT OF POCKET close to $500.00 month for my own health insurance. So I have NO idea where you would find decent "health" insurance for $360 affordable dollars a month 15+ years later).

Well that's interesting beings I have health insurance at work which is taken out of my check EVERY WEEK and my premiums aren't any where close to that. And it is DECENT health insurance. AND it includes dental and vision coverage as well. So don't sit there and tell me that there is no decent affordable insurance out there because there is. My employer wouldn't settle for anything less.


Person wrote on Aug 15 flintville said But enough for today kids.

I kinda doubt that one......


Person wrote on Aug 15 in reply flintville said Many people are willing to even learn the truth, and will take the time, giving up softball, football, (and even NASCAR), to better educate themselves.

Enough with your put downs!!!

oh and on the part about being bipartisan. What a load of crap! You ARE being partisan on this subject so don't deny that.


edbdkcn (CaseyAnne) wrote on Aug 15 in reply to Person said Obama is a joke! He's put this country deeper and deeper in debt than it already was and who's going to pay for it? Guess we all know the answer to that one....JOHN Q. TAXPAYER...that's who!

I guess you haven't noticed that the recession we were in is leveling off. In case you don't know, that is the first step in turning things around. We are no longer sinking deeper and deeper....

Pay attention to the facts...


edbdkcn wrote on Aug 15 Person said I AM NOT UNINFORMED NOR AM I IGNORANT!!! I can, am and will make in intelligent opinion without reading all the DEMOCRATIC shit! And that's what it is

An educated decision is one made after all FACTS are considered. If this can only be reached after facts are read, it is IMPOSSIBLE TO MAKE if you completely ignore the facts...

Pay attention to the FACTS...



REALLY?!?! You're the one who said it was open to everyone. She was NOT telling you that you should use your settings differently. She WAS letting you know that your page is NOT open to everyone as you said it was...

You stated a fallacy, she stated a FACT...

Pay attention to the FACTS!


edbdkcn wrote on Aug 15 Person said And also all the deadbeats that can get off their asses and get a friggin' job to get their own health insurance instead of expecting hard working people like myself to pay for their needs.

You have stated that only the government and deadbeats will be benefiting from this bill.

Since I'm not in government, I guess that makes me one of your deadbeats who should get off my ass and get a job......

Just so you know, when I was able to work jobs in the past, NONE of them offered health insurance. NOT every business in America allows its employees to have the benefit of health insurance... You happen to be in a very lucky situation... This bill will ensure also that jobs will offer employees health insurance. SO this will even benefit those HARD-WORKING Americans that don't have the option right now...

Pay attention to the FACTS.


DM wrote on Aug 15 flintville said Reality check here. The insurance companies set the premiums, and their fees have not a dang thing to do with the minimum wage.Sorry about assuming you meant life insurance. My bad. Hmm... But then again your retirement "insurance" would also nothing to do with this bill. (Sorry, you brought it up, not I).
*** Furthermore, I am glad that your family will be well provided for, and that you worked your entire life to assure that they will be able to afford their premiums for health insurance in a decade. (Personally, in the mid 1990's I paid OUT OF POCKET close to $500.00 month for my own health insurance. So I have NO idea where you would find decent "health" insurance for $360 affordable dollars a month 15+ years later).

You are way off basis.. It isn't talking about out of pocket fees.. It is talking monthly premiums to have insurance. So don't even go there.

My kids have very good insurance.. They belong to the armed forces so they are well taken care of. Besides that.. My kids are none of anyones buisness. And in a decade the premiums for insurance will still not be over a 1000 a month.. So you saying they will be double that is still a bunch of malarky.. It has everything to do with wages.. People who have a minimum wage job would not have insurance that charges 1000 dollars a month premium.. Let alone a 2000 dollar a month premium.. I don't know of any person now no matter what they make that would pay 1000 a month insurance premium.. That is totally bull shit.. They could put that money in savings and pay their own medical bills.

You brought that up about the kids and retirement and being able to live in a decade, I didn't.. I just told you my kids were good.. You are the one that brought up all that damn insurance crap.. You have misread every thing that was said to you today.. And you sure as hell don't listen... Everything has been your way or no way.. Now you sound just like Obama.. Disgusting. His scare tactics will get him nothing but booted out of office which would be the best thing for this country before it becomes Meximerica with a different flag.. Cause he don't believe in saluting this one or listening to our national anthem..

Our country in 10 years will not be America anymore as we know it if he keeps up his shit. With the economy the way it is and he is telling us we have to do this or that, then he takes all them plane trips over seas to have lunch on the taxpayers. Real smart guy there huh? Do you enjoy paying for his 6000 trips and his 3000 dollar lunches? I think not.. It is people like you that is going to help make this a non American unfree country that the government owns and tells you what you can do and when.. When you can go to the doc and what meds you can have... Guess you enjoy being told what to do..


flintville wrote on Aug 15 Person said Enough with your put downs!!! oh and on the part about being bipartisan. What a load of crap! You ARE being partisan on this subject so don't deny that.

hehehe You are so paranoid!

Even Randy took the time to read it, and he is very very Republican!

But correct too- (Sorry I had a few things to do in the meantime)...

If only you knew... I am the MOST bipartisan person you will ever meet.
If my parents were still alive they would be the first to clue you in on that.



edbdkcn wrote on Aug 15 DM said Obama himself has said over and over that he support euthinization. I don't care how freaking sick you are that is flipping wrong. If you are meant to go you will.. If it isn't your time then the government helping you to die is bull shit..

I guess you've never had multiple doctors tell you that you'll be dead in a few years. When you are in pain, suffering and you KNOW there is no possible way to cure what you have, wouldn't you like to die peacefully instead of suffering the last few months you may have left to die a horribly painful death...

I have personally seen people with Alzheimer's and various forms of incurable cancers live horrible painful deaths. Not being able to eat or drink, not being able to move, not being able to breathe and YES they wanted it ended. Cruel would be telling them that they have to live severely disabling lives until the very end. Too bad, just suffer...

Look at the whole picture before speaking...

Oh, and pay attention to the facts...


flintville wrote on Aug 15 edbdkcn said You stated a fallacy, she stated a FACT...

Thanks Sweetie,
And yes, sometimes the truth hurts. So be it.

If you, or anyone else, does not take the time to read the damn bill, then how can one possibly make informed decisions?

That was/IS my point.

Kinda like the people that do not take a few hours to vote and yet sit around and think they have a right to complain about our government.



edbdkcn wrote on Aug 15 Person said Nope, mine is solid as a rock...I made it out of concrete and the backbone to stand up for what I believe.

How can it be solid when you've based it on nothing but conjecture???

To assume things just because of guesses and speculation is ignorance.

An educated opinion (as stated above) is made only after reviewing ALL the facts...

Therefore, since you've not read the bill, you can't have an educated opinion on it.

It's like me saying I just don't like your place of dwelling. How would I know? I've never been there??? That would be pure ignorance...

Pay attention to the FACTS!!!


DM wrote on Aug 15 edbdkcn said This bill will ensure also that jobs will offer employees health insurance. SO this will even benefit those HARD-WORKING Americans that don't have the option right now...

Yea, an insurance that the government owns and can tell you what to do and when you can go to the doc and what meds you can have.. Bunch of bull crap.. And to force everyone into it is not keeping this country a free country with freedom choices.. The insurance bill as you think it is going to be is a total farce.. The goverment are liars and are only going to tell you what you want to hear.. That is exactly what Obama did in his campaign and did the opposite.. A complete liar. And now he is using those same campaign tactics to try to get this health care passed.. People are wising up to the sucker and going to fight him tooth and nail..


edbdkcn wrote on Aug 15 Person said OH YES I CAN!!!

I'm sorry, but in my opinion you are incredibly dense if you believe this...
PAY attention to THE FACTS!!!!


flintville wrote on Aug 15 edbdkcn said NOT every business in America allows its employees to have the benefit of health insurance.

You are SO right!
Those businesses that do? Well if you think you are paying the entire premium because of your silly deduction, you sure have another think coming.

Go to HR in any company that still offers health insurance and ask them what percentage the business pays compared to what your meager payment is.

Another HUGE difference.



edbdkcn wrote on Aug 15 DM said Why do you keep calling her ignorant? She has a right to her own opinion just as you do.. But, you aren't stating your opinion.. you are stating what you think is fact.. What makes you so sure you are right and what we heard out of Obama's Mouth and read on the is all false?

Okay, let me explain this on an 8-year-old level for you:

-She is calling her ignorant because Person refuses to look at the facts of this situation.

-Not reading the facts of a situation makes you uninformed

-Since Person has said she refuses to look at the facts then she is uninformed

-Uninformed is a synonym (a word that is of similar meaning) to ignorant.

-Person is uninformed, therefore she is also ignorant.

NOTE: Nowhere up there did the logic tell you that we are saying you both can't have your own opinions... You may always have your own opinions... Again, an educated opinion is one that is made after reviewing all the facts...

SO, how about we PAY ATTENTION TO THE FACTS?????

Dense, and denser... In my opinion... After reviewing all these comments...


DM wrote on Aug 15 flintville said Thanks Sweetie, And yes, sometimes the truth hurts. So be it. If you, or anyone else, does not take the time to read the damn bill, then how can one possibly make informed decisions? That was/IS my point. Kinda like the people that do not take a few hours to vote and yet sit around and think they have a right to complain about our government. XOXO Me

Have you know I did vote and did not and would not vote for that idiot.. I will also have you know I have read that bill over and over again.. So don't tell me I can't make informed decisions.

I have been well informed....

You make a big issue out of Person saying she has her blog open but when you get cornered about misreading just about everything today you go into the name calling and being rude. You have been very rude today.. You have called us ignorant and you have called us stupid so there is no need to debate you at all because if it isn't your way then people are ignorant and stupid.. Makes you a pretty sad person..


edbdkcn wrote on Aug 15 DM said you are stating what you think is fact..

She is stating issues that are addressed in the ACTUAL bill that is in question here.

The only facts that could be assessed in this situation must come from the concrete evidence of the bill...

It is not what she thinks is fact... IT IS FACT!! Wake up...



flintville wrote on Aug 15 DM said My kids have very good insurance.. They belong to the armed forces so they are well taken care of.

Of course they are! If they are military, then they are already receiving GOVERNMENT insurance.
(You know, the one that you are so against here)?
Yup the very same! hehehe

You [obviously] have never run a company that offers insurance to its employees.
if you had, you would respect the amount of work that goes into making that decision in the 1st place; and you would further know that your company pays the lions share of the expense.

if you have ever worked under contract, please read the fine print.

It is there. ALL that information just waiting to be read and acknowledged.

I have called no one STUPID.
If I did, please show me where exactly that I did this?

Thank you



edbdkcn wrote on Aug 15 Person said Whoa, back up there!!! Calling anyone ignorant or stupid is both an insult, offensive and downright rude!

It's rather humorous because you came to this conclusion by not thoroughly comprehending the definition of either...

I think Mom's being a bit too nice... You have been given the facts and you still don't get it...

In my opinion that just demonstrates that you can't learn. In my opinion that makes you stupid not ignorant...

Just my opinion!

FACTS: pay attention to them...


flintville wrote on Aug 15 DM said "Meximerica"

Say what? This has nothing to do with the Mexicans.
Truth be known, China owns 30%+ of this country.

But if you read and learned and kept abreast of pertinent topics you would already know that the Mexicans are just scapegoats for China.



DM wrote on Aug 15 edbdkcn said How can it be solid when you've based it on nothing but conjecture??? To assume things just because of guesses and speculation is ignorance.An educated opinion (as stated above) is made only after reviewing ALL the facts...Therefore, since you've not read the bill, you can't have an educated opinion on it.It's like me saying I just don't like your place of dwelling. How would I know? I've never been there??? That would be pure ignorance... Pay attention to the FACTS!!!

she never once said she has not read the bill.. So how do you know that what is being said is based on speculation..

I have read all the facts and what flintville has said today is a bunch of bull..



flintville wrote on Aug 15 DM said It is people like you that is going to help make this a non American unfree country that the government owns and tells you what you can do and when.

Like I said, America is not owned by America.
And it hasn't been in a very long time.

It is 2009. Please know America has been foreign owned since the mid 1970's.

Oh and yes, I DO and always have driven "American" cars.
As I also check the labels on anything I buy.
Guess that must be unAmerican too.



edbdkcn wrote on Aug 15 DM said Second that is friggin false.. I don't know of any state that has insurance premiums that high. Everyone we checked out for family the highest was 360 a month.. Don't come any where close to that amount..

So just because you don't pay that much, NO ONE could possibly be paying that much???

You do realize that there are more people in America than just you, right? MANY more people, and an average is taken from EVERY piece of data. So these averages were taken after getting the total premiums that every American family pays... Just because you're luckier than the average person, doesn't mean that everyone is...

Also, you state that this is more than one person brings home in one year. Well, that doesn't really apply because the premiums stated above as being $13,000 are FAMILY premiums. (Families consist of more than one person...FYI)



Another Lady wrote on Aug 15 edbdkcn said I guess you've never had multiple doctors tell you that you'll be dead in a few years. When you are in pain, suffering and you KNOW there is no possible way to cure what you have, wouldn't you like to die peacefully instead of suffering the last few months you may have left to die a horribly painful death... I have personally seen people with Alzheimer's and various forms of incurable cancers live horrible painful deaths. Not being able to eat or drink, not being able to move, not being able to breathe and YES they wanted it ended. Cruel would be telling them that they have to live severely disabling lives until the very end. Too bad, just suffer... Look at the whole picture before speaking... Oh, and pay attention to the facts...

Here I've got to agree with Casey. If I had been able to help my Grandfather, I would have. He was in horrible, horrible pain. It was terrible watching him waste away for 18 months in such pain he cried even on Morphine.


edbdkcn wrote on Aug 15 DM said Because we do not agree with you, you say ignorance makes you overly sarcastic so out of your own mouth you say we are ignorant and that is VERY RUDE~

Please see 8-year-old logic and explanation of why you're being called ignorant... Let me know if that's too advanced for you, and I'll try to simplify it...


If you had read the bill in the first place and then stated you didn't agree with it, then you'd be entitled to have an informed opinion on the matter...



edbdkcn wrote on Aug 15 Person said Well that's interesting beings I have health insurance at work which is taken out of my check EVERY WEEK and my premiums aren't any where close to that.

Hey, just so you know, your premiums are not that high because YOUR WORK PAYS THE REST OF THE PREMIUM!!!!!

Attention should be drawn to the factual matters....


DM wrote on Aug 15 edbdkcn said She is stating issues that are addressed in the ACTUAL bill that is in question here. The only facts that could be assessed in this situation must come from the concrete evidence of the bill... It is not what she thinks is fact... IT IS FACT!! Wake up...Pay ATTENTION to the FACTS

Yes it is and I have read them many times. Not one thing she said today was in the actual bill..

It is exactly what she thinks is fact.... This blog was about an opinion and you guys have turned it into a down right war.. Don't you think that is pretty rude...

Of course not cause flintville says it isn't rude.. Well it most certainly is.. You don't go to someone elses page and tell them they are ignorant or stupid because they feel different about things. Pretty sad that you are so worried that this health care bill won't pass that you have to cut other peoples opinions down.. Thought that was was America stood for. To have the freedom to state your opinion.. Oh I forgot, Obama and his followers don't think this should be a free country to have our own opinions..


edbdkcn wrote on Aug 15 Person said Enough with your put downs!!! oh and on the part about being bipartisan. What a load of crap! You ARE being partisan on this subject so don't deny that.

She stated that some people are willing to give those things up to learn the facts.
How can that be offensive???

-Facts are bipartisan
-She is stating facts
-Therefore, logic would yield that she is being bipartisan

FACTS: PAY ATTENTION TO THEM!!! You might just learn something....


edbdkcn wrote on Aug 15

Oops, sorry, forgot to inform you of this:

fact   [fakt]
something that actually exists; reality; truth


edbdkcn wrote on Aug 15 DM said And to force everyone into it is not keeping this country a free country with freedom choices..

It's not forcing anyone to take this insurance, just making it available to everyone... So we will ALL have the RIGHT to insurance...

You do know the difference between a right and a privilege, right?


edbdkcn wrote on Aug 15 DM said she never once said she has not read the bill.. So how do you know that what is being said is based on speculation.. I have read all the facts and what flintville has said today is a bunch of bull..YOU BOTH NEED TO GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT BEFORE COMING AND CUTTING DOWN SOMEONE'S OPINION~

Yes, idiot, she did say she hasn't read it...

VERBATIM: "who in God's green earth has the time to read over 1000 pages of rethoric."

"Most likely the 1000's of pages of crapola are on websites that are all for this so called reform bill."

Please, see the 8-year-old explanation on the whole educated opinion section... Although by your comments you are showing me you're not capable of that level...


flintville wrote on Aug 15 DM said Yes it is and I have read them many times. Not one thing she said today was in the actual bill..

Oh you read the bill many time (not "them" but "the bill" by the way), and yet you also wrote of euthanasia, and had to be informed of the fact that Illegal Immigrants Will NOT Be Covered.
As I quoted earlier, "In fact, the House bill (the only bill to be formally introduced in its entirety) specifically says that no federal money would be spent on giving illegal immigrants health coverage:

Another direct quote FROM the bill you read many times: H.R. 3200: Sec 246 — NO FEDERAL PAYMENT FOR UNDOCUMENTED ALIENS

Nothing in this subtitle shall allow Federal payments for affordability credits on behalf of individuals who are not lawfully present in the United States." end quote

So then I am just going to simply state that it is a matter of [no] comprehension?



DM wrote on Aug 15 in reply to edbdkcn said Okay, let me explain this on an 8-year-old level for you: -She is calling her ignorant because Person refuses to look at the facts of this situation.-Not reading the facts of a situation makes you uninformed-Since Person has said she refuses to look at the facts then she is uninformed-Uninformed is a synonym (a word that is of similar meaning) to ignorant.-Person is uninformed, therefore she is also ignorant.

NOTE: No where up there did the logic tell you that we are saying you both can't have your own opinions... You may always have your own opinions... Again, an educated opinion is one that is made after reviewing all the facts...
SO, how about we PAY ATTENTION TO THE FACTS?????
Dense, and denser... In my opinion... After reviewing all these comments...

NO that tells me you all are pretty damn dense.. You can have an opinion about anything you like.. If you believe in one thing or the other you have an opinion about it. You are allowed to say how you believe... That is the way we believe and you can call us ignorant or whatever.. I don't give a damn.. Nobody ever said my opinion is always right but that is my belief and my opinion and this is America for now and I will say what I believe.. Not right for someone else to come to someone elses page and tell them they are ignorant because they have an opinion of how they believe..

So that makes you guys pretty rude and ignorant..


DM wrote on Aug 15 in reply to edbdkcn said So just because you don't pay that much, NO ONE could possibly be paying that much??? You do realize that there are more people in America than just you, right? MANY more people, and an average is taken from EVERY piece of data. So these averages were taken after getting the total premiums that every American family pays... Just because you're luckier than the average person, doesn't mean that everyone is...Also, you state that this is more than one person brings home in one year. Well, that doesn't really apply because the premiums stated above as being $13,000 are FAMILY premiums. (Families consist of more than one person...FYI)FYI: Pay ATTENTION to THE FACTS!!!!

That is right.. Families.. And you aren't going to tell me that people are paying over a thousand dollars a month for insurance premiums... Maybe someone that makes 250,000 a year or more....

That is right.. There are a ton of people that make less than 13,000 a year.. Pretty sad isn't it. I know of several and by God they pay the insurance premiums every paycheck.. So that tells me that the ones that don't have insurance are the ones that don't want to pay for it..


DM wrote on Aug 15in reply to edbdkcn said Please see 8-year-old logic and explanation of why you're being called ignorant... Let me know if that's too advanced for you, and I'll try to simplify it...FOR THE LAST TIME: SHE IS CALLING YOU IGNORANT BECAUSE YOU'RE UNINFORMED NOT BECAUSE YOU DON'T AGREE WITH HER!!!!!!!If you had read the bill in the first place and then stated you didn't agree with it, then you'd be entitled to have an informed opinion on the matter...PAY ATTENTION TO THE FRIGGEN FACTS!!!!

That goes to show you, that you are about as uninformed as she is.. I have told you 3 times that I have read it over and over but, that didn't make a diff.. She still said I was ignorant.. I am NOT uninformed and I am not ignorant or stupid..

YOU TWO on the other hand are about the most obnoxious, rude and senile people I have ever talked to.. You just keep repeating the same damn thing over and over and trying to make people believe your way.. Well that is never going to happen so don't be going to other peoples pages and telling them they are ignorant because what they believe and there opinion..

And making smart ass remarks about having to explain to an 8 year old makes you a pretty rude person.

Not a damn thing any of you have said today should have ever been said. This is Person's page and her beliefs and her opinions. . She has that right to post whatever her beliefs and opinions are without being told read the facts..

Facts don't have a damn thing to do with your belief and opinion..


DM wrote on Aug 15 in reply to edbdkcn said It's not forcing anyone to take this insurance, just making it available to everyone... So we will ALL have the RIGHT to insurance...You do know the difference between a right and a privilege, right?

Bull shit.. They are forcing the other insurance companies out and making it mandantory to carry their insurance or be fined..

It's not right or a privilege.....


DM wrote on Aug 15 in reply to edbdkcn said Hey, just so you know, your premiums are not that high because YOUR WORK PAYS THE REST OF THE PREMIUM!Attention should be drawn to the factual matters....

How in the hell do you know.. I have you know that my husband has great insurance and we pay it all.. the company don't pay no part of it..

So get off the factual matters cause now you are talking about something that you DO NOT KNOW as FACT.


DM wrote on Aug 15 edbdkcn said Yes, idiot, she did say she hasn't read it...VERBATIM: "who in God's green earth has the time to read over 1000 pages of rethoric.""Most likely the 1000's of pages of crapola are on websites that are all for this so called reform bill." Please, see the 8-year-old explanation on the whole educated opinion section... Although by your comments you are showing me you're not capable of that level...

You know what, You are about an ignorant asshole. You don't listen at all..



Person wrote on Aug 15

CASEY---You have to be one of the most rude, arrogant and disrespectful young people I've ever had the disprivilege of reading comments from. My 16 year old has more respect than what you've shown here. How dare you come to MY page and spew your garbage!!! I DO NOT have to read page after page after page of shit to form MY OPINION!!! You have no right to come here and call me or anyone else on my page names. But I've put an end to that!

DM---Thank you for all you've said. At least there are some that can agree to disagree and move on. Unfortunately there are those like we've endured today and this evening that just can't.


DM wrote on Aug 15 flintville said Oh you read the bill many time (not "them" but "the bill" by the way), and yet you also wrote of euthanasia, and had to be informed of the fact that Illegal Immigrants Will NOT Be Covered.As I quoted earlier, "In fact, the House bill (the only bill to be formally introduced in its entirety) specifically says that no federal money would be spent on giving illegal immigrants health coverage: Another direct quote FROM the bill you read many times:H.R. 3200: Sec 246 — NO FEDERAL PAYMENT FOR UNDOCUMENTED ALIENSNothing in this subtitle shall allow Federal payments for affordability credits on behalf of individuals who are not lawfully present in the United States."end quoteSo then I am just going to simply state that it is a matter of [no] comprehension?XOXO Me

You are being a total ass to.. It is you you you and nobody else is right. WHO gives a shit.. You aren't going to convince us so you might as well stop with the name calling... Person HAS EVERY RIGHT TO PUT DOWN HER BELEFS AND OPINIONS WITHOUT IDIOT PEOPLE COMING AND THROWING SO CALLED FACTS IN HER FACE.. YOU DON'T HAVE TO HAVE FACTS TO HAVE BELIEFS AND OPINIONS.. SO GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE..



THANKS DM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


flintville wrote today at 8:01 AM DM said GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE..

Please bear in mind that I did not call anyone names.

I used the word "ignorant" as an adjective.

I believe I used 'paranoid' the same way.

I also quoted the bill itself.

It is your own choice whether or not to be informed.

Your wish is my command. So here ya go...







Person wrote today at 8:51 AM flintville said used the word "ignorant" as an adjective

As far as I'm concerned, it makes no difference whether you used it as an adjective, noun, or whatever....saying someone is ignorant, stupid, dumb, etc is STILL insulting, offensive, disrespectful and rude. You have your opinions and I have mine. I have never gone to your page and done what you (and casey) did here yesterday. I know when to shut up and walk away because we all don't always agree on issues. I am deeply offended by the events that transpired above. And yes, I do thank DM for standing up for me.


Person wrote today at 9:49 AM in reply to edbdkcn said I'm sorry, but in my opinion you are incredibly dense if you believe this.

It is MY opinion that YOU are incredibly dense to think that you are right about everything.

Let me tell you something LITTLE girl....do you talk to all your elders this way?
You are one of the most disrespectful young people I've ever had the displeasure of allowing to comment on anything I post.

I know you won't be able to respond to this because I've fixed it so that you can no longer do so.

How dare you talk to me or anyone else in this manner!

As has been stated many times....some things can be taught and some things can't and apparently respect is not high on your list!

Like I've said before, my 16 year old has more respect in her pinky toe than you do in your entire body!!!


flintville wrote today at 10:53 AM Person said it makes no difference whether you used it as an adjective, noun, or whatever.

It should... But I'm not even going to [try to] point out why. hehehe



flintville wrote today at 11:04 AM Person said It is MY opinion that YOU are incredibly dense to think that you are right about everything. Let me tell you something LITTLE girl....do you talk to all your elders this way? You are one of the most disrespectful young people I've ever had the displeasure of allowing to comment on anything I post. I know you won't be able to respond to this because I've fixed it so that you can no longer do so. How dare you talk to me or anyone else in this manner!!!! As has been stated many times....some things can be taught and some things can't and apparently respect is not high on your list! Like I've said before, my 16 year old has more respect in her pinky toe than you do in your entire body!!! AND THAT'S A FACT..SO BELIEVE IT!

Are you that afraid of Casey that you have made it a point to talk behind her back?
Wow, I sure didn't expect that from you [Person].
But life--- Takes all kinds...

I will point out that this "incredibly dense" little girl has maintained a 4.0+ GPA throughout her educational career. (That PLUS sign is there for a reason ya know).

As far as her elders go. Easy girl... Touchy topic there.

Please remember you are speaking to Native Americans, and we do not use the terms "Elders" so arrogantly.

She is completely respectful of age and the wisdom it brings with it. (Or of the wisdom it should bring with it).
ALL of her teachers and professors will attest to that.

I taught all of my children to respect those who deserve it, and surely not just because it is someone older than they are.
It [respect] is earned, not given.

You are right. Some things CAN be taught. Some cannot.
Apparently teaching someone to read and comprehend should be learned by the 2nd grade.
Sadly, it is not always thus. (Now, why does that remind me of Forrest Gump)?



flintville wrote today at 11:15 AM Person said I have never gone to your page and done what you (and casey) did here yesterday.

Oh really Person, time to get over yourself now; you could not have done so anyway.
To do so on MY page you would HAVE to point out real "FACTS", and substantiate them.
And as a rule, I beat everyone else to that part. (Not always mind you, but usually).
**** When that happens I am a big enough person to admit it.
(As I have already done on this page)!

Go check your facts above. I called NO ONE any names.
You know that I do not stoop that low; even when I have been called many many names myself. (Another thing I learned in 2nd grade).

Check your friends name~calling too while you are at it.
Little bit less than a class act, wouldn't you agree?


Congratulations on your 1st 100 comment blog entry.


Person wrote today at 11:26 AM

NO Anne...it's time you got over YOURSELF!!! You come here being all high and mighty. Yes, I shut this blog down to contacts only because Casey was WAY OUTTA LINE! She got everything she had coming to her.

GPA doesn't mean shit in the real world if ya ask me!!! I was a straight A student back in the day but that does NOT make me better than anyone else. You have stepped over the line here for the last time. As far as the language DM used...like I said, Casey had it coming.

You want facts....well here's a fact for ya

....I'm sick and tired of people thinking they are better than I am when in fact they are NOT!! Whoop-de-fuckin'-doo that your Native Americans. That does NOT make you better than me or anyone else..

You and Casey both have called me ignorant, dense, stupid among other things. That is soo fucking rude it's not funny.

But then you have all the facts.....well here's a fact for ya......THOSE SITES ARE RUN BY THE GOVERNMENT AND THEY ARE ONLY GOING TO LET YOU READ WHAT THEY WANT YOU TO READ......get the picture?????????? I make up my own mind I don't let the government think for me!!

This is a warning....no more derogatory comments or else!!!


Person wrote today at 11:26 AM DM wrote today at 3:07 PM

Thank you Person~
I tried very hard to not call any names but, Being called ignorant, stupid, idiot, 8 year old finally got to me...
And now I am less than a class act because I finally did call them an ass..

Could not get it through their heads that it did not make one bit of diff about all the crap they were throwing out.. This is your page and you have the right to post your beliefs and your opinions no matter what they are. Facts as they believe had no bearing on it. That is your beliefs and your opinions. And that is all that matters. Could be the most false thing in the world but, if it is your belief and your opinion then that is the way it should be.. Keep up with your opinions and beliefs... That is what free America is all about. Cause it may not be free for very long if Obama gets his way about all..

Big hugs and love~


flintville wrote today at 4:43 PM Person quoted "Whoop-de-fuckin'-doo that your Native Americans. That does NOT make you better than me or anyone else.."

Once again you are twisting words, or simply not understanding them clearly.
You are clearly preaching to the choir with that statement.

I never EVER said it made ANYone better for cryin' out loud. Where on Earth did you get that idea anyway?

It is just that the term is more properly used for wisdom, and not interchangeably with "age".

About the language. I am glad that you think she (Casey) had calling names "coming to her".

It is a bit surprising, (given the quality/quantity of your own intelligence), that you would condone such a thing.

But I am left to wonder, after all is said and done...

You were talking about a government bill...

And now you are upset that the bill is out there to read. Put up by DC no less.

But really, where else would you think to get a verified, line by line, copy OF said bill? The National Enquirer?

"Or else" ?

OR ELSE what? Ooh, are you going to talk about me behind my back too so I cannot intelligently defend myself too? (That is nothing, if not comical. I will have to give you that).

Love to ya!   ;-)



Person wrote today at 5:25 PM in reply to flintville said "are you going to talk about me behind my back too so I cannot intelligently defend myself"

No that's not MY style....I'll leave that for you to do because I know first hand that you HAVE been doing just that...

Ya know for someone that complains about her back problems all the time, it sure doesn't bother you to sit in front of the computer for hours on end. Must be all the good drugs you're getting....

flintville wrote today at 5:50 PM in reply to Person said No that's not MY style....I'll leave that for you to do because I know first hand that you HAVE been doing just that...

Not your style? OMG you are losing it.
You have just admitted that you have closed Casey off from reading your retort to her.

Your own words to her were " I know you won't be able to respond to this because I've fixed it so that you can no longer do so."

Now I will call you paranoid with respect to "knowing" that I posted something first hand or whatever. (Are your friends lying to you now)?

While I may have removed a few entries [in their entirety], I have never, to date, posted anything that you have not been included in.

Now, as far as my back goes,

Not only can I not lie down, it hurts to stand AS WELL AS to sit.

So as long as I am in this padded office chair on rollers, (and with 2 extra pillows strategically placed), I do quite well. Add the vibrating pillow and my back brace, and viola! I am almost good to go.

Now if only I could make this chair go high enough to the kitchen countertops! hehehe

Happy that I have linoleum flooring too. And MORE than happy that my 2 hospital visits this past week left me with 2 major referrals!

Maybe one can truly fix the fracture in my back, and the other can keep me feeling so much better.


Person wrote today at 6:06 PM flintville said "Now I will call you paranoid with respect to "knowing" that I posted something first hand or whatever. (Are your friends lying to you now)?"

I know all about the few PM's you sent to people on my list to get me to change my way of thinking...so don't deny it...these are very trusted friends..even if I only know them online. And NO I will not give their names because all you'll do is go attack them, too...a TRUE friend would not do that!

flintville wrote today at 6:27 PM

That is an outright lie, and does not even deserve the time it takes to say so.

flintville wrote today at 6:30 PM

And trust me, I have much better things to do with my time than to worry about "attacking" anyone on your friends list.

You already know I do not operate like that, I never have and never will.
And even with respect to this blog, you should have known better.


************* end of it all

This is where her blog (Persons) was closed.
Then she opened it again...
Then she closed it...

Then I blocked her...

Guess it really DOES take all kinds...


The following highlighted comments are from 2 of you who have an uncanny way of summing things up so well.

**** I truly believe that this past election has brought out a lot of negative because of all the prejudices people still have (whether it be to women or non- white). I think they hide behind all the "issues" to make themselves seem politically correct. When all it really is, is that they can't find it in their hearts to drop their prejudices.

**** We all deserve good health care at reasonable cost. Period.
Always be suspicious of people who try to scare you or anger you with sound bites and statements that don't contain any concrete facts.
Read the bills and ask questions!!!




Do not be tempted to copy/paste/share.

****Please note on my homepage the type of counter I use. 
  • I can trace where you are from and what you did, and where you went.
Yet, if you check that link you may misunderstand.
  • Please do not be put off by the fact that I have dialup
  • (I only have dial up at home).

