Bunches of news- not all of it good-
I am guessing that many of you may be going somewhere for this Memorial Day weekend-
Be safe.
Have fun.
Come home happy, (and very very tired)!
I have no plans that are set in stone, yet. Am thinking I will be going to DePere- to see the parade- This, depending on the weather- and depending on my back.
(As I mentioned earlier, I really AM getting to the point that those 2 things are related).
After seeing the weather on TV this morning, I have decided that I will be mowing today. Tomorrow we might get rain in the afternoon, and I hate it when I have to quit mowing halfway though.
Rain, on and off, for Friday and Sat too.
I had my pain appointment on Monday and must go drop off my prescriptions this morning. A few other stops, then to scoot over to vote early so I don't have to time it perfectly for election day. Oh, and to get a new burning permit too. Sheesh! I'll be worn out before I even start mowing!
Hope you are all staying on top of Diamonds Pet Food recall.
To name just a few for you, Diamond has recalled these, (and MANY others):
[Diamond Pet Food is] under contract, for other companies, at least some of the pet foods sold under these brands or business names.
- Canidae Pet Food
- Costco's Kirkland Signature
- Solid Gold Health Products for Pets
- Dick Van Patten's Natural Balance Pet Foods
- Kirkland Signature Nature's Domain
(Available only at Costco) - Taste of the Wild Pet Foods
- Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul
- 4Health (Available only at Tractor Supply Company)
- NutraGold Super Premium Holistic Formulas
Many dogs, cats, and humans have already been made ill.
As "Poisoned Pets" website claimed even this past weekend, it is "A RECALL THAT NEVER ENDS"
Yes, cat food is also now on their list; among the newer recalled items.
December 9, 2011 – April 7, 2012: All batches manufactured at the South Carolina plant in this period are affected.
December 9, 2011 – April 7, 2012: All batches manufactured at the South Carolina plant in this period are affected.
Or here- http://poisonedpets.com/2012/05/05/your-complete-guide-to-the-diamond-pet-food-recalls/
(Bookmark for now- Post is updated regularly).
Or here- http://poisonedpets.com/2012/05/05/your-complete-guide-to-the-diamond-pet-food-recalls/
(Bookmark for now- Post is updated regularly).
ALSO KNOW that now (5/27/12) foods manufactured in Missouri are also recalled
My comment on one site, written to/about Diamond Pet Foods was this:
"Because of their [decent] ingredients, I have faithfully used either 'Taste of the Wild', OR, 'Natural Balance' for my dog (1/2 golden ret, 1/2 yellow lab)..
After I do all of my replying to your comments on my blogs of late I do have still more news.
For now, it'll keep.
"Because of their [decent] ingredients, I have faithfully used either 'Taste of the Wild', OR, 'Natural Balance' for my dog (1/2 golden ret, 1/2 yellow lab)..
I am so frustrated that these dog food manufacturers can't continue to produce a QUALITY product- One that ensures the life of my dog, and also keeps her vet bills down.
I believe I now understand WHY I have paid [a bunch of money] to my vet as of late.
Get it right. Keep it safe.
I am off to purchase some people rice, chicken and hamburger meat. (From our local Maplewood Meats).
If you KILL MY DOG I PROMISE to do my level best to CLOSE YOU DOWN!"
-end quote-
Y'all have a 'wunnaful' Wednesday!
I'd best get busy for now-
Too much to do, and last I checked there were still only 24 hours in this day.
Love to all.
After I do all of my replying to your comments on my blogs of late I do have still more news.
For now, it'll keep.
I swear I will never catch up.
"The hurried~er I go, the behind~er I get"