Parents' fury over school which inspects lunches and confiscates junk food
Nazi UK???
A primary school has been accused of running a 'mealtime Gestapo' after insisting on inspecting children's lunchboxes for unhealthy food.
If pupils are found to have sweets, chocolate, fizzy drinks or full-fat crisps, teachers confiscate them and hold them in the staffroom.
The snacks are returned at the end of the day but only if parents ask.
One parent, Magdi Cullen, said she was shocked when her nine-year-old daughter Maria told her about the policy at Danegrove Primary School in Barnet, North London.
Mrs Cullen, 34, of Cockfosters, said: 'When I found out about what they were doing, I thought, "This is a primary school, not Guantanamo Bay".
'I can't believe that teachers go through their lunchboxes because there might be something like a small chocolate bar.
'My daughter has a sandwich and an apple as well, but now she has to hide a small box of Smarties I give her. It's just not right.
'The school is very good apart from this and we can't fault it in any way academically.'
Her husband, wine vendor Jerry Cullen, 51, said: 'The whole situation is ridiculous and the teachers are acting like the mealtime Gestapo by going through their lunchboxes. The crisps have to be approved healthy ones and they can cost a small fortune.'
Parents were sent a letter informing them of the strict meal searches. The letter warned: 'Lots of unsuitable items have been sneaking in lately. Therefore, we will have to look after such items until the end of the day in order to be fair to everybody.
A hot dog
Danegrove school confiscates any junk food it deems unsuitable and holds it in the staffroom
'So chocolate and other unhealthy foods found in packed lunch boxes will be taken to the office for collection by parents at the end of the day.'
The school said in a statement-At Danegrove School: We are following the Government's healthy lunches guidelines for school meals and packed lunches.
'We advise that that all pupils consume a well balanced meal at midday in order to promote healthy eating and maximise the children's potential learning in the afternoon sessions.'
Headmistress Deborah Metcalf said: 'We were finding that some children could be bringing in crisps, a Mars bar and can of Coke with their lunches. This stance is trying to work with parents to provide a healthy meal for their children.' Danegrove is not the first school to cause controversy with its healthy eating policies.
In 2007, Standish High School in Wigan banned pupils from leaving the school grounds at lunchtime, stopping them from going to fast food outlets.
Some children phoned a local sandwich delivery man who came to the school and passed his wares through the gates.
However, teachers complained and the sandwich seller was asked to move on by police.
Saturday's Assorted Thoughts
Happy Spring!.
FYI... The egg trick does not work.
It is just an old wives tale.
Good Morning Everyone;
As some of you already know, Casey's little roller~coaster ride continues...
She had a doctor appointment yesterday (Friday) at the clinic here.
Dr. Szabo will speak with Dr. Sutherland on Monday.
I do like Dr. Szabo. He is not arrogant, and is not afraid to say when he isn't familiar with some things. There have been many times since Casey changed doctors that he has said, he would find out for us. (He is also not afraid to say "oh really?").
- He listens.
- He takes notes.
- He cares.
- He doesn't treat her like an imbecile.
- AND, he has a great sense of humor to boot..
She had her testing last Monday at Sutherlands office- (If I were rich, I might have my own little helicopter, or a camper for us).
... having driven back to Minnesota last Sunday, we had to stop and let The Punk go potty.
Seeing an exit in the middle of nowhere, I chose that one as I had seen a little dead end road running almost next to the highway. And separated by the highways fence.
And so off we went!
I spied a few things on that little dead end road, but Punk had to "GO" first.
("First Things First" applies; especially when a pups bladder is involved).
Taking care of that business, and turning around, I had to pull over and snap a few pictures.
Someone was harvesting Maple sap..
Many maple trees with bags attached for collecting the sap.
These are only a very few of what they had tapped.
A close up of those bags....
Pa made our Maple Syrup- (Or as I have always called it, "SYRPLE").
Daddy didn't have fancy bags in those days. He used a spigot to tap the sap, and hung an ice cream pail on it. To that bucket, he added the cover with a slit in it to keep windblown debris (and bugs) to a minimum. (~Smart. ~Very smart).
***If memory serves right, it takes about 40 or 50 gallons of the sap, slowly dribbling out of the trees, to make one little gallon of syrup.
We had an old wood/cookstove in the basement where Dad would 'cook' it down. ***What comes out of the trees looks like little more than ordinary tap water, and is barely barely sweet.
Our old stove was very much like this one,
though ours was white and had a larger 2nd oven...
Photo from HERE.
.My friend Val (aka Mrs "G"), has written about how Maple Syrup is made today, newfangled contraptions and all..
Read about her outing to Proulx Sugar Bush and Berry Farm, and The History of the syrup- From the native Tribes to the present
CLICK HERE for that story.
Back to the little pit stop of "Ringle"
Driving up the road a spell, we saw what Ringle was really about.
Casey now wants this truck for her own.
Gee, maybe I could park it right next to the old tiller I have.
(That won't be tilling the garden this Spring unless I get really lucky).
(Must be Ringles own "Sugar Shack")!
Reminds me of this from an email....
I think I love these guys, syrple or not....
Maybe they are "The Maple Mafia" hehehe
And so we are back home once again. If you have not yet commented on Casey's blog about her next surgery, please CLICK HERE
She should find out on Monday or Tuesday when her next surgery will be.
(Back to dreaming about that camper).
But the people have been SO good to us at the hotel too. They don't remember me specifically by name when I call, but when they ask "for how many people?" -I say "for myself and Punk."
With the mere mention of "PUNK" they know exactly who's coming!hehehe
Here we are, living the first full day of Spring.
Thank God it has finally arrived- Winter was TOO long for many of us. While I am not looking forward to the 'hot and muggies', I welcome the arrival of warmer weather.
Before Casey's appointment yesterday I even pulled out a few weeds, (my leftovers from last Fall that I must not have had the energy to deal with).
Punk played around for a bit, sniffing everything and sneezing too- (In the Spring there are just so many important smells that must be attended to ya know)...
I had brought my soda out with me. And in my haste to leave, I had left it sitting outside.
I spied it this morning as I left Punk out to take care of her business earlier...
I came in and grabbed the camera because I knew if I didn't, simple "words" sure as heck would not describe it all...
Yeah I know. Mother Nature has a wicked sense of humor..
Have a "wunnaful" and 'warmish' weekend!
Love to all.
Will anyone ever listen?
Chinese drywall a hazard to American homeowners
Tom Kraeutler
DrywallOwners of Florida homes built between 2004 and 2005 have discovered dangerous Chinese drywall to be behind heating and air conditioning system failures, as well as air quality issues in their homes.
With the home building industry already in a tail spin, this latest fatal flaw is potentially impacting home values in a big way, as the drywall has been confirmed as the source of both home system failures and air quality issues.
Imported and used in new construction during the Gulf Coast building boom of 2004-2005, the drywall was manufactured in China by Knauf Plasterboard (Tianjin) Co. Ltd. Domestically produced gypsum drywall is generally the first choice of U.S. builders, but supply shortages in the wake of Hurricane Katrina and lower prices ushered the Knauf product into many a new build.
****After a few years of mounting homeowner complaints, testing completed this month by both the manufacturer and high-volume builder Lennar Corp. has confirmed that the drywall is releasing sulfur-based gases that corrode air-conditioner coils, computer wiring and even metal picture frames hung on drywalled surfaces.
****As if that's not enough, there also an odor─a rotten-egg smell that's released when the drywall is cut into for repairs and structural investigations. The Florida Department of Health has tested these gaseous emissions and determined that they don't pose an "immediate health threat," but additional testing continues as homeowners worry about their families' health and the reduced resale potential of their homes.
Tom Kraeutler is the Home Improvement Editor for AOL and co-author of My Home, My Money Pit: Your Guide to Every Home Improvement Adventure.

I took the following from a few links I had clicked from within that article and others
But Florida might not be the only state affected. The head of one consumer advocacy group told that it has received drywall complaints from homeowners in Michigan, Virginia, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, Maryland, North and South Carolina, New York and New Jersey. Given the amount of Chinese drywall that has been imported to the U.S. since 2004, the group estimates that the problem could affect as many as 10,000 Florida homes, and thousands more nationwide, said.
The drywall problems have sparked a number of lawsuits, including a class action complaint filed by, the Bonita Springs law firm of Parker Waichman Alonso LLP. The lawsuit, which was filed late last month in U.S. District court in Fort Myers, charges that Knauf and other defendants negligently manufactured and sold the defective drywall, which was "unreasonably dangerous" in normal use because it caused corrosion to air-conditioning and electrical components, and caused coughing and irritation of sinuses, eyes and throats. It goes on to state that, "when combined with moisture in the air, these sulfur compounds create sulfuric acid."
...consumers are complaining about problems that seem to lift when they are away from the toxic Chinese Drywall. Also, the Florida Department of Health says that current emission levels from drywall testing pose “no immediate health threat.” Those exposed to the problem disagree. Health concerns and health problems reported include an array of respiratory problems, nosebleeds, irritated eyes, and headaches. Of very serious concern is the possibility that the Chinese Drywall is emitting excessive amounts of hydrogen sulfide fumes, which can cause extreme irritation, unconsciousness, and even death.
There are concerns that the horrible smell coming from Chinese drywall is an indication that the material is emitting toxins that could be dangerous to the health of residents. According to a report on Environmental, the drywall is made from gypsum, a natural material. The problems appear to be related to the presence of iron disulfide (FeS2 pyrite). Hydrogen sulfide (H2S), carbonyl sulfide, sulfur dioxide (SO2), and carbon isulfide (CS2) are also suspected as culprits, the Web site said.
Health officials are still trying to determine what health problems these fumes might cause. A toxicologist for the state of Florida recently told one newspaper that the odor causes people to experience mild and moderate respiratory irritation that clears up when they leave the homes. Other residents have reported that they are experiencing headaches that also go away when they leave their houses. Other symptoms being reported included irritated eyes, coughing, sneezing, difficulty breathing, and symptoms similar to bronchitis and asthma.
Especially worrisome is the possibility that the Chinese drywall is emitting hydrogen sulfide fumes. Exposure to 50 parts per million of hydrogen sulfide for more than ten minutes can cause extreme irritation. Inhalation of 500 to 1,000 parts per million can cause unconsciousness and death through respiratory paralysis and asphyxiation
If you are a homeowner in California, Nevada, Arizona, Louisiana, or Texas, and are experiencing any of the above-referenced health problems and/or mechanical problems; or have noticed a putrid smell emitted from your walls, please contact Jennifer immediately at (800) 901-5119 or by email at
Usually, drywall is manufactured in the United States, but a shortage between 2004 and 2006 prompted many builders to buy drywall from China. Most of the reported problems stem from drywall imported from China during Florida's construction boom years of 2004-2005. Knauf Plasterboard Tianjin Co. Ltd. of China, a subsidiary of German-based manufacturer Knauf Group, is the company at the focus of Florida's drywall problems. Another Chinese drywall maker, Taishan Gypsum, has also been implicated.
So... If you have remodeled or built, please think... Call your contarctor.
Cheap is not always best.
Also if you are in the market to buy a home. (Sweet Pea, are you listening)?
Keep in mind the sulfur smell...
Either yourself, or your dog, has obnoxious gas, or there is something obviously wrong!
Chinese drywall a hazard to American homeowners
Tom Kraeutler
DrywallOwners of Florida homes built between 2004 and 2005 have discovered dangerous Chinese drywall to be behind heating and air conditioning system failures, as well as air quality issues in their homes.
With the home building industry already in a tail spin, this latest fatal flaw is potentially impacting home values in a big way, as the drywall has been confirmed as the source of both home system failures and air quality issues.
Imported and used in new construction during the Gulf Coast building boom of 2004-2005, the drywall was manufactured in China by Knauf Plasterboard (Tianjin) Co. Ltd. Domestically produced gypsum drywall is generally the first choice of U.S. builders, but supply shortages in the wake of Hurricane Katrina and lower prices ushered the Knauf product into many a new build.
****After a few years of mounting homeowner complaints, testing completed this month by both the manufacturer and high-volume builder Lennar Corp. has confirmed that the drywall is releasing sulfur-based gases that corrode air-conditioner coils, computer wiring and even metal picture frames hung on drywalled surfaces.
****As if that's not enough, there also an odor─a rotten-egg smell that's released when the drywall is cut into for repairs and structural investigations. The Florida Department of Health has tested these gaseous emissions and determined that they don't pose an "immediate health threat," but additional testing continues as homeowners worry about their families' health and the reduced resale potential of their homes.
Tom Kraeutler is the Home Improvement Editor for AOL and co-author of My Home, My Money Pit: Your Guide to Every Home Improvement Adventure.
I took the following from a few links I had clicked from within that article and others
But Florida might not be the only state affected. The head of one consumer advocacy group told that it has received drywall complaints from homeowners in Michigan, Virginia, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, Maryland, North and South Carolina, New York and New Jersey. Given the amount of Chinese drywall that has been imported to the U.S. since 2004, the group estimates that the problem could affect as many as 10,000 Florida homes, and thousands more nationwide, said.
The drywall problems have sparked a number of lawsuits, including a class action complaint filed by, the Bonita Springs law firm of Parker Waichman Alonso LLP. The lawsuit, which was filed late last month in U.S. District court in Fort Myers, charges that Knauf and other defendants negligently manufactured and sold the defective drywall, which was "unreasonably dangerous" in normal use because it caused corrosion to air-conditioning and electrical components, and caused coughing and irritation of sinuses, eyes and throats. It goes on to state that, "when combined with moisture in the air, these sulfur compounds create sulfuric acid."
...consumers are complaining about problems that seem to lift when they are away from the toxic Chinese Drywall. Also, the Florida Department of Health says that current emission levels from drywall testing pose “no immediate health threat.” Those exposed to the problem disagree. Health concerns and health problems reported include an array of respiratory problems, nosebleeds, irritated eyes, and headaches. Of very serious concern is the possibility that the Chinese Drywall is emitting excessive amounts of hydrogen sulfide fumes, which can cause extreme irritation, unconsciousness, and even death.
There are concerns that the horrible smell coming from Chinese drywall is an indication that the material is emitting toxins that could be dangerous to the health of residents. According to a report on Environmental, the drywall is made from gypsum, a natural material. The problems appear to be related to the presence of iron disulfide (FeS2 pyrite). Hydrogen sulfide (H2S), carbonyl sulfide, sulfur dioxide (SO2), and carbon isulfide (CS2) are also suspected as culprits, the Web site said.
Health officials are still trying to determine what health problems these fumes might cause. A toxicologist for the state of Florida recently told one newspaper that the odor causes people to experience mild and moderate respiratory irritation that clears up when they leave the homes. Other residents have reported that they are experiencing headaches that also go away when they leave their houses. Other symptoms being reported included irritated eyes, coughing, sneezing, difficulty breathing, and symptoms similar to bronchitis and asthma.
Especially worrisome is the possibility that the Chinese drywall is emitting hydrogen sulfide fumes. Exposure to 50 parts per million of hydrogen sulfide for more than ten minutes can cause extreme irritation. Inhalation of 500 to 1,000 parts per million can cause unconsciousness and death through respiratory paralysis and asphyxiation
If you are a homeowner in California, Nevada, Arizona, Louisiana, or Texas, and are experiencing any of the above-referenced health problems and/or mechanical problems; or have noticed a putrid smell emitted from your walls, please contact Jennifer immediately at (800) 901-5119 or by email at
Usually, drywall is manufactured in the United States, but a shortage between 2004 and 2006 prompted many builders to buy drywall from China. Most of the reported problems stem from drywall imported from China during Florida's construction boom years of 2004-2005. Knauf Plasterboard Tianjin Co. Ltd. of China, a subsidiary of German-based manufacturer Knauf Group, is the company at the focus of Florida's drywall problems. Another Chinese drywall maker, Taishan Gypsum, has also been implicated.
So... If you have remodeled or built, please think... Call your contarctor.
Cheap is not always best.
Also if you are in the market to buy a home. (Sweet Pea, are you listening)?
Keep in mind the sulfur smell...
Either yourself, or your dog, has obnoxious gas, or there is something obviously wrong!
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