Good Morning All;
First, and most important, Casey's surgery went very well, even though I'd brought her there for 9:30, and never heard again until she was out of surgery around 3:30.
Surgery did start a bit later than they'd hoped. Still, it was a long long day...
To thank everyone who sent their cards, notes, and gifts- Casey will thank you all personally as she can! Suffice to say the top of the fridge is full of cards for her!
Way cool!
We have been in Minnesota for almost a week now- It's been quite a ride, given that I arrived here with a migraine and a sick child, both in tow.
Leaving home, we had gotten new snows- a good enough cover to smear up the roads. But the plows had been out, spreading their salts, and the roads only slowed us down a little, and only for the first 90 miles or so.
Casey stole a nap as we neared I-94, having pain with her meal, and being stressed out as well.
I snapped this picture-
- and wondered who the heck in the north has a new boat on their mind in the middle of January?!?
As you can tell from these pictures, the sun finally did come up and out that day-
Know that the beauty is misleading too- as the temps were hovering around 10°(F) all day long.
We passed LOTS of these marks in the medians-
Evidence that some people were either caught unawares, or didn't care, about the snow/ice.
We stopped a few times (twice for relief and once for gas and food)-
Then finally, we were to Minnesota!
It is always so nice to see The Moos Tower (part of U of M)-
(There are only about 20 minutes left to drive at this point).
Casey's appointment was for 2 to meet with Dr. Andrade- We had about 45 minutes to get signed in to our room, leave Punk where it is warm, and get over to Fairview.
Dr. Andrade is a specialist in Thoracic and Foregut Surgery.
Casey was referred to him by Dr. Sutherland.
Obviously Casey could have opted to find another (closer to home) surgeon for this Vagotomy- Since all of Fairview is knowledgeable of the TP/AIT transplants that are done there, we choose to remain with them whenever possible. This makes real sense to not only us, but to Fairview as well.
Just one floor down from Dr. Sutherlands offices and clinics-
Once in the room, Casey found a poster of "normal" insides...
So it's upside down, and all parts are still there. (Unlike Casey's own innards).
We remain very impressed by Dr. Andrade- Though younger, he is much like Dr. S. He listens to the patient, to everything, and responds according to the fact that Casey is 23, and very well informed.
(I am sensing that this ability to actually talk to a patient, instead of 'down to' - or 'at'- a person, is a prerequisite for being hired on at U of M)...
He also asked about my head- (it was that obvious).
He then turned down the lights, saying that his own father suffered terribly the whole of his life. He even asked the nurse to talk quietly when she came in.
He explained all that the surgery would entail; how long it would take, etc, to us, and then checked her over too. He also said that, depending on her pain levels, she may be in the hospital for quite a while.
Back at the hotel, Casey was waiting for her food to arrive, and Punk was watching an "Animal Planet" show.
It must have been a fascinating program...
Casey tried, but our Punkster would NOT take her eyes off the screen! hehehe
But oh, we were so hungry! And so happy when the food finally came!
(Food DID make Punk leave her show). hehehe
Punk had to inspect the whole thing...
That salad was for me! "Mmmm"...
(I'd ordered extra dressings so I could eat that salad for 3 or 4 separate meals).
Casey ordered a baked potato pizza- knowing that *if* the tomatoes set off her tummy, that the pain would be short~lived at best.
Broccoli, with 3 cheeses, onions, tomato, and baked potato-
With sour cream to dip it in! - - - Double "Mmmm"...
I'd better close for now- Casey texted earlier and told me to hold off on coming up- She wants to sleep. (Imagine that)! hehehe
Methinks I will nap a bit too, and will catch you all up more about the day of surgery as soon as I can.
I hope all is well with everyone.
As always, I send my love-