[My] Life in Wisconsin

Punk #2 'It's ME again, Margaret!'


***I apologize for reposting this from 2006, but for some reason it did not transfer correctly.
As you can imagine, Punk was very upset.

ARF!!! Yup it's ME, Punkie- Having to do EVERYTHING once more... as "SHE" is too busy to be bothered by this today-

She is all excited about seeing some "Lawrence" character. She says he will love me, but I don't know... Maybe if I jump up real fast when I meet him, (I'll get a good running start), and knock him down and lick his face all over he WILL like me. But she says I mustn't do that- (She sure can be a real killjoy sometimes).

All I know about this Lawrence is that he is her grandbaby, and that she misses him real bad sometimes. (And I know this is true because every now and then I hafta go sit on her lap when she gets misty-eyed looking at his picture on the wall)...

She says I am NOT a lap dog, but there are many times that I have proved her wrong- REAL wrong!
Like the time I had brought her a toy to play with- (One of my very own most favorite toys I might add)... I saw her sitting there, across the living room; and so I ran and jumped right into her lap. It was great fun when the whole chair went over backwards- and I know she had fun too because she just kept laughing and laughing.
I wasn't entirely sure why the world had tipped over, and so I just sat there... I could hear her trying to say something, but I couldn't understand her words because I was laying right on top of her face. But she sounded so funny that I just didn't move one teeny bit! She hollered at me later- something about me trying to kill her, and not to ever do it again...
...But I still think that one day I might, and just because she had laughed so darned hard! (And I DO like to make her happy)!

She told me that we are leaving tomorrow- (I think that is after it gets dark again)... Already my little orange bag is packed with all of my treats and such.
I saw her check her purse for some little pills that she gives me so I don't throw up in her car... They just put me to sleep- I will try not to let them make me sleepy this time, because the small one is coming along! Whoo-Hoo!!! We are going to have lotsa fun.

They call it a 'road' trip- (but isn't that where they always drive)? Sheeeesh...

She said it is a long long ride- and that we will stay overnight somewhere before we even get there- Her and me did that already when we went up to the big waters- one that she called Michigan and the other was Superior-
And then we had gone that place where I swam -over my head- on Sugar Island. (They lied though; cuz I LQQKed all over, and there wasn't any sugar there at all)!

The little one said that SHE wants to sit in my seat for this road trip... And that's NOT FAIR! Now I gotta go sit in the back, and I don't wanna. I will just have to go sit on the little ones lap! That'll teach 'er!

...I tried to do that the other day and they BOTH hollered at me-
She said that KC was hurting real bad and that I couldn't go by her like that... Well, if she would just stop going to her vet- (er, I mean her 'doctor'), then she wouldn't be hurting like that in the first place! Duh, she was FINE before they made her go to sleep- and then they cut some of her insides out, and then stuck some hoses in her side...

The last time I went to see my own doctor, HE took some of MY insides out too! So I know what that feels like- and so I left her alone... (mostly anyway)...

That little one went back to her own apartment yesterday afternoon- (whatever THAT's supposed to mean?)...
I only know that I looked all over to find her- (and a whole bunch of times too), and that little one wasn't here- ANYWHERE... but at least I will get to see her tomorrow...

They kept talking about 'snow' too. Now I don't know what that is, but they were talking about shoveling it. Now I DO know that when she has a shovel it is always on the outside, and that is all that matters to me. So whatever snow is, I will like it a LOT! And I will get to go outside then!

I had to go outside this morning though- and what a shock to my paws- It was really cold! So I wasted NO time at all getting back inside- And I was still cold so I went back to bed. She has a nice warm waterbed, and I just love to sleep on it. She said something about having to wash the quilt- Great! And just when I had made it all mine, with all my hair all over it too. It's mine, mine, mine! And I steal it from her when she is sleeping, and keep turning around to get it just so nice around me, but then she wakes up and always steals it back... So that's ok, then I go lay on her pillow- and she tries to keep me away from that too!
What the heck???
Am I not her best friend???

And she does the weirdest thing too- I had meant to write about this before, but I forgot.

And NO, I am NOT kidding!!!
Then she gets to go in the waterfall every day and play around with the slippery thing- She called it 'soap'- I wasn't sure what it was, so I grabbed it in my mouth- Man, how can she even stand to touch that thing??? It was just AWFUL! Blahhhcccchhhhhhhh!!!!! Just really BAD- I dropped it right away- and she laughed at me! What a weirdo...
Then listen to this, when the waterfall is all gone, she puts different fur on!
Maybe I would like to try that one day too. When the waterfall is all gone for me, I have to get rubbed up with 3 different towels- I keep thinking this is FINALLY going to be my new fur, but NO... and I am stuck in the same old fur all the time! (Again, I must say this is NOT FAIR to me at all)!

I'd better get going here- She is wanting to eat some of her own chow; and I have to have a bite or two also... (If I bug her long enough, she will always share what she has- and it's a far cry tastier than what she makes me eat all the time)!

I was looking through her pictures on here, and found a whole bunch that I like- ones of me and all of my brothers and sisters- (She tells me everyone is doing well- but THAT BUDDY)!
I am putting up this picture on so my brother Buddy, can see that MY stick is bigger than HIS!

His story is also called "Boys will be Boys" and it is in her highlighted blogs if the link here doesn't work- Oh and my other blog is also highlighted in case you missed it--- it's called ARF! Punk #1

(Hey, I'm just a puppy for pity sakes, I don't know how to do this- maybe one of these links will work)...

He is almost all healed up now from his boo-boo-belly and is running around all over again! (His "she" is afraid that he will eat another one, and she watches him all the time now) I don't think he will, that HADDA hurt- A whole LOT!
(You can see his WAY littler stick- and the story about what happened to him on the page at the bottom...

I have to go or she will eat her food all gone- I am here to make sure she doesn't do that- She might eat too much and they'll have to take something out of HER next time- and if that ever happens I will be all alone!

So anyway, I am going to have fun with this Lawrence person- She said he is almost 7- and right now that's the same as me- cuz I'm 7 too... (But I don't know what 'months' and 'years' are either?)... I can't wait to find out!!!

Love- and many many special facelicks -for everyone!!!



Please, Please, PLEASE don't click on brother Buddy's story 'til ya leave me a comment... PLEASE?
"She" gets a lot of them comments- and sometimes they really make her laugh- (but she doesn't snort like that other girl). Just that I wanna laugh too!

Brother Buddy's Stick Story

Originally Posted to my Y! 360, Thursday October 12, 2006 - 07:57am (CDT)