[My] Life in Wisconsin

Just Two Things...

Good Morning All;

Hope your Saturday has begun in a lovely way!

Mine sure didn't...

And so I have just a few things to say...


As I awoke this morning (about 4 hours ago), I realized quickly that the hand under me was not my own. Colder than my own hand as I reached to touch it. And when I moved, it did not move with me... Kind of a freaky thing when I KNOW I went to sleep alone... I rolled over quickly, and ran into the dog? What the heck. Checking again, the hand that was so nicely tucked under me really did come along with me. Yup, a dead hand. It didn't 'work' for quite a while. And I could not even feel it! But Casey did take me in for a shot yesterday, so I was definitely in my own little coma world when I fell to sleep...


Do not ever EVER stop at a rummage sale when you have just gotten a shot of demerol. One has a tendency to forget about the recent injection when one wants to take a bicycle for a test ride.

Nuff said.

Have a great day!
