Good Morning All!
Chilly today- Highs to be in the 60's for the next week or so. Lows in the 40's. Brrr... (but just a little "brrr" -as I adjust to the change in weather).
Crap, Winter is coming....
Before resting to watch that great Packer game with Casey on Sunday, I had made 3 separate trips around the fields...
When the sun was high, I brought the camera along too-
I noted more damage by our deer herd.
This first picture is of my own squash plants...
A pretty close, straight, cut.
(Those darned deer must have some really sharp teeth this year)! hehehe
Further in back now, more deer damage.
Look at all the missing and broken corn stalks!
Darn deer-
They eat the young plants while the stalks are short, and succulent. As the stalks get taller the deer just walk all over them- I suppose in pursuit of a 'yummier' stalk up the way.
But then came the stark realization that I was witnessing things I had never seen before!
I took these first two pictures way back by the woods...
After seeing that, I saw this one as well.
WTH??? I did not do that to those poor melons!
Now I know we are really in BiG TROUBLE here
Because it sure looks to me like the dang deer have knives now! hehehe
So much for having sharp teeth...
The field hands have already removed about 5 or 6 loads of cabbages-
And there are pumpkins growing throughout those cabbage plants-
hehehe I will have to steal this one just for me!
But no matter how well those pumpkins have come up on their own this year, the harvest will never equal Blazers... (Right down the road a bit).
This represents maybe 1/10th of what was there. (And, they harvest more every day)!
Along with a wagon~load of gourds too!
These too, are harvested on a fairly regular schedule...
But I digress...
...Back to our walk-
Below is just a bunch of weeds and cabbage-
With a bit of goldenrod in the background- I thought it pretty!
Punk goes straight to my old "climbing tree"- She seems to love this tree almost as much I do!
Then she poses pretty for the camera! Such a ham! hehehe
My dryer is calling me once again, so I'd better close for now-
Just thought I would share one of my daily ventures with everyone!
And after that, I am going to rest a while.
Here's hoping all is well in your little corner of the world.
Top photo is for those of us in Wisconsin, (among a few other states), that are holding their primaries today.
Go do it!