[My] Life in Wisconsin

The Sun Will Come Up Tomorrow


Warning! Do not read while eating...

Good Morning!
We are in Minnesota- Away from the maddening crowds of Flintville!

I took a few pics before we left.
Of the 5+ inches of rain we had...
5+ Inches of Rain  
Which is very good for the trees.  And all those apples still left.
I imagine that Sue and Glenn will fill that pickup truck more than once yet! Hopefully will be stopping by even in my absence, and take a bunch of leftover squash for their deer too.
(Gritter, they are in the fields behind the old garage).
Now y'all know that I have a bit of a mowiss problem come Fall and its falling temps.
So I had to get the rodent killer out.
Mowiss Hunter
Ok, most people call it a mousetrap...

I set it up in the attached garage-
I'd hoped that the teeny tiny bit of cheese would prove lethal for a few of those varmints.

Little did I know that the trap would set itself off almost immediately!

Since my back sucks, I grabbed a can from the recycle bin instead of carrying out each one to the dumpster. I used that to hold my little dead guys.

If you're eating, & have ignored my previous warning, do not look at the pic below.
The first three dead bodies.
Before we left I unplug everything. I have a little fan atop the piano that I run constantly to circulate the air in my living room.
Given the fact that it is 29' long, the air does not always get moved in the NE corner. So I use that fan...

As I reached down to unplug it, I spied one of Sputnik's little catnip toys on the side of the piano.
I was going to grab it for him until the dang thing suddenly grew legs and disappeared behind the piano.
I jumped about 5 feet, and still had to unplug that fan. (Damn. I've got another one in the house)! And triple damn!
So I brought the trap inside to set by the piano.

Casey; Ready to leave 
Casey didn't seem to care that something could jump on her at any given point in time.
What would YOU do?  
We did what anyone with half a brain would do, and left home! 

Of course our first stop was good old Ringle, WI for Punk to do whatever she needed to. And we get to stretch our legs too.
Ringle Woods 
Sure is pretty this time of year!

In order to get as far away from that mowiss as I could, we loaded ourselves back into the car and were off once more...

Seeing a trailer that carries "Caution Horses". 
(I have never heard of that breed?! hehehe
Horse Trailer and Buggy  
The trailer with the buggy on the top!

We'd left late, so were treated to the sunset off I-94
Sorry for the blur...  Nearing Minneapolis.

Yesterday morning, the sun came right back up!

Heading to the campus for Casey's appointment with Dr. Sutherland
MN October 27, 09 109
Self explanatory where we were.
And one of the grounds...
After a long appointment, Dr. Sutherland has ordered more than a few tests, beginning with the bloodwork from yesterday. 
Her liver tests are consistently high- And remembering that there is a cyst on her liver (which has been there ever since her very first CAT Scan), he has ordered now 3 more tests as an outpatient.  (Lord, she does NOT want to be hospitalized, ever again).

At ten this morning we are to be back for her HIDA Scan.
This stands for 
hepatobiliary iminodiacetic acid scan, (so I will use HIDA from now on)...

Hopefully this will be done by the time she has her EGD at noon.
The EGD is called an Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
, (I will use EGD from now on). An examination of the lining of the esophagus, stomach, and upper duodenum with a small camera (flexible endoscope) which is inserted down the throat... (Click for more)...

Tomorrow will bring its own round of tests, one being another CT, and an ultrasound.

After she had been poked for blood, (much), she was hungry. We stopped at Arbys- She got some kind of taco.


Punk wanted that taco too!
KC, with Punk in a Babushka 
Instead she was turned into a towel headed dog...
Casey is still asleep.
Since she cannot eat or drink anything this morning, or tomorrow for that matter, she gets to sleep as long as possible... I would want to too.

She did wake to take Punk out early this morning. My back was being very uncooperative to say the least, (and here, it is not a matter of sending the dog out the back door to take care of herself).

It is gloomy outside- Cloudy, and the last time I looked there was frost on every car. (I did find my ice and snow scraper and made sure it was in the car for our trip). It will clear itself by the time we have to leave though.

Hopefully Kelli is not having too much fun with the mouse s(h)ituation at home. Am thinking Randy might have been there too. I'd explained to him that Kelli doesn't mind live mice, but is bothered much by the dead ones. (Perhaps she was Minnie Mouse in a prior life)...

I'd better close for now. Time to get out of my baggy sweats, and look alive for the day.

Love to all.


For those of you that are diabetic or know someone who is, there is a nationwide recall of all Accusure® Insulin Syringes.
CLICK here for that info. http://www.fda.gov/Safety/Recalls/ucm188137.htm

There WILL be a Test!

Good Morning!
I will be posting a blog shortly, (I hope); but I found this as I was searching for a definition of "freezing fog" for The Slurk.
(I also thought it was very interesting)!



This webpage describes the different types of precipitation and explains how they form. METAR and other frequently used abbreviations for each precipitation type are given.

1. Rain (R, RA)- Rain is liquid precipitation that reaches the surface in the form of drops that are greater than 0.5 millimeters in diameter. The intensity of rain is determined by the accumulation over a given time. Categories of rain are light, moderate and heavy.

2. Snow (SN, SNW, S)- Snow is an aggregate of ice crystals that form into flakes. Snow forms at temperatures below freezing. For snow to reach the earth's surface the entire temperature profile in the troposphere needs to be at or below freezing. It can be slightly above freezing in some layers if the layer is not warm or deep enough the melt the snow flakes much. The intensity of snow is determined by the accumulation over a given time. Categories of snow are light, moderate and heavy.

3. Snow Pellets (GS)- A snow pellet is precipitation that grows by supercooled water accreting on ice crystals or snow flakes. Snow pellets can also occur when a snowflake melts about half way then refreezes as it falls. Snow pellets have characteristics of hail, sleet and snow. With sleet (ice pellets), the snowflake almost completely melts before refreezing thus sleet has a hard ice appearance. Soft hail grows in the same way snow pellets can grow and that is ice crystals and supercooled water accreting on the surface. Snow pellets will crush and break apart when pressed. They can bounce off objects like sleet does. Snow pellets have a whiter appearance than sleet. Snow pellets have small air pockets embedded within their structure and have visual remnants of ice crystals unlike sleet. Snow pellets are typically a couple to several millimeters in size.

4. Snow Grains (SG)- Snow grains are small grains of ice. They do not produce much accumulation and are the solid equivalent to drizzle.

5. Ice Crystals (IC)- Also called diamond dust. They are small ice crystals that float with the wind.

6. Sleet / Ice Pellets (PE, PL, IP, SLT)- Sleet (Ice Pellets) are frozen raindrops that strike the earth's surface. In a sleet situation the precipitation aloft when it is first generated will be snow. The snow falls through a layer that is a little above freezing and the snow partially melts. If the snow completely melts it will be more likely to reach the earth's surface as supercooled water instead of sleet. If the snow partially melts there will still be ice within the falling drop for water to freeze on when the drop falls into a subfreezing layer. The lowest layer of the troposphere will be below freezing in a sleet situation and deep enough to freeze drops completely. The lower boundary layer can be above freezing and sleet occur if the sleet does not have time to melt before reaching the surface.

7. Hail (GR, A)- Hail is dense precipitation ice that is that least 5 millimeters in diameter. It forms due to ice crystals and supercooled water that freeze or stick to the embryo hail stone. Soft hail is more white and less dense since it has air bubbles. Soft hail occurs when hail grows at a temperature below freezing by ice crystals and small supercooled water and cloud droplets merging onto the hail. Hard hail occurs when liquid water drops freeze on the outer edges of the hailstone after the outer edge is above freezing. The freezing of supercooled water releases latent heat and this can result in the outer edge of the hail stone warming above freezing. Then the water refreezes creating solid ice. Hail will commonly have soft ice and hard ice layers when it is sliced open.

8. Graupel (GS)- Graupel forms in the same way as hail except the diameter is less than 5 millimeters. It usually grows by soft hail processes.

9. Drizzle (DZ, L)- Drizzle is liquid precipitation that reaches the surface in the form of drops that are less than 0.5 millimeters in diameter.

10. Freezing Drizzle (FZDZ, ZL)- Freezing Drizzle is liquid precipitation that reaches the surface in the form of drops that are less than 0.5 millimeters in diameter. The drops then freeze on the earth's surface.

11. Freezing Rain (FZRA, ZR)- Freezing Rain is liquid precipitation that reaches the surface in the form of drops that are greater than 0.5 millimeters in diameter. The drops then freeze on the earth's surface.

12. Freezing Fog (FZFG)- Freezing fog is a fog composed of supercooled water drops. These drops freeze just after they wet the earth's surface.

13. Mixed Precipitation (MXD PCPN)- The combination of two or more winter precipitation types occurring at the same time or over a period of time at the same place.

So what's YOUR weather like today?
(Click the link for even more info.).
