Good Morning All;
I woke this morning, chilled- it was still dark- Quiet too, as I'd slept in the living room...
The first thing to do is to let Punk out.
Soon as I'd opened the door, the rain hit me in the face; driven hard, and cold too. Hearing the forecast, more of the same, (possibly mixed with the "S" word), for today and tomorrow. (This proves little help to warm me).
Speaking of "eek" ...was too! ('Ugh' and 'eek' fall into the same windblown genre of word usage), Punk did me a favor a while back.
(At least I think it was a favor)...
I'd been down in the basement, cleaning out the sh/L-itterbox when Punk made a very strange sound.
Turning to see, she was literally 'pointing' out something... No, I do not take my unpredictable, (and somewhat "possessed"), camera down with me while I am doing that stinky task. hehehe
Punk was staring at the wall above and between my water softener and my water heater...
... I looked.
There seemed to be quite a problem with some of the insulation...
Yeah. Crap. That's not right at all.
I am not sure if she saw anything move- But if she didn't, I don't think she would have pointed that way?
See the insulation in the next photo-
That's the way it's supposed to look!
Yes, wait a second, it gets WORSE...
I have some old pink insulation out in the pumphouse. Thepumphouse is 75 feet away from the house
But I took the picture in my basement!?! (Add 'eek' or 'ugh' as you wish)
Imagine how baffled I was; how very complicated this mess had just become...
As i was shooting a few pics, I realized, of a sudden, my own welcomed animals had become quiet, nonexistent.
(Completely disappeared would be the right description).
The Cowards!
Looking around at this mess I call a basement, I found Punk...
She must have thought she fit right in with the junk... hehehe
Almost camouflaged she was; save for those eyes.
(And, as always, that mischievous grin on her face). hehehe
But ok- Where the dickens was The Sputnik?
I found him too-
On the opposite side of the basement...
... in the crawlspace!!! (NOTE: 'ugh' and 'eek' definitely apply) hehehe
Perhaps he knows something that I don't know. (I really don't want to know).
I believe I will be having a bit of company this Friday!
I met Christy as she replied to an ad I had posted on Yahoo's Free Stuff, many moons ago. My back was really bad that year and I could not keep up with picking all my beans. Christy, among others had replied, and we have stayed in touch ever since!
Christy has 8 children- At the end of the month they will be adopting 2 more little girls!
She has offered to bring herself, and her crew of 8 children, (ages 11-17), on Friday to come and clean -and maybe even get the outside ready for Winter!
I am thrilled; honored, that they will come.
(Maybe she didn't expect me to accept her offer)! hehehe
A few weekends ago, friend Duane came up from Milwaukee, on his Harley; and with one of his young sons.
His son had wanted to buy the old Buick Roadmaster, "as is, where is"!
As soon as they hit Sheboygan it had begun to rain- (That should have told them what kind of day lay ahead for them). hehehe
Friend Lynn had also come out that day- and helped me as I tried to charge up the battery and put air in the drivers front tire.
By the time Duane and his son arrived, they were soaked to the skin; right through the riding gear.
The charger did nothing for the battery- Duane only had the Harley, but I had my Rendezvous- We hooked the 2 cars up and waited and waited- the battery would simply not take a charge!
I called Fleet Farm- Fortunately they were open for another 25 minutes- I sent Duane and his son off in the Rendezvous... They even made it there and out by the time the store closed!
An hour or so later, the Roadmaster roared to life- We cleared a place in the old shed for Duane to leave his bike overnight, as he wisely chose a ride home in the dry of the car.
Getting ready to leave for home.
I waited to hear from them, that they had made it home.
They did, safe and sound.
I am happy that the old girl went to a decent person too.
Casey was out about weeks ago and as she was fixing to leave, she happened to look back toward the woods-
What a beautiful leader they have this year!
A completely white, wild turkey! He is so pretty! I hope no one shoots it...
Now tell me WHY can't I have TURKEYS in my basement???
My love to all. Have a 'wunnaful' warm Tuesday!
Yes, I told Randy almost immediately when I saw the basement...
He has not shown up here, except for while he is 'on duty', since.
Methinks he's scared!!! hehehe