Good Morning All;
With memories many I begin this entry... For Miss Mona, for Amos, for Homey, for Lucie, and now for Miss Cleo...
Derek, Caseys fiance, had to make that awful decision last night to put his "Cleo" to rest. Many of us that have chosen to let a dog or a cat love us have had to face making such a decision. And it is no easier to make whether you are man or a woman, old or young...
Derek had called here very early yesterday morning, having found his Miss Cleo unresponsive in his sunroom. He was at the vet clinic, "The Animal House" out on the east side. After speaking briefly to Casey, I told her I would drive her in to be with him.
Arriving there, Cleo was having seizures, and was not coherent at all. Just three days ago, (the last time I saw her), she was so spirited, jumping up and down on the glider that Derek has in his back yard! And yesterday she was in end~stage renal failure. The vet said that the following 24 hours were very critical as to whether she could recover or worsen. She said that with respect to the pet food recall she had seen quite a few cases of renal failure, but none as bad as Cleo was. They gave her Ringers Lactate and then sodium chloride for fluids; having to add a wee bit of valium to her IV when the seizures took over. Casey and Derek had brought Cleo in to Dr. Spires a few months back and after her blood tests had come back he had quickly diagnosed kidney failure; putting her on a special diet...
After bringing Cleo to the animal hospital across town last night, she had worsened and Derek had to finally decide to have his Cleo put to sleep. CaseyAnne called here a little after 8 telling me that Cleo was gone...
A long, sad day for all... His mom, dad and sister had all come to see Cleo too, and of course casey stayed with him all day too.
...And since Derek does not usually come online, I will link to his moms page here so if any of you would like to say a few comforting words, you can. Please CLICK HERE for Debs page. I see she has already posted a blog of her own.
Peace to Derek and his family. Miss Cleo was 11 ~and very well loved.
I am simply not having any fun...
Please keep that my trusting life is taken gently; and I shall leave this earth, knowing even with the last breath I draw, that my fate was always safest in your hands. "
Please note...
They do not know what caused Miss Cleo's kidneys to fail, be it age or something else.
I am including the following links for you to double~check your cat and dog foods, plants and human foods as well to what they can/canNOT eat or chew on etc etc etc...
1st and Foremost
A comprehensive list of recalled products
The AVMA has compiled a comprehensive list of recalled products that contains all recall information that has come to the attention of the AVMA.
We hope you find this a helpful resourcePlease note:
This list contains all recall information that has come to the attention of the AVMA, but it is not guaranteed to be complete.
Pet food recall
May 15, 2007 (updated 4:45 pm CDT)
The recall
More than 5,600 pet-food products, house brands and name brands alike, are now on the
FDA's recall list. The first recall was the largest, of more than 60 million containers of "cuts and gravy" canned or pouched food that turned out to have wheat gluten tainted with melamine, which is used in the manufacture of plastic countertops, cleaning agents, glue and fertilizer. Those products were all made by Menu Foods, under almost 100 different brand names.Subsequent recalls have included dry foods, and foods containing rice protein concentrate. More recalls are expected as these companies voluntarily pull products. (Note on the human food chain: "Salvage" pet food was fed to hogs, chickens and farmed fish in several states and in Canada, and the same targeted ingredients as have gone into pet food is also used in the manufacture of food for human consumption. The FDA says there's no danger to anyone who eats any of the animals, arguing a "dilution effect," but no one know for sure.)
The official pet-food recall list is the FDA's, but our experience has shown us that Pet Food Tracker and The Pet Food List as well the AVMA's list update more quickly than the FDA.
Important: Check your pet foods against these lists, and then check them again!
Changes and adjustments are seen on the lists on a frequent basis.
Pet Diets A premier site for pet nutrition advice and homemade diets from veterinary nutritionists.
Please do not forget to visit Debs page CLICK HERE