This, from Toni J's blog yesterday...
And I quote...
Please Click here to go to her blog...
"With the news breaking that Governor Sarah Palin's seventeen year old daughter announcing she is pregnant should this be an issue? Hearing the news she is pregnant do you think this news should be used against her and her family? I don't. We are all families with all the problems that comes along with our personal lives. They are even going so far as trying to say that the seven month old son is supposedly to be her daughter's child also. I think personally myself they are pushing the envelope to far. What do you think?"
end quote...
She has gotten a multitude of answers-
(In my humblest of opinions, nearly everyone missed the damned point).
Please let her know what YOU think!
Love to you!
****I thought I should include just one of my own responses here...
(this, after I had posted a multitude of answers prior to it).
"hang on... I am getting there, but cannot even keep up with my own thoughts.
The 'poor child' in question is 17 years old.
Not sure where y'all are from,
NOW do you GET IT?
Therefore, this 'poor child' has probably been doing it longer than her mama has held public office.
She is pregnant because she had unprotected sex.
Or broken condom sex,
Or whatever.
I could give a good damn if she marries the guy or not.
The bottom line is that IN ALASKA she is more than legal.
C'mon- Many of you were born to young mothers.
Did you really have it so bad???
My grandmother was 14 when she married.
Go figure.
She had 18 babies too.
Each and everyone of them were loved.
Loved = Wanted in my book.
So do not sit on your backsides and complain what should or should NOT be in the media.
Do NOT sit here and legislate that "poor girls" pregnancy.
Every single one of you have adjudged someone here.
Good grief!
And to think this is what we, as decent voters, base our votes on?
Please remember that 'The Moral Majority' is neither.
You've been 'had' by the Republican party!
How do you feel now???
Now can we please get on with the REAL election process???