[My] Life in Wisconsin

Livin' For the Weekend

Livin' For the Weekend

Good Morning Everyone...

Just wanted to let you know that I am still alive! And I was going to post this blog (hehehe) much earlier, but time is limited now. I have spent the better part of the morning elsewhere on here. (Thanks Connie).


To let you know how very sick I am of all this damnable snow!
My 'finners' do not work to type, and I have BLISTERS on my hands from the shovel!!! Whoever heard of such a thing in January?


Untouched, it looks like I have big white mushrooms all over!


Even the dogs seem to become chameleons.


Weird picture, eh?


Went out twice yesterday- a few hours each time to get the last snowfall moved to a more appropriate place... (Tired, tired, tired of this crap)... God, in His infinite wisdom must know how I feel too. He will be sending us highs in the 30's for the weekend!
I will TRY not to feel the bitter cold of today and tomorrow then. (Once again, with low highs and lower lows, and TOO MUCH wind)...
Nor will I feel our windchills that will be between ZERO and 20 below. Because I am NOT going outside, come hell or high water, (or anything else)...

And the house can just collapse upon itself; because I will NOT be climbing up there to push the damned white stuff off of the back entrance...


Oh well...
Clearing out the better part of two and a half acres with a 42" blade is kinda silly,
~~~but it works.
And that is all that matters!
(Much cheaper than having a truck come too).



Hope all is well with everyone.

Have a "Wunnaful Wednesday"

Love to all.


Wednesday January 23, 2008 - 10:05am (CST)