Good Morning!
I have always heard it said that "if you don't like the weather in Wisconsin, you are only to wait a minute and it'll change"
After seeing the forecast here, methinks that will be holding true for us today/tomorrow...
It is currently 55 degrees, with rain (although I haven't heard the thunder that they have said will still come)- But by this time tomorrow we should be all of about 18 degrees, and with snow... (I am happy that Miss Slurk6k is moving and as such cannot either be online, nor be doing her 'Happy Snow Dance' in Green Bays honor) ...
Ok, now to get back to yesterday...
I first need to thank all of you who have either commiserated, or have shown the compassion that those of us that have this absolutely need.
We are not crazy.... (really!) !
I am on Paroxetine- (Paxil)- and have been for the last year. And I take the Xanax when I need to go someplace (other than the next room). I am told to take the Xanax 3 times a day... although lately the darned stuff only makes me tired- Oh, I am alright for about 3 hours (tops), and then I'd better get home and take a nap. (If this continues, I shall just have to blame the people that make the Alprazolam for any weight gain)! hehehe...
The book that was offered I have already read- and it worked just about as well as the Anxiety & Phobia Workbook that I also have, so that one's a thumbs down for me. (Besides, Dale Carnege has never had a panic attack in his life- and I liken that to Ann Landers sending people with marital problems to go talk to their priest)! Duh! I don't think so! (Did anyone else ever see the stupidity in that advice, or was it only me)???
And yes, one has an inate ability to "know" if the other person is being honest about their attacks too. That is like having someone say they understand what we go through when we get migraines, and inside themselves are saying 'yeah right'. It is simply called being a 'phony'... Nothing less, and nothing more.
Incidentally, these same people are the only people in the WWW that I would wish just one of my migraines, or anxiety attacks upon~ I do know that SURELY just ONE attack would shut them up in a big hurry!
Another friend has offered that maybe I should give up my Cherry Pepsi. And that is an excellent idea. I thought so as well, ~way back when~ and cut out any/all caffeine for almost a year. It changed neither my anxiety levels, nor did it offer any relief from my stupid head.
I do yoga, self-hypnosis (very successfully), biofeedback, and do get my fair share of exercise... (most days)... And yes, there are counselors out there who could help, but I have found that my own doctor, (giving up his lunch hours to do this for me), has provided to me the very best insight to so much. And he isn't afraid to add or to ask questions either as we go along... If I just wanted to hear myself talk, I would gladly go to a counselor.
And so, the best plan of attack is to confer with those of you, who by that awful chance have ever had this diagnosis, or have witnessed it in a very close friend, loved one, or family member... No books please, they were NOT written for me in the first place, and generally are written by people who are only writing 'second~hand' info anyway. Anyone with half a brain, and an intense desire to strike it rich by 'influencing people' could compile such information...
No thank you, I shall write my own book... (Later)...
The kids made it to Texas late last night and called to say they arrived safely! YAY! I was already asleep; but in checking my caller ID this morning, Jenne called here at 11:11pm. (That number arises again)!
Now, in my inbox this morning- a note from my Aunt. My uncle is going through his own cancer treatments, and will have his second one today... Please say a little prayer that all will be well at the end of his own treatment regimen. And yet, she is steadfastly keeping her own sense of humor- That is so badly needed when going through such a terrible thing; and most especially when things seem to be at their worst. He too has not lost his own sense of humor- When told he would be losing his hair as a side~effect of the chemo, he simply removed his hat and showed the dr. his balding head!
What American accent do you have? Your Result: The Inland North You may think you speak "Standard English straight out of the dictionary" but when you step away from the Great Lakes you get asked annoying questions like "Are you from Wisconsin?" or "Are you from Chicago?" Chances are you call carbonated drinks "pop." | |
North Central | |
The Midland | |
The Northeast | |
The South | |
Philadelphia | |
The West | |
Boston | |
What American accent do you have? Take More Quizzes |
I still find it amazing that everyone in the whole world claims that those of us in Wisconsin have an accent... How come all the TV shows movies and such are then MOST "dialected" toward our "accent" then???
Nope. No accents here!
And there are specific 'wordisms' too from any given geographical locale... I had to laugh when Jade was here the other night, and I had asked her if she wanted a 'pop'... (She looked at me as though I had lost my mind, until Jenne clarified that to her)! Although I forgot to ask her is she even knew then what a 'bubbler' was; I would be willing to bet that she does not! Do you?
Yes, we really DO have "bubblers" in NE Wisconsin!!!
I had better close for today and get busy once more- Maybe today I shall actually even 'find' my house- It is under this mess... somewhere!!!
Have a good one- (and one for me too)! hehehe
I think the above pic is one of Salvadore Dali's paintings? It was just weird enough to use today...