Good Morning All;
It is currently 12° above zero, but the sun is shining too so all is not lost...
I am sure by now, many of you have heard about Froedtert. I was even contacted by a few of you that had thought immediately of Casey...
This, from the paper...
"MILWAUKEE — A Milwaukee area hospital suspended surgeries Thursday to investigate a possible case of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease.
A statement from Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital said it had temporarily suspended all procedures except in emergency and trauma cases." read more
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) is a killer.
There is no treatment.
From the Mayo Clinic comes this article:
"Before the mad cow disease epidemic in the mid-1990s, few people had heard of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD). That's because Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, an invariably fatal, degenerative brain disorder, has always been considered rare. Worldwide, doctors typically diagnose one case of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease per million people each year, most commonly in older adults.
That changed a decade ago when an unusually large number of people in Great Britain developed what appeared to be CJD. Most were relatively young, and all had eaten... read more
To answer your questions.
No. Casey was not down to Froedtert this week.
She hasn't been there in 3 months either. Knock on wood, or teeth, (whichever you prefer).
The very latest news from Froedtert is that they have reopened all of their surgical areas, and that all of their surgical instruments have been safely sanitized for reuse.
It all makes me wonder what they may have even questioned ahead of time... But that is already history...
Her surgeon there, Dr. Kulwinder S. Dua, and his Assistant, Dr. Joshua Knox have each been informed of how bad her counts were last week.
But wait!
Now there is news from this week too.
Caseys amylase and lipase counts are both back down to more acceptable levels! She still has a bit of pain; and as you might imagine, a bit of depression about it all too.
She does try valiantly to remain busy throughout this all, whether shopping with Randy, going to Nykqee's house, or even writing her own Christmas cards/notes.
And I try to keep her upbeat as well. This too shall pass, as they say...
I need to thank you all for being there for her... For your thoughts, prayers and little notes to her too.
I'd better close and get on with my day. My head is still stuffy, although not as bad as the last couple of days. So that is passing quickly enough. I sneeze almost all the time. But that feels good to move everything too.
If you are not sneezing a hole in your kleenex, your sneeze actually is nonproductive.
So what's the point in that?
Let 'er rip Folks! A body absolutely needs a good sneeze every now and then.
Just PLEASE cover your mouth!
Please send kleenex.
Have a grand Friday!
Love to all.