Dear Senator McCain,.
I have always considered myself an American Independent; living my entire life in the State of Wisconsin.
I am not big on politics, but I have always voted.
Because of that, and before this evening, I hadn't made up my mind whom to vote for.
I am not "Joe the Plumber"-
But I have worn many hats in my lifetime, the most important one being the 'mom' that I am. I raised my four daughters almost entirely without my ex husbands help, save for some child support.
I have lived on both sides of my checkbook, many times having to make the choice between mortgage payments and dinner on the table.
(A no brainer there, my 4 daughters were always fed).
My employer did not offer insurance. My daughters were covered on their fathers policy. At one point I was paying over $430.00 a month for my own health insurance premiums.
I have watched all of the debates; vice presidential also.
I have seen your ads and Sen. Obama's ads on the TV and online.
I feel that most of the ads I saw on your behalf said nothing much about yourself, and I was left to find all of my own concrete information- To sort through the BS, to do the research, and to make my decision.
I know most people will be zeroing in on your economics.
I am not one of those people right now.
At approximately 9:03PM (CT) you said the following in defense of your own health program. I quote from the debate transcript at CNN:
"America will receive more money under my plan because they will receive not only their present benefits, which may be taxed, which will be taxed, but then you add $5,000 onto it, except for those people who have the gold-plated Cadillac insurance policies that have to do with cosmetic surgery and transplants and all of those kinds of things." end quote
Currently I have a child in the hospital.
She is my youngest daughter, who at 21 has been battling Chronic Pancreatitis for about 4 years now.
There is a possibility that at some point she will be needing a pancreas transplant.
I am wondering how you can possibly utter simple cosmetic surgery and a life sparing/saving transplant in the same sentence?
And I am also wondering how far you think $5000 will go to benefit one of those gold-plated transplants?
With your flippant words above, you have cemented my uncertainty.
...And to think I worried about a few faltering investments...
Originally posted at my Y! 360, Thursday October 16, 2008 - 12:19am (CDT)