♫ ~Casey Face, You've got the cutest little Casey Face~ ♫
Good Afternoon!
These were her stats yesterday...
See what I mean about "Better and Better"?
When I got to the hospital yesterday morning, Casey was sitting in her chair.
Lo and behold, her Foley (catheter) was removed too! (This only makes her move faster)!
Holding fast to the pillow that keeps a bit of pressure on her healing tummy.
My sister Barbara called, and we all had a very nice chat. Hard for Casey to talk with her NG tube down her throat.
My nephew Dixon was here last week for an interview at the University. He is in med school, and is interviewing for where he will do his internship. Barbara said he actually liked Minneapolis! Imagine that, a boy from Alabama. Good for him! Dixon is only a few months older than Casey.
After we hung up, CaseyAnne wanted to walk some more...
So walk we did!
I swear she goes faster than I do!
(Note the cart and the window behind her; they might be important later). ;-)
She got a peek out the window.
Bright and sunshiny skies!
Then she wanted to race the lady with the janitorial cart... hehehe j/k
She got a bit tired so we went back to her room and just talked.
Greg came up about 11 or so. (This too improved her spirits immensely).
So darn sweet together!.
Greg had to get back for work, and left for Green Bay about 3:30.
Casey loves her own pillows- She had asked would I bring them up for her?
Of course!
I brought them when I returned in the afternoon.
This morning as I got my things together to go visit her again, I caught sight of this poor little beastie~dog...
Punk wanted to go too. So hard to ignore those eyes, but she will wait until Casey's central line is gone. (I am not taking any chances).
I found Casey sitting, freshly cleaned, NG tube removed, say YAY!, and BUG~BITTEN!
Bug bit? wth?
See the welt on her lower jawline? Not sure where it came from, (but I do know that nobody but Casey would have a bug bite her on the 1st of February either).
Still giggling.
Her nurse came in and gave her some benadryl.
Nurse Brooke, with Casey.
(Miss Brooke giggled when I turned the camera on). hehehe
Now NO FREAKING OUT with the next picture. It is Casey's tummy.
I don't know why it looks so dark in the photo.
The dark makes it look worse than it really is, though it is quite bruised. (At least I don't think it was that dark)...
The shiny skin is only the glue. Her wound is not weeping or leaking.
Again, she wanted to walk- (and had already been down to the gift shop to get herself a book, a bookmark, and a bracelet).
So off we went.
Now remember that window that had beckoned to her on Sunday?
Poor kid couldn't take it any more and was off... .
...and running (away).
There was NO stopping her! hehehe (Still laughing at her wheels)!
I dragged her back inside... (Not an easy task, mind you).
On Friday when I had gone up to see Casey, I used the valet parking services both times.
Saturday and Sunday the valet is closed, so I just parked in that turnabout on those days, thankful for the disabled permission I have.
Anyway, when they returned my car to me on Friday, the radio was on to some weird station, the windows were up/open (not how I left them in +4° temps), and the heat was shut off and turned to the A/C, blasting with the climate control set to 60°.
wth? Dirty little rat bastards...
* Having had a problem or two last December/January with these same yahoos, I was quite miffed about that, and wanted their boss to know. But first I needed them to park my car today.
As I readied to hand over my keys today, I got in the kids face and I said, "you tell your boys to leave my damned car alone, or next time I will call the police."
This I might add, was stated in my very best Harley~Bitch voice.
The valet dude dutifully apologized, and took my keys.
Still peeved about it, Casey and I took a little walk down by Deb. (Deb is the nice receptionist that I always get a nice smile from, and a bit of conversation too, when I walk in. She has always asked about Casey and how she is doing).
She was quite happy to see Casey up and about too!
When I told her about what had happened, she went right to work trying to find out who the parking superintendent is, and how I could get hold of him.
Casey hamming it up for the camera!
Don'tcha just love those dimples?
I'd better close for now. I did laundry upstairs today, and think I am caught up. AND, I have a very hungry dog.
Hope all is well with everyone! Know that I try to get around to your pages, but I do get interrupted every now and then. (Mostly by my back and necessary posture adjustments).
My mouth is fine. My head is still buggie.
(On 2nd thought, maybe I shouldn't use the word "bug" right now). hehehe