Casey resting, as she waits for her doctor.
Good Morning Everyone;
I know you are all waiting for an update and a diagnosis for Casey. You will have one soon. I promise. I am having a bit of a problem with my back cooperating- Or at least not cooperating long enough to put out a decent blog. (Or to put out anything else for that matter). hehehe
Unlike last night, I cannot just watch the game,
(But it was way fun to watch the game that way even if we lost)...
Will get in the shower and try to let the hot water and the medicine do their jobs.
That said, maybe later on today I shall be able to catch you all up.
Until then, please plan ahead for the next week...
+----- Bizarre November Holidays ------+
November 2 is National Deviled Egg Day
November 3 is Sandwich Day (and Housewife's Day).
November 4 is Waiting For The Barbarians Day
November 5 is Gunpowder Day
November 6 is Saxophone Day (and Marooned Without A Compass Day).
November 7 is National Bittersweet Chocolate With Almonds Day
November 8 is Dunce Day
November 9 is Chaos Never Dies Day
November 10 is Forget-Me-Not Day
It is November 2nd- Please go boil some eggs. hehehe