[My] Life in Wisconsin

AMOS- All Cats Go To Heaven..

AMOS- All Cats Go To Heaven...
July 22, 2006
333 magnify

Good Morning to Everyone...

Its almost 5:30 AM-


" And, My Friend, when I am very old, and I can no longer enjoy good health, hearing and sight; do not make heroic efforts to keep me going. 
   I am simply not having any fun...
   Please keep that my trusting life is taken gently; and I shall leave this earth, knowing even with the last breath I draw, that my fate was always safest in your hands. "

And as I woke this morning, there was no familiar thud from the living room, followed by the sound of a bell to greet me- 
   No little footsteps across the linoleum tiles in the kitchen- and no little asthmatic purring to hear either- 
   Am wishing that maybe I have only gone deaf, and that Amos hadn't passed away about 4:45 yesterday afternoon.
   Already he was missed last night as I turned in... I let Punk come upstairs with me; but she came up, and went back down; came back up, and went back down... (Well, you get the picture)...  At any rate, her own paws on the staircase were a bit of a distraction- enough for me to fall to sleep...
   After Amos had died, I had Casey get Miss Milly- (These dogs HAVE to know about this;  I have firm beliefs here that they understand much more than we give them credit for)...  We had put Amos into his little box where he had always laid, and had brought him outside.   Milly walked up to the box, almost fearful in her demeanor, sniffed at him, turned back toward CaseyAnne and began shaking all over. She quieted down, laid by Caseys feet with her head on her front legs; watching...  It was then Miss Punks turn-  She walked up to Amos curled in his box- almost prepared for a little wrestling... She looked. Sniffed. Stood back. Looked once more, then lay down, quietly too, right next to his box.
   Please don't even try to tell me that these animals don't "know" anything, or feel anything, or "see" either.  These dogs and their cat---
   (And as long as the dogs understood that Amos was actually the "Alpha-Dog" there was never a problem between them).
   Amos sure had a sense of humor- and to respect that part of him, I also must recognize my own little sense of humor...
   That said, I buried him right beneath the birdbath!
   Perhaps I need to reread Sylvia Brownes book, "Animals on the Other Side"-  Think this is as good a time as any...
   Other than this all, there is not really any 'news' to share.
   I hope you have a good weekend.
"The Rainbow Bridge"
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...


God Bless Amos for giving us kitty life in this house for ALL of his lifetime- a life that was near to 13 years of fun, laughter, (and of course the occassional mouse left as a 'gift' for us)!!!



Originally posted to my Y 360, Saturday July 22, 2006 - 05:24am (CDT)

Kids... & 'Other' Creatures that Lurk...

Kids... & 'Other' Creatures that Lurk...
Wednesday September 27, 2006
333 magnify

I was awakened this morning by low gutteral growling... (and let me tell ya, it's been YEARS since I have heard anything like that emanating from MY bedroom)!!!  sad, that Image...  (Truth being stranger than fiction most days, it is just one of those "Oh well"s of life). 

 I shall get to that  growling later, as I didn't write a darned thing yesterday- ('cept to Unca BoBBie, and that was only to fill him in on what I had posted on here)! This is such a vicious circle?

Monday was a busy day- (And yes, I DID get a nap in that morning)-Berta had stopped out later, with Gabriel in tow; and since it was such a lovely day we spent a great deal of it outside.  The photo above is Milly and Punk- waiting for the burger toy to be thrown- (Mother Milly is on the left)...  Those dogs 'played' together- They get loud sometimes- and it always looks painful and nasty; but as long as the tails are still waggin', and neither loses blood they are just having fun.  And who needs TV when you have a couple of rambunctious dogs like this? We all watched as they would run and jump on each other and run some more... Funny! My little Punkie actually does somersaults!

Fun to watch too-   Yet, at one point, Gabriel was NOT too impressed with these beasts, as they had chosen simply to ignore his little butt on the grass, and plunk down directly on top of him and continue to wrestle...  We did dig him out of this melee, he was a bit deflated, but thought it was sorta funny, so he didn't cry about it either. (Thank the Powers that Be)! 

Master Gabriel does have a hideous, indignant squeal when he is upset- (almost so high-pitched that you would swear it is a 10 year old prepubescent girl on the playground that just had her dress lifted up by Georgie-Porgie)...  It is a startling shriek; fully guaranteed to wake the dead...

Punk was restless after her WWF for dogs, and was a bit sad too when Berta and Gabriel left... (or so I thought). She laid down at my feet, whined a bit- then wanted to be a lap dog... (a bit big for that now, but we make do)!   Monday night then, we slept quite well - the fresh crisp air coming in the windows- even warm it is still somehow crisp in the Autumn...   Punk remained restless all night.  Being so very tired myself, I pretty much ignored her. 

My mistake... I awakened yesterday to this gift in the living room.  I have never had such a gift in my life either, so aromatic- and strewn about; (and thanked God that I have these retro linoleum tiles).  AHA!, instead of being just restless and whiny, she was actually a bit sick...  (As I was made to be also, cleaning up doggie-diarrhea 1st thing in the morning)!   

Putting her outside then, (perhaps to finish what she had started) she ran out... and stopped only about 5 feet from the door-  Looking toward the center lawn as I watched every single hair on her body stand straight up and out- (it occurs to me now that she looked quite like a 60 pound white Hallows Eve cat)... and then a few woofs... Waking her mother up in the kennel, I brought her back inside- (not caring to venture out and around the house in my pj's and go investigate).  Inside, she began to bark as soon as Miss Milly had begun outside.  Enough of this, and I told Punk to shush, and looked out the window... I saw nothing- Waited a few more minutes for Milly to quiet, and put Punk back out- watching her all the time... She did what she was supposed to have done earlier- outside even! Thus making my day very early in the AM.

And so it went that all my floors got a good scrubbing- Down on my hands and knees for a long time too.  Punkie seems a lot better now, with me taking away all her bones and NO treats til I am sure her tummy is back to normal- (And that, my friends, could be for about 4 or 5 years)... 

Trust. Hard to earn; even harder to retrieve once it has gone astray...  Even for a 6 month old pup! (The 10 puppies are 6 months OLD today)!

Roberta came by yesterday too- and as we were getting ready to drive into town, I saw a mouse get into the house from the attached garage- I called Punk, and she went shooting right down into the basement after it.  I wasn't about to bother with a little mouse, so into town we went-  We met up with Jenne at a 2nd-hand store - Everybody got a little something, and we had so much fun that we drove all the way back across town and found yet another 2nd-hand store!  Jenne had to pick up Isaiah and we all came back here. (And yes, I was a bit afraid to even walk into the entrance when I'd come home- not being sure if Miss Punk was all better or not)... Everything was A-OK though... My basement however was a bit worse for the wear, (and I imagine if she did find it and kill it that it will be a few days before my nose can actually find it and remove it). I shall put traps out in the garage too. Was going to do this last night already, but so tired once again, I hit the hay early, said my little prayers and completely just forgot about the rodent within...

Awakened then by this 'noise' coming from my dog in the middle of the night- (and worse, in the middle of a sweet dream)!  I saw that she was stretching to even look out the bedroom window... Knowing that her deep growl HAD to mean something... I thought I should take a look... Blinking twice, there is a man standing right under the crabapple tree, just looking up at the window... (Word to the wise here: this is NOT a recommended way to wake up for a person that has anxiety attacks)...  Punk frozen to the sill, still growling- and me, making a mental note as to where the gun is...  And another mental note to myself then to locate my glasses... 

Putting them on, then trying to think coherently and rational- to try to figure out who this person was that would be standing there at 2:45 in the morning, -   (and WHY)?;   I stole a glance out the other window... But upon seeing the drapes move, my guest took off running across the yard... And on all four legs...  It was a huge buck!   Just wanting to eat the bird seed from the feeder.  And the way he had been standing, (with me, sans glasses), he appeared to only have two legs...   Of course once he had run, I saw about 4 or 5 go through right after him...  The apple and pear trees- and the rest- being so incredibly edible and so very attractive to these deer...   They are welcomed to them- but I sure wish they wouldn't have to eat their breakfast at 2:45 in the AM...

What a way to wake up!   ...Mice. Dogs. Babies... and DUMBBELLs! That would be me... and it's also my luck that it wasn't a man in my yard! Being more awake now i wonder why I thought I should find the gun?   (Hindsight being 20/20, I should have run downstairs and brushed my teeth)!!!!

Have a wonderful day and Ta-Ta for now; I've got a rodent or two to hunt down!  Mayhaps I should go hunting for a man; but am wondering if they are classified as rodents too?!?!   just kidding!!!!




Originally posted to my Y! 360 Wednesday September 27, 2006 - 06:08am (CDT)