For a select few...I did sleep, and it felt good to do so. Ever so warm too! (Nice that).
My head is better, and I have been online for some time now...
Casey called as I was falling back to sleep saying herself and Greg still had not slept. That was almost 7:30- I told her it's a darn good thing that the game isn't on until 3...
Kelli called to wake me before 10 saying she had left a Sunday paper at my door. More reading material! Thank you my 'wunnaful' KelliBaby!
Say YAY!
As many of you know, I ♥love♥ links and can happily read all the day long if need be.
And you also know how much my blood curdles to know people are lying.
I love my little personalized counter on my top page, and all the info it provides to me.
Um... Maybe.
I have been enlightened.
Before you install something like this you absolutely need to ask yourself "Do I really want to know?"
And if so, "How much do I want to know?"
We all know how to access blogs without being seen doing so.
Couple that with my counter and exactly how I have it set up. Think of it as 'Caller~ID' for each of my blogs.
Add paranoia. (Not only my little bit thereof, but add your own as well).
This equals enlightenment. Mine.
Will wonders never cease?
As of about 10:30am, I already had 4 people today that had accessed my blog this way. (And yes, 2 of them are most paranoid people I know).
One of the others also come as no surprise to me. (I already knew how foolish and ignorant that one was).
Also know that those 4 do not represent those of you that receive my blogs by email.
I will not name names. They already know who they are Don't you?
I have taken a while to go back to a few of my more "wormy" blogs- (That old "can~of~worms" tag that you can easily access from my top page).
While it is good to know that these people have read my retorts and rebuttals to their inane remarks, it's a real bitch to have to deal with the fact that this makes 2 of these people much less than honest. Two that I really had faith in also.
Know that my respect quotient has dropped accordingly.
More sad for them than me.
You already know too that I abhor lying. Why is it that I am truthful and always just expect the same in return? Is must be st00pid to do so... While this knowledge may/may not fall under TMI, (too much information); and while I may hate the knowledge, I stand firm in my belief that the TRUTH is always best.
I had wondered how they picked and chose which blogs to comment on, and which not to. It seemed baffling at best. Now I know.
How silly of my own self to have thought they did not 'know' what I had said. (Yet how grand a feeling it is to know that they did see my blogs and my comments, and quite obviously had nothing wiser to reply)! hehehe
At this point, I really should repost the definitions of ignorant and stupid.
But I won't. You already know the difference anyway.
Already you must even know that I will not delete or block your sorry asses. While I am hurt, perhaps even a little blindsided, I believe I will have a little warped fun just watching you lie and squirm some more.
Bring it.
Love to most. I've got a paper to read.
I was reminded of this postcard on another blog...
I had originally posted a pic like this on my Y! 360 page.
Where are all the rest of the people from our 360? I miss many of them...
Good Morning-
I am way tired, and have been battling this damnable head of mine for 2+ days now... (I really do get so tired of this all). The lack of sleep, the inability to even fall asleep w/o resounding pain; coupled with my nasty back, and my inability to eat, doesn't help.
As I write it is a mere +4° (F).
Not too bad for these parts, but I do respect the fact that many of you are complaining about the chill in your area.
But then, I have to ask, whatcha gonna do when it really gets cold?!? hehehe
Don't feel bad, my own backyard looks a bit chilly too... .
Yes that is Punk back by the fire-pit.
Then, I took this blurred one as she ran toward me.

Blurry, but in its own way, struck me as pretty too.
Besides, but this is what I see when I try to focus with this head of mine.
She absolutely loves to be outside, save for yesterday morning when she went potty before her breakfast, (5AM); then didn't even want to go out until about 2 in the afternoon. And that was out of need, not a yen to play. hehehe.

Eating snow for lunch on New Year Day...
Methinks she would be awesome in a commercial for snow cones or slushes. Even with the ice cream headache! Check her face. It hurts.
She takes time to wait patiently for me to throw her Frisbee.
And has patience supreme when Casey isn't feeling well
Finally my A/C is out of the living room window.
(Yeah, we're sort of slow around here).
I got a kick out of Casey taking the heavy end!
My A/C is one that the unit slips into a box of sorts- Not like the old ones where you had to secure the whole thing. The box is screwed to fasten it tight to the window, then just slide the works in and viola, it is secure and balanced. No messing around with trying to level the heavy thing and get it just right.
After Casey removed a little ice from the outside, (which held the unit like glue), we got the box out too.
There were creatures hibernating in it!
I always thought ladybugs went far underground for Winter.
Now we all know better.
Casey and I went into town, doing a bit of shopping yesterday afternoon. We stopped at WalMart too for a few groceries- The lot was completely FULL, looking much like last minute Christmas shopping. There weren't even any $ales to speak of.
I took a few pics yesterday, but by the time we got back here I was way too tires to upload them. Will do so later- perhaps when I am feeling a bit better.
Part of the migraine, or my back?, came about an hour or two where I could not feel my legs. No panicking though, they worked fine.
Oddly, I felt like a puppet with every step I took.
R~e~a~l~l~y weird!
The feeling has passed with no lingering numbness. I'd called Kelli and told her about this crazy un~feeling I was having. She told me Tim feels exactly like that ever since his back surgery. After his surgery he also cannot point his foot toward his face, but has no problems walking either.
Maybe it wasn't the surgery that did that- maybe it's the water in Flintville. Especially since Kelli's got many newish aches and terrible pains that limit her own work with the horses and all...
Anyway, those few hours that I do nap/sleep, I must be pretty restless and toss a lot. I don't know where they come from but have noticed more than a few bruises- They look ghastly but are not painful in the least. Vitamin C is very good to ward off bruises. I am already taking 8333% of the required daily allowance for C, so am not understanding my new dark red and purple bruises.
Call me weird. hehehe
Call me tired too. Am going back to bed for a while and hope to get some decent sleep so I can really enjoy the playoff game this afternoon. We play in Arizona. It will be fun to see coatless and sleeveless people.
Stay warm- Have a Sun(ny)day!
Love to all