For a select few...
I did sleep, and it felt good to do so. Ever so warm too! (Nice that).
My head is better, and I have been online for some time now...
Casey called as I was falling back to sleep saying herself and Greg still had not slept. That was almost 7:30- I told her it's a darn good thing that the game isn't on until 3...
Kelli called to wake me before 10 saying she had left a Sunday paper at my door. More reading material! Thank you my 'wunnaful' KelliBaby!
Say YAY!
As many of you know, I ♥love♥ links and can happily read all the day long if need be.
And you also know how much my blood curdles to know people are lying.
I love my little personalized counter on my top page, and all the info it provides to me.
Um... Maybe.
I have been enlightened.
Before you install something like this you absolutely need to ask yourself "Do I really want to know?"
And if so, "How much do I want to know?"
We all know how to access blogs without being seen doing so.
Couple that with my counter and exactly how I have it set up. Think of it as 'Caller~ID' for each of my blogs.
Add paranoia. (Not only my little bit thereof, but add your own as well).
This equals enlightenment. Mine.
Will wonders never cease?
As of about 10:30am, I already had 4 people today that had accessed my blog this way. (And yes, 2 of them are most paranoid people I know).
One of the others also come as no surprise to me. (I already knew how foolish and ignorant that one was).
Also know that those 4 do not represent those of you that receive my blogs by email.
I will not name names. They already know who they are Don't you?
I have taken a while to go back to a few of my more "wormy" blogs- (That old "can~of~worms" tag that you can easily access from my top page).
While it is good to know that these people have read my retorts and rebuttals to their inane remarks, it's a real bitch to have to deal with the fact that this makes 2 of these people much less than honest. Two that I really had faith in also.
Know that my respect quotient has dropped accordingly.
More sad for them than me.
You already know too that I abhor lying. Why is it that I am truthful and always just expect the same in return? Is must be st00pid to do so... While this knowledge may/may not fall under TMI, (too much information); and while I may hate the knowledge, I stand firm in my belief that the TRUTH is always best.
I had wondered how they picked and chose which blogs to comment on, and which not to. It seemed baffling at best. Now I know.
How silly of my own self to have thought they did not 'know' what I had said. (Yet how grand a feeling it is to know that they did see my blogs and my comments, and quite obviously had nothing wiser to reply)! hehehe
At this point, I really should repost the definitions of ignorant and stupid.
But I won't. You already know the difference anyway.
Already you must even know that I will not delete or block your sorry asses. While I am hurt, perhaps even a little blindsided, I believe I will have a little warped fun just watching you lie and squirm some more.
Bring it.
Love to most. I've got a paper to read.
Passing strange
ReplyDeleteIs this who I think it is?
ReplyDeleteI have no idea what your comment means... So do ya wanna ride bikes?
ReplyDeleteProbably not.
Hmmm... OK...
ReplyDeleteglad you are feeling better
ReplyDeleteI don't hardly know how to comment...
ReplyDeleteI AM glad that you are feeling better. I am glad you got some sleep and that your head feels better.
I want to know who has hurt you but I know I won't get it out of you...
As far as blocking people, I blocked 'someone' just in this last week... I never was friends with her but things kinda escalated to a place they didn't need to go, she 'said' she blocked me so I made sure that I blocked her... But part of me keeps thinking, "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer"...
Know that I love ya and I'm sorry that someone hurt you...
Slurkie :-)
ReplyDeleteAnd that is why it hurts, ya know?
But now that I know??? Oh my!
ReplyDeleteThank you I am better, it's just a niggling pain for now...
ReplyDeleteTime will cure this one too.
ReplyDeleteFor you from myself with all my love...
I'm also not too sure what to say... I can say that being lied to is one of the greatest insults in the world... I'm sorry that you have to go through this right now... Again, if I could make it all better for you I would in a heartbeat... With how wonderful you are to people, you should receive that in return...
I'm very glad that your migraine is better and that you were able to sleep after my phone call to you! That is very good news...
Love you MUCH MUCH!!
Would like me to come out and keep you company for the game?
ReplyDeleteYou are right. You probably won't get it out of me. But if I should happen to see either of these people dissing my Slurk I will let you know. hehehe
ReplyDeleteAnd that's only the first few... Grrr... I wll go back to my website there and check more- maybe tomorrow. That will be fun to do. Odd that I am looking forward to that.
(Kind of a "gotcha" type thing)- The "peckerton detinctive" in me arises to the occasion.
Why can't people just mean what they say and say what they mean?
What's the point in going behind someones back and all?
While my forthrightness in my blogs, and also my refusal to post a bunch of BS about healthcare, may have cost me a few friends, then were they really my friends in the first place? I think not.
Know too that unless your blogs are private, your "blockee" will still be able to read them.
That'd be awesome!
ReplyDeleteI have to go read for a little while, hehehe, but will be back on here soon...
With the telly on of course!
A true blocking makes no info on the page visible...I have blocked a few (it's been awhile). They have showed on my page, but not every seen what I posted publicly.
ReplyDeleteSounds good, I just have to shower first... I'm a little stinky!!! Just kidding... But I do need a shower :D
ReplyDeleteLynn just texted and said that she'll be coming after the game some time, so I'm not needed here for a while...
See you soon! Love you MUCH MUCH!
Glad you rested and feel better. Upsetting to know that those who would claim to be friends would have no qualms of lying to said friends. Clearly they were never ever taught the importance of truth.
ReplyDeleteThat doesn't bother me... I dared her to go take a look at my blog anyway... Only because I kept being accused of only wanted people who thought like me to be able to see my page and SHE was the one who had her page locked up tighter than Dick's Hat Band...
ReplyDeleteBetcha can guess who my blockee is...
hmmmmmmmmmmm I dont know what any of this blog means, lol...but as you know I always stop by to see what youre up too! So hi, hugs Cards versus your Packers today hon, Good luck, I have a full house of men over here waiting for the game to start!!!
ReplyDeleteI love you forevermorelonger ya know! And I was in that place between sleep and wakefulness when you called. Sorry.
ReplyDeleteBut I had no problem falling to sleep either.
Being lied to, whether to your face, or by a sin of omission, or by two~facedness IS a great insult. And it is never an honest mistake.
"Oops", or "I didn't mean it that way" or "it was easier" are no excuses either.
Like everything else we 'choose' to do wrong; (especially on someone elses advice), it always comes out in the wash.
And it is so damned simple just to say, "hey, I know that is wrong or underhanded" so I am not going to do it.
Then again, having been tried and found wanting, lacking, in this lifetime there comes that awful realization that we will have to explain our actions in the next world too.
Not MY problem now is it?
Mama D
ReplyDeleteAnd thank you for the hug!
ReplyDeleteHope my note made sense?
The game is starting momentarily! Get outta the dang shower already!
No truths, no responsibility, and no ability to learn either.
ReplyDeleteYou know what really gets to me? Is the fact that I have known/felt that they were luing about certain things/issues for a while.
Why was I so stupid to think that it wouldn't, sooner or later, come my way too?
Yes. My respect is completely gone.
I am not angry now. Past hurt too. (That was knee-jerk reaction).
Surprised? I should have been more so.
With respect to my back though it hurts to have to kick my own self in the backside.
I have blocked but a sorry few- They know why-
ReplyDeleteGenerally language or insinuations of wanting something I won't give anyone I don't love.
But I have NEVER blocked anyone because they did not agree with me.
For Gods sake, what a sorry world we would live in if we were all the same.
When I post something it is the truth. Nothing more and nothing less than that.
If the 'truth' changes (as many times it is possible to have happen whenever you choose to post anything political, for example), I will always offer up a correction.
I am very proud of the fact that I have only had to do this once, through no fault of my own.
It is called research.
Some call it Google.
I prefer to call it learning. And trust me, if you are incapable of learning, or respecting the fact that I love to learn, then you do not belong on THIS page in the first place.
Who is Dick, and why is his hat too tight?
ReplyDeleteNo idea!
ReplyDeleteBe sure to thank all those guys for rooting for my beloved Pack.
I want a houseful of men too!
I have seen a counter on a few peoples pages, I don't have one on mine, but I can see who came to my page just by going down to the bottom of my shows who was there anyways. Glad to hear you got your much needed rest! I slept really late as I was up late again last night, lol.....and very soon I have to get back to bed for work tonight! bah humbug!
ReplyDeletelmao well at the moment their chest butting, high fivin men, cuz Cards scored!!!
ReplyDeleteIt only shows if they are on Multiply to begin with Sweetie.
This is giving everyone a false sense of security.
All they need are 2 different email accounts.
They only need to copy your website, then they can/will go read.
And yes, this works. (I tried it myself). Multiply has its problems.
I think I shall have to go back to sleep now too. I am surprised that Kelli hasn't called me yet and told me to turn my X0/$ing TV off. That always seems to work... hehehe
ReplyDeleteI may have a heart attack if I keep watching this bloody game.
Who knew?
Enjoy your nap!
Well glad to hear you got some sleep, your head is feeling better as well.
ReplyDeleteYour Casey is a sweet thing, love her comment up there.
Sometimes I read others comments and sometimes I don't, because then I get down here and I
tend to forget what I read clear up
I think someday I may have my mind cleared from all the worries that keep it cloudy, but I have yet to see that day!
Sorry I rambled.....Hope you have a blessed week ahead!
ooops, Green Bay
ReplyDeleteDear Annie,
ReplyDeleteHUGS, HUGS, HUGS. I'm glad your head and back are a bit better. All we can do is pray for the rest of the healing.
I hear others talk about how to go to pages without it registering on the page as them but gladly I don't know how to do it and don't want/need to know. I'm sorry that there are still the annoyances you suffer. I try to peek when I can, there has been a time or two recently when I accidentally hit your name and I SHOULD have said oops, or HI, or SOMETHING, but scooted instead. Sorry about that, I will try to speak if it happens again. Only right after all.
Hope you pack won, my Baby Girl was at the Bengals game yesterday when they lost. I'm sure she's very disappointed.
Your Snotball
Glad to read you managed to get some restful sleep in a cozy warm bed. Oddly, I too, finally got a good night of sleep last night. was nearly 4am before I "fell" asleep, but I did sleep till noon and it FELT like 8 hours. If it weren't for having to get up for a bathroom run at's possible I would have slept a couple more hours. hotflashes...but my thimble sized bladder felt like it was the size of a basketball! And that was just from barely enough water to get down a sleeping pill.
ReplyDeleteNow...why do people want to lurk on peoples pages without being seen? Comment or no comment, A friend doesn't mind being seen there. I have lots of people drop by with the "odd" names and no avatar pictures. But I do have my suspicions as to who they may be. A stranger will drop in once, someone who knows you will drop in many many times.
Hope tonight is another good night for you. Me too!
Hello Anne....yes I hope a stranger will drop in many many times for you and peachie!!!! :) Or was
ReplyDeletepeachie day dreaming there?
I am really happy that Kasey is a bit better and I am also happy that your headache is gone and
your back is better. I'll keep you both in my prayers.
Thank you so very much for the email you sent me yesterday. It was beautiful and we used it as
the grace before out dinner.....I let Annika read it and everyone thought it was great. Thank.
You were very kind to send it.
Goodnight and happy dreams. Lots of hugs & blessings. Bev
Of course I wanna go ride bikes :)) as for the comment it just meant that there are some sad strange people in the world, I always was told people lie for 1 of 3 reasons, to make them selves look better, to stay out of trouble or because they think they wont get caught, sad really but IMO true.
ReplyDeleteGlad your feeling better :)
Very few people read my blog(when I blog). Feeling better now, maybe I will blog more. I think I have some of my energy back for living.
ReplyDeleteSometimes I check at the bottom of my blogs to see who's been there. Sometimes I don't. Sometimes people who drop by don't comment. That's fine, sometimes I do the same thing. I like it when my friends stop by, even if they don't say anything. It makes me feel good. Very seldom have I ever had to delete someone's comment from anything I've posted. It's usually left by someone trying to sell sexual enhancement drugs, or some such. Makes me wonder how they found me.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you're feeling better. Off to a doctor appointment.
Like others sometimes I check who looks sometimes I dont.. Recently I have really gotten into the mood of not giving a flying hoot about any of it. Ya wanna look, read, comment.. do it.. if not.. dont.
ReplyDeleteI think too much is made of the comments in some cases.. Me personally I dont read all the comments on others blogs.. most of the time. Occasionally I look over them but not on a steady basis.
You go girl.. read all those links and get that head full of the issues on hand. Not something I can do.. tends to either make me so angry I want to scream or so scared of what is gonna be shoved down my throat that I want to cry. Either way its not a good read for me.
Remember this.. if its too much of a can o worms.. I may not comment.. you know we are on completely different spectrums of what we believe is good for this country and I will not debate an issue where Im gonna get attacked personally.
I am sorry this happened to you Anne and it sucks when people just "play" with others and it makes me wanna pull my hair out .. I was recently hurt by someone I have known for 10 years and then I found out for a great part of that time , he was lying to me , I don't know if I will ever trust the same again ..
ReplyDeleteI am glad your feeling better and you know I only wish you the best ..
Don't kick yourself hun , some people are very deceiving ..
Have a great day and enjoy the game ..
I am better thanks-
ReplyDeleteI think Casey is a sweet thing too. But word to the wise, she can put anyone in their place too.
She seems so small sometimes, but with her dander up she is dangerous! hehehe At least it takes a LOT to get her to that point.
I thought my mind would slow a bit after all the kids were out of the house. But it doesn't work that way. Seems to only get worse.
So I read. Lots. hehehe
Ramble anytime!
ReplyDeleteBig OOPS, but still what an exciting game to watch!
The people that were in the stands sure got their moneys worth!
Knowing how to do it was something I believe I could have lived happily without. Call me an ostrich...
ReplyDeleteBut I don't like to NOT know either; and as always it is better to know, good OR bad.
Don't worry about peeking in and not commenting- That's not what I was talking about anyway.
Scoot anytime you like. hehehe (That sounds funny)!
Confession time. I giggled at your mini~bladder! Sorry. Happy mine is giant sized. Even happier that Punks is! hehehe
ReplyDeleteLurking and not being seen... They are having to read the blog before they 'show' themselves so they won't have to comment if I posted something say, political. they know they cannot prove their lies, so it is easier for them that way.
But I already know that lies can only be repeated and not proven, so what's the point?
I cruise all over many blogs- Not as a hidden entity either. I don't care to hide.
But I had to try it to see if it worked, and it did. Got to read a few amusing tales on peoples pages who have me blocked. hehehe
Too funny.
Sometimes ignorance IS bliss for them, right?
i am glad you liked that piece. I thought it was very cool too!
ReplyDeleteCasey has my headache tonight- When I was her age, I would be last in line to be treated too.
Like mother like daughter they say.
Send a stranger please.
And about dreams... I have lots of happy ones- When I don't feel well, I have lots of really weird ones. Not nightmares, just really REALLY odd themes and such...
The 'wanna ride bikes' is an old family giggle for A.D.D. when we seem to lose our train of thought, or don't understand something. So forgive me, you had no idea! hehehe
ReplyDeleteYou are correct- There are some awfully sad people around...
I like your list. Each one hits the nail right on the head.
ReplyDeleteAw crap. Sounds like I missed a few...
People blogged more about themselves when we were on 360. Maybe I miss that personalization of sorts.
Happy to hear your energy has returned!
This blog was not about the people who show up at the bottom of the page.
ReplyDeleteIt was about those who do not, those who feel they have to hide.
I don't worry about anyone who shows up there. Simply because they DO show up. Soetimes I return the favor, sometimes not.
How did that appointment go? (I am behind on your blogs too).
Again. This was NOT about people who come read and leave.
ReplyDeleteit is about those who don't care to trip the visitor on the bottom.
It is about those that feel the need to hide because they are stupid chickens.
If you can't, or are not willing to, educate yourself about things, how can you possibly expect anyone to respect your opinion? How can you even HAVE an informed opinion to begin with?
An obviously easy answer? You can't.
It might be hard to understand. I always thought so too. But it is worth every moment of checking and double checking in the end.
Besides, there would be no need to comment if you are uneducated about the issue at hand.
Again... This was not about those who actually have the backbone to show their faces. it is about those who do not. And it was certainly not about who chooses to comment or not.
It's all kind of explained in many of my comments above. (And in the blog too).
That is it in a nutshell, isn't it? It all boils down to "games". Sad that.
ReplyDeleteIt is lying plain and simple. And I save no mercy for those that do lie.
Like yourself, I am not a huge fan of deception either.
About the Game! Oh what a game! And I truly did enjoy it- Just not the adrenalin-
As always, The Heart Attack Pack is alive and well.
It would have been more fun if they would have won, but so it goes. No biog deal. I still love them all.
Now I can't wait to see Minnesota slaughter Dallas. (And that will be the only time you will catch me rooting for Minnesota, except if they are in the Super Bowl and not playing us). hehehe
By the end of Sunday, this count was to 9, with 7 returning,,,
ReplyDeleteYup that's paranoia. hehehe
Sad sad people.
Still wanna know who these people are...
ReplyDeleteAnd I still know that you won't tell me... ;-)
Here's just one of them...
ReplyDeleteI won't post their IP address, though I do have it...
ISP: Road Runner
Browser: IE 7.0
Location: San Antonio, Texas, United States
Yes, I know who this is.
Didn't God say somewhere, not to put your faith in mankind....I know every time I do, I get bit in the butt. It is easier to try and just not expect much from anyone. Sad and ever so much softer on the feelings. Far less disappointing too. On that optimistic and cheerful note I wish you a Glorious
ReplyDeleteSweet Sweet Beth;
For me today, you are the voice of reason and patience and practicality.
Thank you. I needed that. have no idea how very much.