[My] Life in Wisconsin

Quote- Ain't it the Truth!

"Rumor once was spread by word of mouth. Now, it's done on the Internet, much faster and more damaging.
It's a shame that we have come to the point that before we can believe the best or the worst of anyone we have to go to Google or Yahoo to see if there's a grain of truth in the report.
Too many people don't go to the trouble to separate lies from legends before passing them on."
- A.C. Snow


  1. Totally agree with this...

    With technology the way it is nowadays, I have found myself 'Google-ing' something to find out if it is fact or fiction... What happened to days past when all you had to trust was your gut instincts??

  2. Mom always said,"believe half of what you see and none of what you hear". it held me in good stead for 69 years.

  3. And it isn't always the easiest thing to do either.
    But if you keep clicking and reading and learning, then pretty soon you do get an idea of what is fact and what is fiction.

    I still trust my gut instincts. They have yet to let me down, (save for a few people).


  4. My own mom just told me to "look it up" hehehe
    We had a complete set of World Book Encyclopedias, and their yearly updates too.


  5. I am like you Anne , my gut instinct don't usually let me down and when I pick up on something , well it just makes me more cautious cause I know , something is just not right ..

  6. I have a couple who are so paranoid I get cross examined about things I write, but they are always true.

  7. yes, this is so true. and there are lots of times I don't go checking or double checking myself....so I can be guilty of this...though I would usually say this is what I think because of _______, or is that so?

  8. So true! (i'm guilty as charged too)

  9. I like to read and check up a bit and then a bit more Anna ;) Take it easy mate

  10. LOL! Unfortunately, even Google and Yahoo can get the facts wrong.

    It's sorta like putting 50 people in a room and have one person whisper a sentence to the person next to them and that person whispers the sentence to the one on the other side of them and so on and so on. By the time that sentence (or message) reaches that 50th person, bets are it will not even be close to what was originally spoken...or in this case...whispered. It all comes down to translation and what each of us "hears" within our own understanding. The facts may be in there somewhere...just mangled a bit. LOL!
