[My] Life in Wisconsin

I AM the "Alpha Dog" ...

Good Morning Family, Friends and Lurkers... You will be much relieved to know that I have readjusted my "pity-pot" attitude and feel much better this morning!  (Colder, but better)...

KC's laptop is up and running!!!  Say YAY!!!  

After driving all the way to Appleton yesterday, she found out that The DELL Store does NOT repair what they sell, (and there are NO geeks around that are authorized to do so)...   So, after another long night of me being ready to throw her laptop in the river, it is up and running... And I also believe she has all of her files, pictures and settings! Not my business, and I am not going through it...  I have already called her cell; having to leave a message because it is shut off at that ungodly hour in the morning- But this kind of news makes me want to load Punkie in the car and drive over there and share!  (Yes I am tooting my own horn, but I am proud of myself too)!  And MORE than a little overjoyed, (and confounded), that my little efforts have paid off!

Another noteworthy problem, being my darned Rendezvous... Casey drove the rental down to Appleton yesterday, and picked the Buick up... (and cautiously drove it home too).  She parked it on the apron of the garage... and it is still there....  


...I'm not even so sure that I want to bring it into the garage...

How would I go about that anyway if it again malfunctions?  Do I put it in drive and then back up into the garage, or do I put it in reverse (and then back up into the garage)???  Guess the worst of the problem is that I only have one garage door.   SO,  if I do back it up into the garage, just how the hell do I get it out if I have all these 'reverses' on my PRNODL123???    hehehe... ???   ...or not...

So they have told me that there is nothing wrong with it- (a point I shall try not to debate until it either happens again, OR is in my obituary)...  They say I should just trust the possessed car?   Ok.  I will.  ...(but ONLY with a certain solid trepidation).

Miss Milly, Miss Punk, and myself took our daily walk back to the woods yesterday afternoon. I do love the longer earlier shadows of the trees now that daylight savings time has ended...  A bit of a breeze, and two dogs that are doing their level best to not get along. To not jinx it all,  I hesitate to even say that Miss Milly is being very intolerant of Punk at this point. Her "wrestling" has turned a bit too mean for my taste, and for Miss Punks as well...  Punk is having quite a time getting away from her own mother when that happens...  I shall keep a very close eye on the situation and hope that Miss Milly will once again be a little more gentle with her dog.  And I know dogs will be dogs- but the fact is that I had to separate them twice now as Millys jaws were almost unrelenting on Punkies neck. 

I AM THE ALPHA DOG!   ...(And a darned good thing it is for me, that for some reason, they both still believe that)!

I received a phone call from Miss Kara last night- (She is one of the people that have adopted a pup from this litter).  Her "Lily" is going through all of the things that Punkie is, develop'mental'ly speaking.  But Lily has an outbreak of some sort- I do not know if it is allergies or even a yeast infection. Disease and infestations have been ruled out by her vet- but yesterday to have had her pup break out- open sores on her feet and back, reminds me of when Mary was going through her weekly chemo treatments...  I wonder many things about Karas pup... If it is a reaction to anything in her home, why would it take until now to manifest itself?  Or perhaps the lawn maintenance has changed their treatments of the lawns surrounding the apartments she lives in... I am at a loss to help her out...    Any suggestions???

The picture above?  I have it hanging in the bathroom- a reminder of how life can be...   and a "Good Morning" greeting for myself every day!  (Punk cannot yet talk to greet me herself... Bless her heart though, Lord only knows, she tries)!!! 


Have a grand weekend!!!





(Look out Casey, here we come)!!!!