Better grab a cup of coffee or tea- I got a little long-winded here
Good Morning All;
Oy! It seems to have been a long time since I have played ketchup. hehehe
Hopefully this morning I will not be as rudely interrupted by Mother Nature as I was yesterday when I tried to post a blog.
William did call last night- His wife recovering from yesterdays surgery, and his Mom having brought Lawrence in for his tests. The specialist that saw Lawrence did some measurements- then stated that he 'highly doubted' that our Lawrence has Marfans; but to be sure they did send out DNA tests to check for a familial (genetic) tie to this syndrome.
Lawrence's cardiologist will also be on that, and we will then all know for sure.
While they do not know exactly why Lawrence's heart might be a problem, save for the mitral valve problem, William has also firmly stated that he will not be a part of making Lawrence live in a bubble, so to speak, either. A kid DOES have to be a kid. William is correct about that.
Speaking to Lawrence the other day, (oh, he is just brilliant!). He is a science geek, watching Discovery and all the History and learning channels. He likes the show "Monsters Inside Me"- And not to laugh at, as many 10 year old boys are wont to do- Lawrence can repeat the medical terminology, and genus' of the bugs that invade -etc etc etc...
He asked when Casey, Valerie, and I, were coming down? (He is right, it has been a long time).
He also said that he thinks of Miss Valerie as his sister! (Very cool that), and hey maybe after all this time, perhaps Zoé will be kind enough to allow me to take Valerie again- and when Casey is up to this trek as well.
Speaking of kids...
My own youngest has a few problems of her own. (Ya think)?! hehehe
Her blood tests from last week not showing the "up" in her iron that was expected. But we were told that maybe this still will rise with time. (It has been 3+ weeks since her 6th infusion, am wondering just how long a body needs for this to show up?!).
Or is someone pulling our leg? Sadly, I do not know.
Casey came out late on Saturday afternoon and spent the night here, as Greg had game in Sheboygan that night. She would have gone, but feeling as poorly as she did, she did not want to be taking chances either.
She has tons of pain still, with no explanations for that- (yet?).
AND, her thyroid test now came back as hyperthyroid! I am hypothyroid, (which is exactly the opposite).
As her levels are not so low as to be treated (yet), they are another warning, another strike, to her already badly compromised system.
Hyperthyroid would account and explain her inability to sleep well, and the fact that her innards are always working overtime.
As Saturday slowly turned to Sunday, she didn't sleep at all. Not one wink!
I would wake from my own little 'naps' and find her working on her logic problems; or writing from her books, saving words that caught her attention for one reason or the other. She has many papers that she has saved- My mom would do this also.
Later on Sunday afternoon, I found her like this...
I hardly had the heart to wake her around 7 to have her go home to be able to spend a little time with Greg before the new work week kicked in once again.
Please keep these kids in your thoughts-
Back to our storms.
We have had plenty for the past few weeks- More in the forecasts also
Remember this from yesterday afternoon?
This "futurecast" picture that they showed was WRONG!
(Thank God for little miracles).
While we did get plenty of rumbles and a bit of rain, it was NOTHING compared to what they thought we would get, or what less fortunate did get-
These pics, after the storms had decided to move on a more acceptable southerly track.
But there was damage too-
AND, I lost a flower!
Darn sad that. hehehe
Down at Kelli's a few days ago, they already had a bit of a washout-
Their back porch...
That's just not right!?!
Then, there's the camper that decided to go for a ride last night...
OK. It is not Kelli and Tim's. hehehe But Good God, how lucky we all were to have not had the ferocity of the storm here.
They had put in a silt retaining wall so their topsoil would not wash into the pond-
(The black fencing in front of the pond is for the silt to catch on).
But the sand has a decorative quality of its own after all this rain-
Not so decorative here though...
Yeah, those are my basement steps!!!! YIKES!
Please send a few tubes of silicone! hehehe
As most of you know, I was raised in this house. I have never seen sand come through a concrete step! Guess that tells you how much rain we have had, and how fast and furious it has come down.
I will get them caulked today. If I can.
Speaking of "luck" (was too), Kelli has NO idea how lucky she was NOT to have gotten my phone call about 9 last night.
I could not move. My back has been worse, again, for the last week or so.
My back was 'stuck' -rendered wholly inflexible by this pain, and I damn near called her to take me in.
I knew they were probably asleep by then- Tim goes in really early, and Kelli goes in early enough as well. I didn't want to be a bother. Nor did I want to call Casey and have her come all the way out here to drive me in. Besides, there is NO way Casey would even have had the strength to move me!
All that was going through my head as I lay there- until I realized that I couldn't even reach the damned phone! I had set it on the charger after William had called...
I figured that was a sign. - A mean one, but a sign nonetheless...
I did fall asleep for a while, and when I woke, I could at least get to the little ladies room and to take my pain pills- (I even took my Kadian 6 hours early).
Darn fine thing that Punk and I have stable (and apparently large enough) bladders. hehehe
Life goes on. I might call in today, depending upon when Casey gets in touch with me- She will either call me, or just text my email, when she wakes up. Sometimes she sleeps quite late, depending upon when she finally is able to fall to sleep in the 1st place.
I'd better close for now- I must go in search of some decent caulking, maybe.
Am hoping all is well in your little corner of the world.
My love to all.