Good Morning All;
I know I haven't blogged in a while- My apologies once again. Having little else to say, save for whining about my back and being unable to do much with it, and feeling sorry for myself... Well, what's the point in sharing that?
Of that, I do have the highest praise for those of you who 'take' this pain. I don't know how my Little Casey, or Sweet Pea for that matter, live with such agony all the time. Please tell me how, because I fail miserably at times.
Fall is here. Not that the temps have been indicative of it; even today to be in the mid~70's. That's nice. According to the forecast, know that it ends tonight.
Oh well. Nice while it lasted...
Even these little leaves know when to turn...
The pool is down. But not before a little bobbing for apples...
Yes. She got it. (More than a few times too)
She wasn't happy watching the pool come down,
and being told not to go in anymore.
.and being told not to go in anymore.
So we took a walk... Sputnik too.
Putting her noise to good use, and especially after most of the field has been harvested, she found something that did not agree with her nose.
It didn't agree with mine either.
She calls it stinky, even to a dog!!!
I did manage to go all the way to the campgrounds. As did "the kids"
Sputnik does this "Follow the Leader" thing with Punk
Punk is not always amused by that,
and every now and then Sput ducks...
Coming back home to notice a basket left behind.
Looks lonely- old and broken.
(Hey, is that me out there)? hehehe
Well except for the lonely and the old parts.
.(Hey, is that me out there)? hehehe
Well except for the lonely and the old parts.
Pretty, coming back to see those flowers against the now turning Fall colors.
And to spy something weird.
Perhaps a pumpkin?!?
I broke with reason and decided to walk across the rows to see...
Looks better in my house...
I am not decorated for Fall. Mostly Mother Nature does that for me anyway, and I am more than happy to allow her free rein!
Sad though, that I haven't any pumpkins of my own this year. I don't "do" Jack~O~Lanterns, but I do like the little bit of Fall they add to the place.
I see once more my in-box filled with Chicken Little mentality. And sending on the Baucus bill now that dares to have mention of cutting the top 10% of doctors pay by 5%. (Poor damned doctors).
Personally I don't think this 'cut' will be enough to have most decent doctors forget their oath to "first, do no harm". And if it is, then I sure don't care to visit a doctor like that.
I promise not even to try to teach those of you that are still sending this garbage on. Apparently you cannot be taught.
If it isn't the Town Hall Mentality, it is The Chicken Licken. Of course I will continue to receive such trash from these people.
These same people who will do their posts in November about how thankful they are all for everything that God, and Life, has bestowed on them.
Do give me a break on that. Even God knows a hypocrite when He sees one.
These are the same people who try to scare older folks into believing that their government wants to kill them. The same people who do not think twice about that little commandment that says, "thou shalt not bear false witness", then either post, or forward, all the lies they can find? Guess that commandment must not apply. Then there is that Golden Rule thing. You cannot have it both ways.
And before I get too far behind before the Packers Game, I shall close. Is it wrong that the win/loss thing does not bother me? Maybe next week it will.
Have you seen the Brett Favre Sears commercial? I almost fell out of my chair laughing! Yes, he still has his sense of humor. His arm too.
I have to get my apple cranberry chops in the oven to eat for halftime! Hungry already. So time to fly!
Hope all is well with everyone. Tonight my furnace will turn on...
Love to all