Good Morning All;
I know I haven't blogged in a while- My apologies once again. Having little else to say, save for whining about my back and being unable to do much with it, and feeling sorry for myself... Well, what's the point in sharing that?
Of that, I do have the highest praise for those of you who 'take' this pain. I don't know how my Little Casey, or Sweet Pea for that matter, live with such agony all the time. Please tell me how, because I fail miserably at times.
Fall is here. Not that the temps have been indicative of it; even today to be in the mid~70's. That's nice. According to the forecast, know that it ends tonight.
Oh well. Nice while it lasted...
Even these little leaves know when to turn...
The pool is down. But not before a little bobbing for apples...
Yes. She got it. (More than a few times too)
She wasn't happy watching the pool come down,
and being told not to go in anymore.
.and being told not to go in anymore.
So we took a walk... Sputnik too.
Putting her noise to good use, and especially after most of the field has been harvested, she found something that did not agree with her nose.
It didn't agree with mine either.
She calls it stinky, even to a dog!!!
I did manage to go all the way to the campgrounds. As did "the kids"
Sputnik does this "Follow the Leader" thing with Punk
Punk is not always amused by that,
and every now and then Sput ducks...
Coming back home to notice a basket left behind.
Looks lonely- old and broken.
(Hey, is that me out there)? hehehe
Well except for the lonely and the old parts.
.(Hey, is that me out there)? hehehe
Well except for the lonely and the old parts.
Pretty, coming back to see those flowers against the now turning Fall colors.
And to spy something weird.
Perhaps a pumpkin?!?
I broke with reason and decided to walk across the rows to see...
Looks better in my house...
I am not decorated for Fall. Mostly Mother Nature does that for me anyway, and I am more than happy to allow her free rein!
Sad though, that I haven't any pumpkins of my own this year. I don't "do" Jack~O~Lanterns, but I do like the little bit of Fall they add to the place.
I see once more my in-box filled with Chicken Little mentality. And sending on the Baucus bill now that dares to have mention of cutting the top 10% of doctors pay by 5%. (Poor damned doctors).
Personally I don't think this 'cut' will be enough to have most decent doctors forget their oath to "first, do no harm". And if it is, then I sure don't care to visit a doctor like that.
I promise not even to try to teach those of you that are still sending this garbage on. Apparently you cannot be taught.
If it isn't the Town Hall Mentality, it is The Chicken Licken.
These same people who will do their posts in November about how thankful they are all for everything that God, and Life, has bestowed on them.
Do give me a break on that. Even God knows a hypocrite when He sees one.
These are the same people who try to scare older folks into believing that their government wants to kill them. The same people who do not think twice about that little commandment that says, "thou shalt not bear false witness", then either post, or forward, all the lies they can find? Guess that commandment must not apply. Then there is that Golden Rule thing. You cannot have it both ways.
And before I get too far behind before the Packers Game, I shall close. Is it wrong that the win/loss thing does not bother me? Maybe next week it will.
Have you seen the Brett Favre Sears commercial? I almost fell out of my chair laughing! Yes, he still has his sense of humor. His arm too.
I have to get my apple cranberry chops in the oven to eat for halftime! Hungry already. So time to fly!
Hope all is well with everyone. Tonight my furnace will turn on...
Love to all
Sweet Annie,
ReplyDeleteYour sunrise is just lovely!!! As usual Miss Punk and Sputty are adorable. Love the one from the front of Sputty. His tail is gorgeous.
The basket is a reminder to all of us to take care of what we have. If not, we get all broken down. I'm so happy for you about the gourds. They are really interesting and Mother Nature sure knows how to spruce things up.
Haven't seen the Favre commercial. I'll keep my eye out for it.
The chops sound great.
Stay warm, enjoy your game and stay well.
Intestinal fortitude?
No clue. Maybe like all things after awhile you get used to it or at least it because relative? You just sort of do. Having an injury in your back though is not the same. your back controls every bit of your body and pain there translates to a pain EVERYWHERE....
yunowat? Soon... very soon... I will have a garden again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
right there... between the two back fences in the area previously designated "crap" by the previous owner.
Punk and Sput are just too cute.. Love the way Sput follows you guys and then comes back with you too.
ReplyDeleteGreat find in the field.. looks like squash more than pumpkins though. Oh well they are cousins I think.
As far as the lies .. I think everyone in Washington is lying.. An omission of truth is still a lie. Say what you will, they keep taking money from the old to give to others.. to me that is blatant.. they dont like old people and they think they have used up their usefulness. I admit I dont understand taking from one thing (that is admittedly going broke by 2012) to give to another that wont be in effect until 2012 makes absolutely no sense to me.
Im just so fed up with it all.. one saying that if you dont agree with this new policy then you are heartless and mean because it would help so many and not only that, If you disagree then you are a racist.
Im tired of the bickering.. Im tired of the politics as usual and Im tired of hearing how wonderful this whole thing is.. because from my perspective.. its not that grand. I refuse to settle for a piece of crap just because no one else in Washington has come up with something better. After all it will affect us for many years to come. These are supposed to be educated people.. you would think they could come up with an idea that doesnt split this country in half and is at least reasonable.
I know I didnt keep my promise.. sorry.
Big hugs
Hi Mommy!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a gorgeous picture of the sunrise!
You’re not feeling sorry for yourself at all. It is merely the frustration of being in so much pain constantly. Everyone has their threshold. There is no secret and I didn’t do the tolerance thing too gracefully at times. I mostly kept face in front of most people. Just think of how many times I just lost all ability to deal with the pain anymore. I just wish there was something, anything, that I could do to fix the back problems…
I don’t know how you do it, but your pictures are so beautiful! I know you’ve told me that you take about 100 and about 5 turn out…
YAY!! Punkie went bobbing for apples! She must be practicing for Halloween! I’ve never actually tried bobbing for apples, but I think it would be really difficult… Especially since I have a little mouth. Well, size wise, it is little… I can talk though!
The picture of Punk in front of the flower pot looks very professional! In fact, I don’t think that an expensive photography studio could even get that good of a picture!! The clarity on your camera is amazing…
That’s so hilarious that Sputnik actually goes for walks with you both! I’ve never heard of a cat taking a walk :D
I sure hope your back doesn’t look anything like that basket… I think the poor basket has seen much better days!
For the life of me I can’t figure out where that flower picture was taken… I think the angle of it is confusing me…
You’ve got some sweet gourds!! (And other things I’d never thought I say to my mother…) hee hee hee… Those are some pretty interesting ones, though, and such vibrant color!
I’m with you on the doctor thing. If they really quit their jobs because of a 5% pay decrease, then they were in the profession for all the wrong reasons… It’s a great way to weed out the docs with ill intentions… I love the Chicken little comparison, it is so true. Sad, but true. If people have been unable to distinguish fact from fiction by now, then they never will.
You can’t have it both ways, and a lot of people need to realize that before speaking or even attempting to make an educated guess. So many Americans want their cake and to eat it too…
The win/loss thing doesn’t bother you? So I take it you will not be emailing the professor at school and saying, “I can’t make it to school today, the Packer’s loss against the Bengals was just to disturbing and I’m too depressed”… I can’t believe that someone actually did that in my class… It’s one thing not to go or to make up some decent excuse but to email THAT excuse??? Oye…
I, too, love that Favre commercial!!! I was in tears laughing so loud at it!!! I’m glad he does still have that sense of humor and is willing to participate in a commercial that makes fun of him….
Well, I’m thoroughly exhausted and must snack on something and then study and then sleep!
Love you MORE!!! :D
Think I'd love fall more if we didn't get as many gloomy days. It's here though.
ReplyDeleteNot such a big fan of "Stupid" or "chicken" either.
We're expecting temps in the high 30s this week. Time to order propane for my furnace. It was beautiful here today with temps in the high 70s with a nice cool breeze.
ReplyDeleteI loved the photos of Punk and Sput. Your furbabies sure do have lots of personality that even comes through in your photography.
What pretty gourds!
It seems doctors used to become doctors not for the money but because they wanted to help heal people. What happened? (I think they call it Greed, and the high cost of medical school!)
Apple cranberry chops sound terrific, I wish you'd post the recipe when you get a chance.
Fall is here... I am excited to see it get cooler...
ReplyDeleteI love how Sputty goes for walks with you and Punkie! He sure is a different cat...
Your Pack won. My Bengals won. All is right with the world! ;-)
Apple cranberry chops do sound pretty tasty... Maybe with some stuffing and corn to go along with it? LOL
I hope you have a good week...
Lotsa Love to You!
Slurkie :-)
I love the pics, love the blog, love your "kids", and now I think I'll take my migraine to bed!!! I
ReplyDeletewould love to sit a spell and write but I just can't do it. I live in constant pain too and sometimes
I get totally frustrated and I just sit down and bawl my eyes out!! LOL It don't help the pain, but it
cleanses the soul, and that's good. Have a good night and a wonderful week, hopefully with less
pain. Lots of love and big fluffy hugs from your fat friend in Nova Scotia....LOL I had to put my
furnace on this morning!! :(
Great pictures. I truly enjoy. I'm sorry for the pain your back gives you. Thinking about it, I forgot to take something for mine. I'm sure it will come to that later. It hurts the most when standing.
ReplyDeleteYou definitely took a walk. I also love what you brought home. Does give color. Take care.
I have not used a heater in 20 years living in Phoenix, when it gets a bit nippy 55 at night burrrrrrrrrr....lol.....I just bake something!...Good think it doesnt happen very often though because my baking bites. I'm sorry your back hurts you so sweet Anne, like the comment above I sometimes just sit and bawl so fed up am I with my illnesses. Those pork chops sound yuuuuuummy , bet they were. xoxoxo Pam
ReplyDeleteDarn good thing I got that picture. It was all soggy outside this morning- Rain that came from dancing on west side windows to north side, and over to east side too. And it was a cold rain- (You can tell by what it sounds like)...
ReplyDeleteDid you just tell me I haven't any guts???
Do too, do too!
I looked at your picture... then a little remodeling of your url, and viola!, I saw even a few more. (Long time to upload though).
Crap?!?! What a maroon the previous owner was.
Ooh I love these "kids" of mine!
ReplyDeleteI'm not eating it, it's a gourd- Actually it's 2 that have grown together.
Don't ever worry about commenting. You have a right to change your mind about not.
I get tired of the hate- Not so much the bickering because it means (or it should) that one is making sense.
Nonsense I have no time for though.
As for me, I say sign the bill, work the kinks out as we go along, and stop many of these people from dying.
I don't see it as stealing from the old. The $ that will be forthcoming IN to pay this system will be adding to it, not detracting from. It adds those dollars from the people that choose this "insurance" as their own.
Will it take time to achieve that? You bet. But not everyone has the benefit of that time.
You wouldn't say that if you ever saw me playing "Musical Chairs" (sans music), and trying to get comfortable as I am sobbing with tears running down my face.
ReplyDeleteI am renaming him "ThunderPaws" too He comes out of nowhere, and gets his beeline on- You can actually feel the ground move as he gallops by.
ReplyDeleteBy the garden, facing NE
...and other things I have never been told yet in this lifetime!
Very true.
ReplyDeleteTake "Uncle Doctor" -and your cousin too-
They are part of the coalition of "doctors without borders"
While I wish all that know~how and help would remain stateside, I will never fault them for donating of themselves to save humanity a bit of pain.
They help. They heal. They earn their wings.
Whether they get paid or not.
I would venture to guess that even if they were in the 10% of the upper echelon of what doctors get paid that they would continue to do what is right and good.
ReplyDeletewin/loss will be bugging me next Monday Night.
And that student that wrote their professor THAT for an excuse needs professional help.
Still laughing at that...
Sweet dreams. See you tomorrow. (I think).
ReplyDeleteGloomy here today too- But oh SO VERY WINDY! Rattles the older windows too.
I was wrong about the furnace going on last night. It went on about 1 this afternoon.
No fan here either. (You crack me up)!
We might have you beat tomorrow night-
ReplyDeleteForecast is calling for low 30's then. (Time to find my windshield ice scraper).
Sometimes the cat/dog personalities are such that Punk cries out...
...Especially when the cat is hanging on her face). hehehe
There it is "GREED"- One of the 7 Deadly Sins.
I can't tell you how many times Casey told the doctors what was going on and how she needed to be treated. (Sometimes checking their pda's didn't do much for her).
I would post the recipe, BUT, I had found it in a book at the check out line... And it was good too. Maybe I shall post what I recall of it.
Cooler is one thing. Low 30's (from high 70's 2 days ago) is a whole nother story.
ReplyDeleteSputty thinks he's a small dog.
I did make stuffing, with applesauce & real apples too, putting it over the pork while it was baking.
They are good. Different, but good.
ReplyDeleteYou are such a LOVE to love all that, even with a nasty migraine.
Hope it is gone by now?
See my reply to Casey- I catch myself with those damnable tears too.
My furnace is only 1 day behind yours!!!
Ooh, thanks for the reminder...
ReplyDelete(I'd forgotten to take the my kadien, which I will need in my system if I am to go in tomorrow).
You are lucky to know which position gives you the most pain. Mine does not differentiate between sitting, standing or laying down. Just that when it's bad, it's bad. And when it's worse, it's worse.
ReplyDeleteAs my furnace just kicked on once more... I believe I might close my bedroom window down a notch when I sleep tonight. Oh I love that fresh fresh air! (Still, that's a huge "might"). Guess I will just turn the thermostat down to about 60.
Sorry to hear you are in pain too, but happy that I am not the only one in the world crying either.
Time for my jammies, and to watch "House".
ReplyDeleteThen to sleep, perchance to dream.
Love to all
ReplyDeleteno guts no glory?
They were posted here...you musta missed that blog. I think you were flat on your back.
yeah, the previous owner had "issues" but hey... its mine to do as I please now...
ReplyDeleteLike a bassett hound that makes tens times to thud as a great dane..?
ReplyDeleteGiven the fact that your back is so bad, your getting outside at all is admirable. Then to take such beautiful pictures.....wow.....mine would be blurry from the vibration of pain!
ReplyDeleteDon't think your alone...I haven't decorated for fall either....oh well.
Who dey!
decorate? Fall? Seriously. I am lucky if the tree gets put up and taken down anywhere near christmas....