They are correct--- those that say "When it Rains, It Pours"... Casey is still hospitalized and has had nothing to eat since Wednesday... They gave her a little broth yesterday evening and she had so much pain all over again.
The Nuclear Imaging did not reveal that there is/was a problem with her gallbladder- She was in such pain then last night, she now has an IV of pain meds too. Whatever the heck it is, the doctors are even baffled- The doctor has referred another specialist to her- This guy ordered a MRI and MRA- and wants to do a CAT Scan even though she is so allergic to the dye they use- (She had a CAT Scan once before, and wound up with hives all over her body- head to toe)- They said they will give her much antiallergy crap ahead of that all, so maybe she will not have the same reaction. I do not know what time they are doing this all- I am trying to get my lawns cut a bit (at least to make the weeds and grass be both the same height).
I am going to do another copy/paste with my note to Uncle BoBBie this morning- Here goes.... I wrote this before I had gone in to the hospital this morning...
I have been up since shortly after one (AM) here- Do not know what to do, where to turn sometimes...
We do not have any further diagnosis on little Casey; save for pancreatitis. They did a nuclear imaging on her yesterday- the procedure lasted a little over 3 hours- I waited until about 8 pm to get the remainder of the diagnosis, but the doctor still hadn't come in. I am sure I will know more when I get back up there today- but I had to come home and rest at least for a little while.
I fell to sleep in my La-Z-Boy, and about 2 and a half hours later, woke to a pitiful noise- I went out to the garage to find Miss Milly all tangled up in a bush- I had put concrete blocks there to prohibit her from going around that bush--- Yesterday, she got a bit tangled after digging a hole- I had left the garage door a little up for her so she could at least go potty or poo if she needed to...
...Anyway, when I woke up and went out there, there were only 9 puppies, and Milly tangled- out of reach of her little dogs.
One little pup had escaped, and was outside, crying an awful cry.
I found that pup- halfway under one of those damned cement blocks, Bob-
Miss Milly had knocked it over trying to get to the little dog-
It was half frozen, and I worked her over real good, just to establish better circulation, and brought the pup and Milly inside then-
She took her to the back- by the dryer-
This puppy just kept crying- wouldn't nurse... And it barely moved- Her back end not working at all...
After trying to get this pup warm and able to nurse. I figured then instead of trying to get one puppy well, I thought it better to get Milly out with the rest of them; (as I surely don't need her coming down with mastitis at this point).
I took the injured pup, mixed some whole milk, some of Gabriels formula, and water; heated it up, wrapped him tight--- and dropper by dropper, through her little cries, she got a little in her tummy anyway. I even turned the heat on so we could sit by the register.
I do not imagine she will make it, and if she does, she will probably be paralyzed as she hasn't moved her back half at all.
I cried right along with that little pup too...
And I talked to God-and how many times...
When 3 hours later I was so upset... and so I asked Him where his 'angels' were??? -
I could barely stand those worn out little puppy cries any longer- It was at that point about 10 minutes or so later, that this little pup finally fell to sleep.
Don't ever try to tell me that He doesn't listen.
I then went out to check on Milly and the rest of them- and there was no Milly...
In my concern for the somewhat squashed little one, I had forgotten to hook Milly back up-
She had fed her pups and disappeared...
I whistled and whistled- almost afraid to go out and to look on the road... And then hollered too- More whistling- and who should appear out from the pines in front but Amos- (In my work on the little pup, I hadn't even realized that the cat had gotten outside- nor had I even missed him in the meantime).
Shortly thereafter, Milly came out from behind the pumphouse- She reeks of fish, (and dead ones at that).
She went into the garage right away, and checked her puppies. I tied her up immediately and came back inside- The pup was still fast asleep-
Suddenly, from outside, Milly started howling and howling- I went and brought her in-
She ran right to the dryer- No pup, and I feel so badly for her too.
I told her the pup was sleeping - and she had to go sniff in the living room then-
I put her back out, and will let her back in when the pup wakes up- ...God willing.
And so, Dearest Uncle, you asked "What next?" and I have told you.
I had better get my dishes done, and get up to the hospital then.
You have a good day- and say a few prayers for Casey too.